Say what you have to say, not what you ought.
— Henry David Thoreau
BLISTER was born from a passion for playing in the mountains, and a frustration with the lack of honest information about the gear we use to do what we love.
Our mission is to offer the most honest, in-depth, and useful reviews of outdoor sports equipment. Outdoor gear is expensive, and if it doesn’t perform properly, you will waste a bunch of money buying the wrong stuff, or you may experience equipment failures at very inopportune times.
For too long, honest and accurate outdoor gear reviews have been too hard to come by, and people have had to simply roll the dice on their gear choices. We are changing that — see our BLISTER Manifesto.
We are also committed to elevating the level of conversation in outdoor media, and through our BLISTER Podcast Network, we dive deep into the most interesting stories and issues in the realm of snow sports, biking, climbing, and running.
Word about BLISTER continues to spread, thanks in large part to grassroots efforts by readers like you. So please tell your friends, see what we’re up to on Instagram or Facebook, and we’ll keep trying to do things the right way.