38 comments on “2012-2013 Black Diamond Megawatt, 188cm”

  1. Dear Black Diamond,
    Last year the Megawatt 188 helped save my life in an April 1st avalanche I was caught in during a video shoot of a professional snowboarder. The large fat ski kept me in some what of control and on top of the heavy slide debris. I always felt very lucky to come out with only a broken Tib/Fib. The Avalung I was wearing also aided in keeping my mouth and lungs free of snow debris. Thank you so much for the gear that got me through this event.

    • These are still my favorite powder skis for both big mountain and trees. I have skied them hard and a lot for many years and I keep returning to them and even use them when skinning. Never mind the graphics. Performance only.

  2. Jonathan,

    Great website. I’m appreciating these reviews more and more as I go through the reviews from other sources that seem to rely heavily on a collection of one liners and the word slarve. The attention to skier type and skier style on this site is great.

    Last November, after wallowing in the bottomless early snow in the backcountry on my five year old BD Verdicts, I decided I wanted some fatter skis. I spent the rest of the season reading the reviews and impressions of the skis that were out there or coming this season. I was looking for a larger ski for both powder performance and my size, 6’-1 and ~ 200 lbs. I wanted a ski that could carry speed through deep powder better than my Verdicts, but could also handle the variability often encountered in the Alaskan backcountry. Since I would be using it as a backcountry rig, it also had to be light enough, when mounted with Dynafits, to go on tours during the short daylight months of the middle Alaskan winter. In the spring when longer days allow for longer tours, I will switch to a lighter set up than the more deep snow specific ski I’m looking for now. I quickly zeroed in on Armada JJs or the new AK JJs with all the positive remarks out there about their powder performance as well as versatility. The AK JJ review is what originally drew me to this website. I was surprised to read the BD Megawatt review. One, because I hadn’t read about the new Megawatt anywhere else, and two, because it made me realize I may be misinterpreting the JJ reviews which praise the JJ for having good hard snow, or groomer, performance as meaning good in variable conditions, on top of excellent powder performance. Really, I could probably care less about pure groomer performance because this ski will probably never see a lift, let alone a groomer. What I’m really looking for is a ski that is awesome in powder, but with the versatility to inspire confidence in the conditions between groomer and powder. Specifically rain crusts, variable wind affected, heavy snow, and the occasional refrozen that can be typical in the backcountry here. From your review, the Megawatt sounds perfect, and the AK JJ is maybe better left to more ideal or at least consistent conditions. The DPS Wailer 112RP sounds interesting, but would it perform as well in challenging conditions, as you describe the Mega, in addition to it being a great powder ski? Other skis on my radar as potential candidates are Atomic Atlas, Atomic Bent Chetler, Moment Bibby, Nordica Patron / Unleash Hell, Salomon Rocker2, Ski Logik Bomb Squad, and Ski Logik Rock Star.

    Thanks for the reviews and any advice you might have.

    • Thanks, Scotten.

      For what you’re describing, my short list for you would be the 188 Megawatt and the MOMENT Bibby Pro, but I haven’t skied many of these skis yet – the Atlas, the 192 Bent Chetler (you’re definitely NOT getting the 183 Bent Chetler), the Rocker 2, or the Ski Logics. Bibby’s and Patrons are definitely not light, but light doesn’t really sound like it’s a terribly important factor for you. I can’t say that I’d recommend the Unleashed Hell – it’s lighter, but at a performance cost.

      I also don’t think the DPS 112RP is what you’re looking for. However, the DPS Lotus 120 PURE might be: lightweight, stable, a predecessor to the 188 Megawatt. But I’ve only skied the Lotus 120 Hybrid, so I can only suggest the 120 PURE, not outright recommend it. Finally, as I’ve said elsewhere, I really like the Nordica Patron, too, but it skied heavier and more damp (read: dead) to me than the Bibby. But I’m going to get on the Patron as soon as possible to reevaluate those impressions.

      Long and short: the Megawatt feels like a very safe bet, but the 190 Bibby or the 190 Lotus 120 Pure might be worth a look, too.

      • Jonathan,

        Thanks for the feedback. Is there a 190 DPS Lotus Hybrid review in the works? I think the Pure might be out of my budget and the weight penalty for the Hybrid I can live with. I think the Hybrid is still lighter than the other two options, the 188 Mega and 190 Bibby. Does the Lotus have the backbone of the other two? Can I bother you to contrast the three options, 190 Lotus Hybrid, 190 Bibby, and 188 Mega? Which one would be more capable in difficult backcountry conditions?

