I haven’t been able to get the Watea 96s in more than about 7” of dense, mostly wind-deposited (but untouched) fresh powder and soft chop, but I’ve been very happy with how the ski has performed.
The tip rocker on the Wateas, again, isn’t as dramatic as the TST’s, but it seems to provide just as much float in fresh snow. In fact, I think what I’ve said about the way the TST feels in powder could be said of the Watea 96. Specifically, that in soft snow, the shovels of the ski “felt supportive, and never felt as if they were about to dive on me” and that the “skis track very well, demonstrating no real hookiness.”
On a day with more than say, 8-10” of fresh, I would definitely prefer to be on a wider ski, but for its width, the Watea 96 still does nicely in powder, especially in that it feels intuitive, even when lacking some flotation. The ski’s directional shape is predictable and smooth when skied from a forward stance, tracking well in fresh snow even when the tips are submerged. A more freestyle oriented all-mountain ski of a similar width, like the 97mm underfoot Nordica Soul Rider, is going to feel much surfier and looser through the tail in fresh snow (and in most every other condition). This isn’t necessarily better, but it’s a different sort of handling than you’re going to get from the Watea 96, which feels much more traditional.
Soft Chop
I wasn’t too surprised to find that the Watea 96 floats well for its width, but given its lighter swing weight, I expected them to get bucked around and deflected when skied aggressively in more tracked up snow, as the TST did. However, when making big, fast turns down Telluride’s Revelation bowl through ~4” of tracked-up chalk, the skis actually remained pretty well composed.
So long as I stayed relatively light on my feet, not driving the shovels too hard into big piles of snow, I could take the aggressive lines I wanted with a nice, dependable feel from the Watea’s tails. I can’t say they felt anything like a genuine freeride / big-mountain ski, as I was never comfortable depending on the ski to smoothly plow over bumps and ridges in the snow. But if I kept those undulations in mind when working the skis through such terrain, they felt totally adequate, even at higher edge angles, where the TST would probably have felt less substantial. In this sense the Watea 96 seems to have a bit of a higher speed limit than the TST, catering to the same style of skiing, but at a slightly more aggressive level.
Steeps in Firm, Variable Conditions
Making aggressive turns with a considerable amount of edge pressure down the lower portions of Castor and Pollux last month, the Watea 96s were again pretty well composed. They didn’t offer a super damp feel in firm, rough conditions by any means (as a heavier ski with a metal laminate core construction would), but I didn’t feel as though I was pushing them way out of their element. Again, so long as I didn’t weight the ski too heavily, and kept my turns relatively light and smooth, I could confidently take more aggressive, fall-line routes through rough, cruddy patches of snow.
Here again I felt the Watea 96’s speed limit is a bit higher than the TST, enabling slightly faster, more aggressive skiing, though not nearly the sort that a wider ski like the Watea 106 or the Moment Belafonte, or a ski of similar width with metal in the construction (like the Experience 98, Mantra, or Blizzard Bonafide) would allow.
Watea 96 vs. the Nordica Hell & Back & Others
I’ve compared the Watea 96 to the TST here because the TST is the most similar ski I’ve personally been on, but the 98mm underfoot Nordica Hell & Back might be the better, more relevant comparison. Unfortunately, I haven’t skied it, but from what Jonathan Ellsworth has said about the Hell & Back, I’m thinking it might stand just above the Watea 96 in terms of how demanding it is. The Hell & Back has a less dramatic tip rocker than the Watea, and a slightly stiffer flex through the shovel, which makes me think it would take a bit more speed to plane and track in powder, while at the same time providing more stability at higher speeds in variable, cruddy snow.
So in order from least to most demanding, I would tentatively rank the TST as most forgiving, with the Watea 96 above it, and the Hell & Back just above the Watea 96.
The Blizzard Kabookie probably also belongs in this ~95 to 104mm underfoot, directional, no-metal, all-mountain genre, but I’ve yet to ski it, either. My guess would be the Kabookie, with a bit of tail rocker, would offer a slightly easier, more forgiving feel than the Watea on groomers, would be a bit easier to maneuver in bumps, and might offer a slightly smearier feel in powder than either the TST, Watea, and certainly the Hell & Back.
I’m hoping Jonathan will be able to put some time on the Watea too, so he can add a more informed perspective on these comparisons.
What I can say pretty confidently is that if you think you prefer a ski with a burly, great for blasting through chopped, cruddy snow, rather than athletically maneuvering around it, you’re almost certainly better off considering something like the Rossignol Experience 98 or Volkl Mantra (skis with metal laminate core layups). However I don’t think either of those skis would come close to matching the light, snappy response and energy that the Watea brings to the table at both slow and high-speeds.
Secondly, it’s worth noting that Fischer does market the Watea series as more of a “sidecountry” touring line, which seems totally reasonable. It wouldn’t make for the lightest touring ski out there, but the Watea is certainly well-suited to tackle a wide variety of conditions, inbounds and out.
Bottom Line
If you’re an advanced to expert-level skier looking for a lightweight, very directional all-mountain ski that offers outstanding response and energy on groomers, is perfectly suitable for mogul skiing, and can handle fluid, fall-line skiing in soft chop and powder, the Watea 96 is absolutely worth considering.
A Note about the Watea 96 for the 2014-2015 Season: Introducing the Fischer Ranger 96 TI
For the ‘14/’15 season, Fischer is renaming the Watea series the Ranger Series, and the Watea 96 is coming back as the Ranger 96 TI. Apart from the name, the only changes made to the ski are to the structure of its core. Fischer is introducing an impressive dedicated touring line next season, in which all the skis’ cores are strategically milled to shed weight, allegedly without affecting flex qualities or torsional stiffness.

