Age: 24 | Vitals: 6’3”, 190 lbs | Years skiing: 12 | Current Residence: Nederland, CO

Growing up in Albuquerque, New Mexico, I never had the easiest access to the ski hill. While my parents took my siblings and me on an annual ski trip to Purgatory, it wasn’t until middle school that I took the initiative to ride on a more regular basis. My old man had me playing ice hockey at the age of 4, and because I thought it would be an easy transition, the first set of “skis” I decided to buy at the age of 13 were neon blue Snowlerblades. (This was before I had any connection at all to the ski community, and I didn’t know anything about freeskiing — in case that wasn’t obvious.)
A few seasons later, I made Taos Ski Valley my home mountain. After two or three seasons hiking Kachina and West Basin on those snowlerblades, somebody finally convinced me to buy some real skis.
That first pair of skis I changed everything. I started watching MSP and TGR videos before every trip, and began spending a little time in the terrain park and working on spins that season. However, I was still only averaging about 10 days a year, so after finishing high school a year early, I packed up my gear, got the hell out of the desert, and went to Whistler for the 2011/12 season.
I spent the 6 months I was in B.C. working as an instructor, and skiing every single day. I put in 111 days that season, spending the majority of my free time in the terrain parks, and fell in love with the process of learning and mastering tricks.
After that season I immediately moved up to Durango for college, then promptly began skipping all of my classes to ski. I continued working on one hill or another while beginning to get into filming on and off the slopes.
Taos remained my home mountain until the summer of 2017, when I moved up to Boulder county and got a place in Nederland, CO — 5 minutes from Eldora mountain. When I’m not skiing I’m working as a drone operator and cameraman which leaves me with plenty of free time to hit the slopes. And I’m always trying my hardest to progress in every aspect of skiing.