        Thanks again, appreciate the help.

  3. Howdy Jonathon,

    For reference, I’m 6’3″, ~210. I skied 185 Pollard’s Opus all season, but am looking for something stiffer. They bucked me all over the place going fast in crud, and I was always riding the rear to keep the tips up when things got deep. This was only my second season living on the slopes (grew up in Texas) and as much fun as it looks, I’ve resigned to the fact that I’m not a jibber.

    I am looking to ditch the Opus and the Megawatt and Bibby Pro are sitting comfortably at the top of my list. I’m more interested in crud performance than powder performance because I just picked up some 196 Donner Partys in the Moment sell off for the fresh days (190 Bibbys were all gone). I want something for the days that follow a nice Utah storm, and I don’t ever plan on going skinnier than 115 again. I ski Snowbasin, so it’s very open compared to Alta and Bird, but I still like to mix up in the trees under JP.

    Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Travis

    • Hey, Travis – I imagine you’d have a good time on either the Megawatt or the Bibby Pro, but since you already plan to use the Donner Party on deep days, I would give the nod to the Bibby for crud performance. (If you didn’t have the Donners and were looking for a ski to work exceptionally well in pow but also do well in crud, I’d take the Megawatt over the Bibby….) It sounds like the 191 Volkl Katana could also be a really fun option for Snowbasin – that ski is amazing, though it is slightly narrower underfoot than you say you want.

  4. I’ll definitely check out the Katana. The never again comment was a little too absolute in hindsight. I said it because I was sold some 179 Prophet 90’s before I knew anything about skis. I skied them for a season until someone watched my gopro footage and commented that it was painful to see me sinking through all the soft stuff. I rented some Hellbents the next powder day, and had that ski epiphany that changes your life.

    Enter the Opus, thought for sure that’d float me in anything, but even it struggled at times. I say I don’t want to go under 115, because I’ve seen how much better it is to be on top, and didn’t notice any negative impact of the added width (with the opus).

    No need to respond, but thought it warranted explanation. Thanks so much for input.


  5. Jonathan,

    Las Leñas is my “home mountain” so your reviews from skiing there couldn’t be any better. I currently ski on a pair or Rossignol Ravyn with an AT setting, I love them, but now looking into something bigger, was thinking about the Praxis Protest, but after reading your review on the Megawatt, I think this is might be what I’m looking for… what would you recommend? I’m 5’10, 190lbs. Have you guys skied Broken Shoulder? hope you had, awesome chute!!


    • Hi, Pepe – sorry for the late reply, and cool that VLL is your home mountain. Both the Protest and Megawatt would be great there, and I think the biggest thing for me would come down to the more traditional feel of the Megawatt vs. the feel of the Protest. But if you are only going to break out the Megawatt or Protest when there’s fresh snow, well, I’d say to read my reviews again and go with whichever sounds more suited to how you like to ski. But for dealing with funky hard pack and ice, I would probably choose the Megawatt (and it’s more traditional shape and feel) over the Protest. In 5 or more centimeters of snow – or anything really, really deep, I think you’ll love either. And I’d recommend 187cm in the Protest, 188cm in the Megawatt.

  6. Hey Jonathan!

    Just got to start with that I love reading your reviews. Worse is though that ill never go to bed :)

    Now to a question aswell. Im heading for a season in kicking horse this winter and now looking for a fun powder charger. Im 5´7 and 155, so quite small. For the last couple of years i have been riding my 09/10 obsethed 179s wich i also will bring to KH. Pretty soft mustache rockered skis that tend to feel a bit short by now. I have mostly been looking at the Bibby pros and these Megawatts. Both skis seems to be great but i cant realy decide. Though if i would choose the bibbys i believe the 184 would be a perfect lengt. But if i would go with the Megawatts, do you think 188s are too big? And wich ones do you think will fit best in my upcoming home mountin kickin´? Or any other sugestions you may have. Btw, im looking at mounting either pait with guardian/trackers.


    • Thanks, Gustav

      I agree that the 184 Bibby would be a good fit for you. I love the Megawatt, but I would worry that the 188cm Megawatt might feel like a lot of work – at least in tighter spaces. If you are a strong skier and tend to stick to more open areas, then I think the 188 Megawatt isn’t unreasonable. It’s just not a stupid easy ski. And sadly, I’ve yet to ski KH – I need to change that soon!

  7. Killer review – your site is so awesome!!!!

    Maybe you can help me pick some new sticks…

    I’m 5’8″ 155, very aggressive skier. 8.5 din, Rossi FKS 140s, Tecnica Inferno 130s size 25.5.

