Ski: 2014-2015 Rossignol Experience 100, 182cm
Stated Dimensions (mm): 140-100-130
Blister’s Measured Dimensions (mm): 138-98-128
Sidecut Radius: 18.0 meters
Actual Tip-to-Tail Length (straight tape pull): 180.8cm
Blister’s Measured Weight per Ski: 2036 grams & 2063 grams
Core: Poplar / Titanal
Available Sizes (cm): 166, 174, 182, 190
The Rossignol Experience 100 is a new ski from Rossignol, and we are extremely interested in it for a few reasons:
1) This is the redesign of the Rossignol Experience 98, a very good ski that made our Blister ‘Best Of’ list last year.
2) This ski looks great. At this year’s SIA tradeshow, there was no ski that I returned to more than the Experience 100 to oggle and handflex. I’m kind of in love with the shape of this ski: for my money, it has a perfect tip, perfect tail, and a very healthy amount of camber underfoot. It also has a pretty stout flex, which I’ll say more about later.
For what it’s worth, I actually prefer the shape (especially the tips) of the new Experience 100 to the Experience 98. The Experience 98 has a big ‘hammer head’ tip that didn’t exactly make the ski feel nimble in big, steep bumps, but it also contributed to the E98’s ability to rail turns. The new E100 has a smoother tip profile, and I think it will quicken the ski up a touch. We’ll see if it adversely affects the ski’s carving abilities.
3) Maybe you’ve heard? The new Volkl Mantra does not have traditional camber underfoot. And as I wrote in my preview of the Mantra, I wouldn’t be surprised if the new Mantra skis really well, but I can also imagine that some people will still be looking for a Mantra shape with traditional camber. And it looks to me like there are a couple of particularly strong options: the Rossignol Experience 100, and the Kastle BMX 98, which Kastle is bringing back next season.
As for the Experience 100, a couple of notes:
The Experience 100 is listed as 140-100-130mm, and actually measures at 138-98-128mm. The current Mantra is 132-98-118. The respective (stated) sidecuts of the 182 E100 and the 184 Volkl Mantra are 18.0 meters and 25.8 meters. Just off those specs, it is clear that the new E100 isn’t merely the Mantra, nor is it trying to be. I will wager that the pow performance of the E100 will be better than the Mantra, and the tighter sidecut radius might be preferable to some skiers on groomers. So my biggest question about the E100 is how well it will fare in off-piste “bad conditions,” crud and chop…
I’ll have to confirm this, but the Rossignol Experience 100 felt pretty light in the hand. Not stupid light, but maybe a touch lighter than the current 184 Volkl Mantra. [Update: Turns out, they are almost identical in weight. Our 182cm E100’s weigh 2036g and 2063g per ski; the current 184cm Mantra weighs 2058g and 2071g.] I’m hoping I don’t end up thinking that they went too light. [They didn’t.] I don’t expect that I will, but beyond that single question, I just think the Experience 100 might just be great.
Rossignol’s new “Experience” Line
I really like Rossi’s clean graphics on this ski and the whole line. I also really like the tip and tail shapes across the whole line.
The Experience 88 has been beefed up a touch, which I think is a good move. I felt that there was too big of a performance difference between the current Experience 98 and E88, so I’m glad to hear that the disparity has been reduced a bit. (But for those who love the current Experience 88, you might be glad to know that the new E88 still does not have the titanal of the E98 or new E100.)
From there, Rossi is also offering an Experience 84, 80, 77, and 75.
Women’s Lineup (Strong Female Skiers, Rejoice.)
Chicks that rip ought to be psyched to hear that Rossi is offering the Experience 100 (and the whole “Experience” line) on the women’s side, calling it the Temptation 100. It’s the exact same ski, different graphic, and it will come in lengths of 166, 174, 182.
Our testing of the new Experience 100 begins next week at Taos Ski Valley.
Next: Rocker Profile Pics
Thanks for the info. I was going to go and buy the Bonafide’s, but after seeing this and the NRGY 100, I’m holding off for now.
I think you mean kastle mx98? (Not bmx98?)
I’d love to hear your thoughts on that powerhouse.
Hi, Adam – I do actually mean the BMX 98, not the MX 98. I’ll post pics of the BMX 98 soon, but it’s shape is closer to the E100 and current Mantra than the MX. I agree, though, that with that very flat tail, and very subtle tip rocker, the MX does look like a “powerhouse.”
Do you have plans to review the mx98?
I am very interested in this type of ski, as I consider a return to alpine. Any idea what this ski will retail for?
I just won a pair of these this morning at a Jeep contest at Jackson Hole!!
Jonathon, You mentioned here you would post pics of the BMX 98. Did you ever do that? Have you ever skid the BMX 98. I’m considering it for an everyday resort and around the resort ski. I weigh 135 lbs. and ski in AT boots so am thinking no metal might be good. Don’t ski groomers much and only ski bumps when I have to. Ski mostly at Loveland but go to Taos, Silverton, CB and Telluride most years. Considering the FX 94 but not to sure about the metal. Any thoughts?
any comments on the performance of the Rossi Experience 100 vs,Line Supernatural 100?