Bottom Line on the 2014-2015 Volkl Mantra, 177cm
As someone who loves the 13/14 184cm Mantra, I have been very impressed with the new 177 Mantra. Volkl has managed to make a more accessible ski that doesn’t require as much power or speed to come to life, yet this ski can still be pushed very hard and fast. It is still a substantial ski—it is not “dead-easy” if that’s what you are looking for—but the lower end of the Mantra has been improved, and it now works better in mellower terrain and at mellower speeds than the 13/14 Mantra.
The Surprise: 2014-2015 Volkl Mantra, 184cm
After my third day on the new 177 Mantras, and a day before I got out on the new 184s, I wrote this note:
“Can’t believe how hard I was able to push the 177s. I have no doubt that I will prefer the 184s, and I really want to get on the 191s.”
Except that after nine days and a whole lot of tinkering, I don’t prefer the new 184 Mantra to the 177 Mantra.
The 14/15 177 Mantra feels substantial yet nimble, easy, and accessible. The 14/15 184 has felt heavy and a bit cumbersome, and I haven’t been able to get it to handle nearly as well as either the 14/15 177cm Mantra or the 13/14 184cm Mantra.
I found the 177s to be nimble and surprisingly substantial. I would not call the new 184s “nimble” or particularly quick; and again, at least in firm, fast, bumped up conditions and in spring slush, the 13/14 Mantra feels quicker, more nimble, and more precise.
Some Numbers
• 2013-2014 184cm Mantra: Actual Length = 183.0cm Weight = 2058 & 2071 grams
• 2014-2015 177cm Mantra: Actual Length = 177.8cm Weight = 2078 & 2092 grams
• 2014-2015 184cm Mantra: Actual Length = 182.8cm Weight = 2145 & 2165 grams
There’s not a lot that jumps out here, but there are a couple things worth noting:
(1) While the new 177s run a touch longer than stated, the new 184 runs shorter. We normally see a consistency of a little short or a little long on size runs.
(2) the 14/15 177 Mantra is actually slightly heavier than the 13/14 184cm Mantra, while the new 184 Mantra is ~100 grams per ski heavier than the 13/14 184. I wouldn’t normally care about 100 grams, except that the new 184s feel on snow less nimble / more cumbersome than the 13/14 184s.
While I immediately clicked with the new 177 Mantra, I still haven’t clicked with the 184. In trying to figure out what was going on, I put true bars on both the 177 and 184, and both skis looked good, but the 184s were just a touch edge high. It was so slight, though, that I normally wouldn’t have thought twice about it. But since the skis weren’t behaving like I wanted them to, I took the skis to the Taos BootDoctors and got the skis a stone grind and a 1/1 tune. (The skis, by the way, were brand new, never skied, when we received them.) The stone grind came out beautifully, but I didn’t notice any improvement in performance.
Where Did the 14/15 184cm Mantra Work Best?
Pow. Fresh boot-to-knee-deep pow off of Kachina Peak and West Basin, when conditions were basically perfect, not difficult. And to reiterate, I do think that I could pretty happily ski the new 184s in a few feet of pow, where I would have little interest in doing so on the 13/14 Mantra.

The 14/15 184s also performed well on groomers, but at my weight, at least, I did not find them to be as exciting as the 177s. These skis “ski” heavy; the 177s do not. Nor (to me, at least) does the 13/14 Mantra.
3.10.14 – Tricky Conditions: 13/14 184cm Mantra vs. 14/15 184cm Mantra
I skied the 14/15 184s on the first half of the day, and the 13/14 184s on the 2nd half. While the day was warm, there were winds coming up from below that kept conditions very fast and firm on Reforma, Pollux, and Castor. Conditions were a bit softer up on West Basin’s Stauffenberg, Stauf Trib, Zdarsky, and Turbinator.
In the firm, fast, bumped-up conditions (Reforma, Pollux, Castor, Winston), I struggled on the 14/15 184s. They felt off in a big way, sluggish and unresponsive. I tried moving the mount point to +1, but while it did quicken the ski up a bit, it also left me with too much tail, and the ski didn’t feel balanced. I haven’t yet tried going behind the line, but I don’t expect this to make the ski feel quicker / more balanced. (And again, I like the “0” line for both the 13/14 184 and the 14/15 177.) I felt like I couldn’t ski at all, and I couldn’t even get myself to head down my favorite run, Reforma.
But maybe I was just off. So I went and got the 13/14 Mantras…
Back on the 13/14 184s, they immediately felt lighter, more nimble, more maneuverable. I was instantly back to having fun in difficult, unforgiving conditions, and suddenly I could ski again. I went and hit Reforma. Fun. I finished off the day with runs down Rhoda’s and the big bumps on Edelweiss, skiing fast and with confidence. The difference was night and day.