    I have a full on Surf style, I try to make the surfiest turns I possibly can while skiing fall line. Throwing big slashes and carving 360s, butters, is all I want to do, while going really fast. I don’t do any cliffs bigger than 10 feet, no giant kickers but I’m always jumping and jibbing off natural features. I own a company and can’t afford to get hurt anymore, haha!

    I’m currently on Line Opus 185s, and I love them. They’re my dedicated storm ski/tree ski for my home mountain (Mammoth CA). I’m looking to add a ski or maybe 2 more skis to my quiver for Heli, Cat and Touring.

    Ideally I will have a resort ski, a touring ski, and a heli/cat ski. I’m looking at the Atomic Automatic, Blizzard Bodacious, and this ski. Any suggestions?

    Also, would you use this as a touring ski?, and if yes, would you run Marker Barons or MFD Alltimes + FKS 140s?

  8. Forgot to mention – I’d like to be able to charge harder than I can on the Opus while still retaining the smooth, flowing surf feel.

    • Hey, RWB – so just to be clear: you’re looking for a ski that you can (1) tour on, (2) butter (3) throw 3s (4) surf (5) charge harder than your Opus.

      I don’t see you buttering the Bodacious. Automatic is definitely a possibility, though it’s less stiff than the Megawatt, but I’m sure it’s a bit stiffer than the Opus. For touring purposes, the Carbon Megawatt might be the ticket. The other ski that comes to mind is the Moment Night Train. It’s less directional than the Automatic or Megawatt, and definitely surfs and charges harder than an Opus. We ought to have another review up on that in the next few weeks, and if I were you, I’d want to see what Andrew Gregovich thinks of it.

      None of these options are going to add up to be a “light” touring setup, and I don’t have anything to add to what Joe Augusten has said in the comments section of his MFD review. Really depends what you’re looking for. But for what you’re describing, I’d be leaning Megawatt, Carbon Megawatt, or Night Train.

  9. Forgot to ask – where did you mount the Megawatts?

    I’d like to stay as close to center mounted as possible (to maintain the surfy style feel) if you have any recommendations.

  10. Thanks for the great reviews. I currently have the Blizzard Cochise and totally agree with your findings. I’m curious here, though, about carving on the Megawatts. You say they are excellent on groomers. Does that mean that they can rail a turn better than the 35m radius would lead one to believe? Do you have any experience on the Nordica Radict? I’m asking because that’s a ski with similar dimensions to the Megawatt but with a much tighter radius. I’m also curious about swing weight for the afternoons when the fresh is transformed into soft bump runs.

    • Hey, Steve – really sorry for the late reply. The Megawatt has excellent edge hold for a ski this fat. But no, I wasn’t trying to coax them into really tight, short arcs, but I was impressed at how well they tracked at speed when carving big turns. (If you’re style is to make a lot of turns, then you might be less into these.) I’m afraid we haven’t skied the Radict, so can’t speak to that.

      The swingweight of the Megawatt isn’t bad – probably a bit lower than that of the Kingswood SMB. BD is putting that pretty heavily tapered tip on many of their skis, so again for being a pretty big ski, they aren’t what I would call super quick, but I wouldn’t mind skiing these in soft bumps (though bumps will be more fun on a ski that isn’t 125mm underfoot, of course.)

  11. Thanks for all the great reviews! I’m wondering if you have skied this year’s megawatts yet. It seems like they changed the construction pretty substantially but I wanted to know if this has changed the performance and feel of the ski. Thanks!

  12. I’m thinking about getting a pair of these to act as my primary skis for all conditions. I mostly ski Tahoe – 80% resort/20% touring. Trying to decide between the Megawatts, Line Influence 115s (192cm), and Rossi Squad 7s.

    I like to ski fast, stick to mostly off-piste, and hit the trees often. I’ve got a pair of Moment Rubies right now that have served me well, but want to change things up. Any advice on what to choose? Anything else I should look at?

    • Hmmm, interesting question. I’m not sure I’d want to have the Megawatt as my everyday ski, especially if I was spending a lot of time in the trees. I have a little bit of time on the 192 Influence 115, though not enough to say I got a great feel for them, and I was unable to move the binding forward to +1 or +2, which I was tempted to do. I do really like last year’s Squad, and look forward to skiing the new one. I also don’t know your size, or what size Rubies you’re coming from, but one other ski that might be worth a look is this year’s Blizzard Gunsmoke.

