Andrew Gregovich

Age: 20 | Vitals: 5’11”, 165 lbs. | Years skiing: 17  |  Current Residence: Colorado Springs, CO


I was born and raised in Juneau, Alaska. I was first introduced to skiing at age 3, but I didn’t become a full-blown addict until I was 12. I grew up skiing in Juneau at Eaglecrest, a city-owned and operated ski area (a bit of a rarity today).

Andrew Gregovich
Andrew, Loveland Pass, CO.

Eaglecrest is small in acreage, with varied terrain and thick maritime snow. Steeps, tight trees, pillows, cliffs, and many short technical lines were my favorite playgrounds as a kid. The abundance of snow and features deterred me from ever joining the local race team, but my friends who race say that I ski like I have a racing background.

I would describe my skiing style as fast, fluid, and playful. I love the feeling of linking together a perfect run from top to bottom, no stopping. What used to be my everyday ski, the ON3P Caylor, reflects my skiing style well—sort of a cross between the playful K2 Hellbent and the powerful Volkl Gotama, a blend of full-throttle charging and new school jibbing. You are just as likely to find me boosting a cliff as you are to see me buttering or hand dragging that same cliff, and I am constantly on the lookout for tree jibs, natural hits and trannies.

Andrew Gregovich, Niseko, Blister Gear Review.
Andrew, Niseko, Japan.

Vast tracks of mountainous, public land around Juneau lured me into the backcountry 5 years ago, and I have spent more and more time in the backcountry every year since. I spend a good deal of time touring or hitching rides from friends who have snowmobiles. I have recently gotten into climbing and I hope to do a fair amount of ski mountaineering during the coming winter.

You won’t find me in the park when there is a hint of fresh snow to be found. However, I definitely enjoy riding park and I expect to spend more time there during my second season in Colorado.

One last thing to keep in mind about where I grew up skiing: Winter weather in Southeast Alaska is a little different than in other parts of North America. Some seasons, in an effort to avoid becoming a human prune, I have spent more time in my raingear than in more traditional outerwear. Having grown up skiing this heavy, often rain soaked “powder”—and often in pretty serious whiteout conditions—I have a different understanding than most of what counts as “light snow” and “good visibility.”

[Editor’s Note: It’s true, Andrew will happily ski in all conditions, and he doesn’t care whether or not he can see. We call him the Honey Badger, for reasons made obvious by YouTube.]

Skis I like:

10/11 ON3P Caylor; 11/12 Icelantic Da’Nollie; 10/11 Nordica Zero; 09/10 K2 Hellbent

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