This same milling technique is being applied to the beechwood core of the Watea 96 / Ranger 96, purportedly shedding 25% of the weight of the current core. At the same time, Fischer is adding sheets of titanal metal to just the binding mount areas of the ski to ensure binding retention isn’t compromised by this new core construction.
I had the chance to ski the new Ranger 96 back to back with our Watea 96 a few weeks ago. Though I only put a couple runs on the new rendition of the ski, (on soft groomers and in low, soft bumps) I honestly could not tell the difference between it and the Watea. Maybe, if anything, the Ranger felt a touch more torsionally rigid though the tail, but I’m confident that this had more to do with the fact that I was used to skiing the Watea 96 with an AT binding, which could have affected the lateral response / feel of the ski, compared to the Tyrolia demo binding the Ranger was mounted with.
All in all, I think I would be comfortable recommending the Ranger 96 to someone on the same grounds as the Watea 96. In the limited time I put on the new Ranger 96, it felt practically identical to the Watea 96.
NEXT: Rocker Profile Pics of the Fischer Watea 96
Hey Will,
I suppose in this context you could go either way and say it’s a purposeful double-entendre, but’s it’s actually “piqued” not “peaked.”
Nice review. I’ve been wondering about Fischer’s latest stuff.
Hi Will,
I have read your review on the Völkl Bridge and was wondering how you would compare it to the Watea.
Hey Mads,
The Bridge falls in a different genre of all-mountain ski in my eyes, one more defined by skis that are suited for switch skiing and a more playful approach to the mountain in general. The Watea is going to feel significantly more locked down and more energetic (especially on groomers), thanks to its mostly traditional camber profile, where the Bridge is going to feel more forgiving and will be more willing to smear and skid turns. Both are good skis, but for two different sorts of skiers.
Will, Thanks for the great review. I am putting it on my “to think about” list. I currently ski the JJ in a 185 for the powder days and a Kastle MX98 (pre tail rocker) in a 174. The Kastle’s are a great ski, but I wonder at 6’1″ and 165 if I just can’t muscle them enough to make them work for me instead of the other way around. On the groomers when I have plenty of room to make wide turns and mach speed, they are great, but in Tahoe, who the heck can ski like that every day? I was hoping to sell the Kastle’s and pick up a more playful ski to use when I am not on the JJs. These sound promising. I love to find stuff off-piste to ski, to take jumps off small 5′ jumps and such. I don’t do a lot of switch when I’m not in the park (I have AR7s for that). I was getting interested in the Bibby pros by their reveiws, but they are probably too close to the JJs. I have heard good things about the Atomic Theory, the Line Sir Francis Bacon’s, Armada TST, and the moment belafonte to name a few otheres. I tried the Mantras about three years ago and they felt dead to me. I think it was the metal. It was before they changed the shape. Sorry for the novel. Good for you guys and the great reviews. I love skiing. It’s the best…
Hi Tomas,
Really sorry I missed you comment until now. I would say you’d be fine with the 186cm Watea – it seems like a nice match for the sort of skiing you’re describing. As for the tails, no – they are wide, squared off, and pretty much completely flat (apart from a slightly turned up, rubberized notch added for skin compatibility).
Hey Will,
Very interesting review, thank you. I’ve been following these skies for some time, and now I want to buy a pair. My question is what length do you recommend for me? I live in Chile, so I ski the Andes, especially in Portilllo, I also go to the US, Colorado, to ski some times, but mainly ski in Chile. I am 35 years old, love sports, height 183 cm, weight 80 Kg, have skied all my life (lets say 2 to 3 weeks every season), advanced to expert skier but obviously not a preofessional. I can ski any terrain very well (enjoy off piste in steep mountains, bumps, etc), but not interested in jumping off rocks, etc. I know there is not an exact answer to my question, but considering this info, what length of Watea 96 de you recommend? I suppose it would be either the 178 or the 186 cm, but help me with this decision, what do you say? thank you!! Tomás. And one other question: Do the wateas 96 have some rocker in the back or only in front?
Hey Will,
Currently looking for a second, well really third ski, to fit between a pair of 186 Bodacious, and skinny SL skis, What I want is a ski for resort skiing mainly on groomed terrain that will also allow me to go sidecountry when theres not much new snow or for those days when you get just a few inches of new snow. last few winters I’ve been happy skiing most of the season on the Bodacious, but I’ve been very lucky with the schedules as I’ve managed to be in the mountains, all the times that there’s been a decent storm. So I assume this winter I won’t be that lucky so I’m gearing to have a very capable piste ski.
Do you think I’ll be happy on the Ranger 96, as said it would be a 70% groomed – 30% side with not too much snow. Also regarding size, I’m 5’8″ and 165lbs, what size would you go for considering they won’t see deep stuff, for reference I’m comfortable with the 186 bodacious off-piste, but when railing groomers there are a bit of a handful, is hard to rest your legs the between laps when you have to straight point them to go back to the lift…
I have the Watea 96 and the 106. I live in Australia and ski often in Canada and Japan. Will’s description of the skis is accurate. The 106 is great for big deep powder days but the 96 will do them too, and everything else. Surprisingly nimble in the bumps and predictable on high speed groomers. I have recently put Marker Kingpins on them and have found they are fantastic for backcountry skinning. So I use the 96’s probably 80% of the time. They are undoubtedly the closest to a one ski quiver I have ever owned.
Peter H, Red Hill, Auatralia
I am curious about your thoughts on lenght. I am 5’9″ and about 183 lbs. I am by no means a true expert but I would say an expert recreational skier who sticks to frontside blacks and does them all well and frequently dabbles in trees shots , chutes and double blacks. trying to decide bewteen 178 and 186
The weight of these skis is with or without the bindings ?
Blister’s Measured Weight per Ski: 2072 & 2035 grams