  13. Looking at buying a pair of these largely based on the above review and other similarly positive reviews scattered around the internet. I am 6-2 180 and ski hard and fast. I am on a pair of Atomic Alibis which I absolutely love as an all-mountain ski but I find that they don’t give me enough float on deep days or enough of a landing pad for those big airs into soft spots (only 98 underfoot). So….I am looking for a big, solid ski with the condition that I ski a lot in bounds and love getting into tighter spots as well. Seems like these would be a good ski for me, thoughts on that?

    Also, what (if anything) is the difference between this ski and the 2013-14 version? Any chance you all will be skiing those sooner rather than later to let us all know if the upgrade is worth the cost?

    Thanks so much for the reviews on this site, they have completely changed the way that I think about buying skis. Simply unmatched by anything else out there!


    James Mackey

    • Thanks James – those words mean a whole lot. See my reply to John above about the new Megawatt. I’m sure we’ll get on the new Megawatt this season, but I can’t say that we’ll have a review out soon – could be more like mid-December-ish. The Megawatt does “big and solid” very well, without being a total bear of a ski. It doesn’t excel in tight spots (like the Atomic Automatic does), but if you’re a strong skier who keeps his speed up, you ought to be able to work these around. These aren’t quirky skis, nor are they super quick, nor are they total pigs. I think strong skiers who can drive them will like them the most, so I think you should get them and tell us what you think!

  14. As always, an inspiring review…

    My question relates to the Megawatt, two-ski quivers, and how fat is fat.

    I pose the question to Jonathan (but also anyone else who has an opinion clearly) 1) because he provided this review, 2) because he seems to like to ski the same things in the same way that I do, and 3) his review of the Cochise led me to buy it, and I am, as a result, blissfully happy.

    So I am very happy with the Cochise, but I am also pretty ignorant. I started skiing 36 years ago, and lived for a couple of season at Alta (on a pair of K2 Extremes, and watching the Blizzard of Ahs on VHS just to date myself). After many years in places where there is no snow, I now live near the Alps, and am replacing surfing with skiing. Fortunately, skiing is like riding the proverbial bike, and I ski better now than I did when I was 21. With no small bit of thanks to advances in equipment, it should be said.

    But as to the full extent to which that equipment changed, and my potential for bliss, I am unclear. Example: getting back into it, I bought some 94s, bit of tip rocker, cambered under foot, thinking they were ‘fat’. And they were for me, but holy hell, on 108s like the Cochise… different sport and I don’t think I have ever like skiing so much.

    So the question(s) is/are, and this with me being unable to try stacks of skis for cost/time/distance reasons, considering that I have the Cochise, what will a 125 like the Megawatt bring me, skiing in the Alps, where blower powder is rare, put you can get plenty of untracked/lightly chopped days after a storm? Not having limitless funds, and realistically only skiing 15-20 days a year, if we are talking a slightly improved experience, but losing something in more varied terrain, I should probably give the two-ski quiver a miss. But…, am I seriously missing something?

    • Not really, Brian. Fat is really fun in deep snow. The Megawatt and Kingswood SMB are two fat skis that also do quite well in variable / tracked conditions. But if you really aren’t going to get in deep, then I would be inclined to either just ski the Cochise, or pair it with a 115mm-118mm ski that is more soft-snow-oriented than the Cochise, but still handles tracked conditions well. For me, the 190cm Bibby Pro is still my favorite for this, and I’m also a big fan of the ON3P Wrenegade – it will overlap with your Cochise a bit more than the Bibby, but it is a FAR better pow ski than the Cochise. But I think the play isn’t so much to go a lot fatter, but to find a slightly wider ski that is more soft-snow oriented than the Cochise, but won’t suck in the conditions where the Cochise shines. (Also, I MIGHT have just described the new Blizzard Bodacious – I cannot wait to get on that ski this spring or summer.)

      • My inner consumer is disappointed, but my wallet thanks you!

        It is surprisingly hard to demo 105+ skis in the Alps, but I’m hoping to get to Alta for a few days next Dec so I’ll make a point of finding some of those you mention, and others in the genre.

        Thanks for the advice, and as always the excellent reviews and info!

  15. Just purchased a gently used set of Megawatts in 178cm and want to defend the graphics. Sure, they do resemble a screen-saver from a mid 90’s IBM desktop. That being said, the colors are great and the pattern is interesting. When you throw in the shape of the ski (they really are shaped like missiles) the whole thing comes together and you get something kinda . . . badass.

    The rocker profile and that AMRAAM nose . . . these things are gonna ski sick no doubt about it.

