Age: 25 | Vitals: 5’8”, 150 lbs | Ape index: +1 | Years climbing: 7 | Current residence: Golden, Colorado
I grew up in Washington state exploring all that the Pacific Northwest has to offer. I was introduced to climbing in 2011 just before moving to Bellingham, WA for college. Once in Bellingham, I joined our university climbing team which quickly solidified my passion for bouldering indoors and introduced me to climbing outdoors. I was a part of the university climbing team for 4 years total, and was lucky enough to coach the team for the last 2.

As my senior internship, I taught 5th grade in New Zealand for 3 months. I quickly got to know the local climbing community, and spent my 4th month traveling the North and South island, during which I got to spend a good chunk of time bouldering in Castle Hill. Being abroad and experiencing the community through climbing instilled a life-long travel bug within me. I look forward to traveling to other parts of the world and bouldering my way through all of them.
Since graduating college, I’ve shifted my focus to be completely on training for outdoor bouldering. I love a good gym session and competitions, but my heart is happiest when I’m climbing outside and living out of the back of my truck. Now that I moved to Colorado in October of 2017, I look forward to exploring the midwest and meeting more of the welcoming climbing community that always seems to make a new place feel like home. I’m currently an elementary school special education teacher in the Front Range and am so happy to live somewhere that has some of the best outdoor climbing access I’ve experienced to date.