  16. Hi, +1 on the great reviews. I know this review was done a while back but looking at the Megawatts for Japan? Would they be nimble enough amongst the trees? Deep pow? In Niseko did you try these?

    • Thanks, CB. We didn’t have the Megawatt in Japan, but it isn’t a super loose, pivot machine like the DPS Lotus 138. It handles deep pow very well, but still prefers a bit more of a down-the-fall-line style than some other 125mm+ wide skis that have more tail rocker (e.g., Atomic Bentchetler). So in really tight trees in Niseko, they’ll be fine if you tend to keep a little bit of speed in the trees.

  17. First off, it’s amazing to me that you’re still replying to a posts from January 2013. That’s awesome!

    I bought a pair of these Megawatts (178) last year online for super cheep. I skied them a few days last year and loved them. They’re tanks.

    They’re currently mounted with a pair of Marker Dukes and my boots are Lang XT 130. The setup is fine for short laps but it’s to much weight for long tours.

    I’m plotting a week long hut trip in central BC this December and would like to mount them with Dynafit TLT Radical ST Bindings and hopefully find a pair of last years Scarpa Maestrale RS.

    Three questions:
    1) Can I power the skis with the Maestrale’s?
    2) Any Concern with Dynafits on these skis?
    3) Is the ski to heavy for a full week of touring? It’s really designed for charging…

    I’m less concerned about the bindings but the boots worry me. I’m used to big beefy DH boots and it’s a big ski. Plus, I’m short in stature (5ft 5in) and 145lbs soaking wet so a DIN of 10 is more then enough.

    My other option is a 178 DPS Wailer 112 Carbon which would be great for going but it’s not the Megawatt on the downhill.

    Thanks dude!

    • Ha, thanks DD. In order:

      1) I haven’t skied the Maestrale, but from those at Blister who have, and given your weight, I have no reservations about their ability to drive the Megawatt. It’s a good boot.

      2) I don’t have reservations about Dynafits on any ski, but reservations about the conditions you’d be skiing them in. Read our “Bindings 201” article if you haven’t already, and see our Beast 16 review, too. That will lay out the issues / pros & cons quite clearly. But again, with tech bindings, better to be a lighter skier than a heavy skier.

      3) Weight. This is totally subjective, but your 178cm Megawatts are going to probably weigh around 2300 grams. That’s not a light ski, but do you care? If you are fit and willing to drag more weight uphill, I would rather go downhill on a heavier ski than a really light ski 100% of the time – especially the more I’m looking to charge, and the more variable / awful the conditions are. For low-angle, nice pow? Sure, ski something lightweight.

      Sadly, I’m aware that this isn’t helpful info. But personally, for LONG tours, I would be looking for a ski that was coming in around 2000-2100 grams per ski…and I’m 35 lbs. heavier than you.

  18. I like skiing fast off-piste, and are allergic to nosedives, and based on your reviews the MW sounds like just the ticket. But since I sometimes need to carry both my own and my wife’s skis weight is an object, so the 2014/15 MW carbon looks very tempting. Do you have any idea how it compares to the ‘ordinary’ MW? And thanks for the great reviews, btw, they are something else, and very useful. Yours, Ørnulf (Norway)

  19. Thanks for your very useful article. I just bought a pair of the old model megawatts with the discount given the new model coming. I am 177cm high and 75 kilos in weight and bought the 178 size. I will do freeride close to the ski station with occasional touring to find better lines. I wonder which binding to install. I don’t have touring boots but might be a good moment to start a touring equipment but don’mind of course to use my alpine boots and save some money for better bindings.

    Thanks in advance for any help.


  20. HI there, late comment! Just picked up a set of these skis for xmas, and just waiting on the bindings. I ski Alta primarily, and will be using these mostly for great snow days, I have a set of Salomon shoguns for everyday conditions. Looking for some recommendations on where to mount the bindings.

    I’m 6’2″, 175 lbs, ski pretty aggressively and can ski pretty much anything, but wouldn’t consider myself a power skier and sometimes feel like I get thrown in the back seat when getting into the crud or over my level. There will be fair amount of groomers with the wife as well. 41 y/o too so no longer a spring chicken, not looking to do big jumps, mostly steep powder and some trees. I constantly work on getting my weight forward and driving the skis, looking for recco’s on mounting to help me ski better. Thanks!

  21. I know this is an old review but I thought it was worth a post just in case you’re still responding. Just wondering if there is a big difference between this model and the 2010/2011 model (With the blue topsheet). Thanks!

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