Sizing Recommendations
The 14/15 177cm Mantra feels more akin to the 13/14 184 Mantra than does the 14/15 184 Mantra. The weights are more comparable between the 14/15 177 Mantra and the 13/14 184 Mantra.
This is the first time I think I’ve ever advised this way, but unless you are skiing flat out in wide open spaces, I’d predict that skiers in the 185 to 200 lb. range might prefer the 177 Mantra to the 184. Again, the new 177 weighs more than the 13/14 184.
I would not be quick to size up on these. I can only speak to the 177 vs. 184, but the 184s have not felt like they provided a significant bump in stability so much as they came with a big reduction in nimbleness.
Bottom Line (For Now) / Who’s It For?
While we initially had no plans of reviewing it, I have found the new 177 Mantra to be an excellent ski, and one I can easily recommend. I’ve found the new 184 Mantra, so far, to be a confusing ski.
I’ve been holding off for a while now on drawing this generalization, but I don’t think my claim about the 13/14 Mantra— that it gets better the worse conditions get—still holds true for the 14/15 Mantra. The 177 is a very good ski, but it’s a different ski, with different strengths and weaknesses.
Having said that, I believe that many skiers will prefer the 14/15 177 Mantra over the 13/14 Mantra on groomers and in moguls, and virtually everyone will prefer the new 177 or 184 as the snow starts to get deep.
Update: 2014-2015 Volkl Mantra, 184cm
I’ve put some more time this spring on the new 184cm Mantra, and wanted to update. This was in full-on spring conditions—from pretty soft and nice, to slushy and (by the afternoon) sticky and grabby. Also, I wasn’t skiing in very demanding terrain, but rather wide-open groomers, pretty uniform bump lines (e.g., Copper Mountain’s Mine Dump) and terrain that was a bit like a lower-angle version of Taos’ Reforma (e.g., Copper’s Hallelujah).
On those wide-open groomers, the 184 Mantras did just fine. They weren’t as quick and snappy as the 177s, but in soft snow, they exhibited good edge hold at high speeds. But as those groomers got roughed up late in the day, the 13/14 Mantra provides a much smoother, more stable ride at very high speeds. And the more that top-end-capability matters to you, the less certain I am that you will love the new Mantra. (And the less you care about flat-out-performance-at-speed, the more confident I am that you will prefer the new Mantra to the old one—and my sizing recommendations above still stand.)
On lower angle, uniform bump lines, I really enjoyed skiing the 184 Mantras. I can’t say that I clearly preferred the 184s to the 177s—those 177s are still a very nice blend of stability and quickness—but I could happily ski the 184s all day long.
As I said, Copper’s Hallelujah reminds me a little bit of Taos’ Reforma, and in nice spring conditions, the 184s worked great. They were quick enough to negotiate the bumps at speed, but also stable enough to hammer through those bumps at speed.
In short, the main point of this update is to say that in less demanding conditions (softer snow, lower-angled terrain, a bit more uniform bump lines) I liked the 184 Mantra quite a bit, and I imagine many others will, too. But honestly, I didn’t notice a big bump up in stability over the 177s. So, if I had to right now choose either the 177 or the 184? I think the answer really depends on (#1) where you ski, and (#2) if you’re going to use this ski on deep pow days.
If the answer to #2 is “Yes,” then I’d be inclined to go with the longer ski / more surface area. And if the answer to #2 is Yes, and you happen to ski at a lower-angle mountain with uniform bump lines, then I’d be less inclined to go short.
But in big, firm bumps at speed, and on consistent groomers, those 177s were a whole lot of fun. So if I wasn’t going to be skiing the Mantra on days with more than 6 inches of fresh snow, I’d be tempted to stick with the 177s.
NEXT: Rocker Profile Pics
You should try the Kastle fx94. I feel the same way about this ski. I had a knowledgeable guy tell me this ski was no good. Then I found out he was on the 186. I only know a few skiers who could properly drive the 186. And I find the 176 the PERFECT length. I prefer the fx94 to all the other skis in this category.
Hi Jonathan,
first of all thank you for great reviews on this site. I have Rossignol Squad 7 as my powder ski and I want to buy some ski for tricky, variable conditions. I am considering Line Supernatural 108 and after read this review I am considering new Mantra 177 too, Can you compare the ski performance of these two skis in variable to firm conditions? I am small but heavy guy with strong legs. I absolutely love my Squad 12/14, but from first time I thought it´s too much ski for me. Know I am really satisfied but need some ski to ride between the storm days.
Thanks for any response.
Hey, Martin – it’s a good question. The LINE 108 is a heavier, fatter ski than the 177 Mantra, so if you’re keeping your Squad 7, it would be easy to argue that it would make more sense to pair it up with the 177 Mantra. But I can’t say for sure how much better / different the Mantra and the Line 108 would perform in variable / tricky. For now, you may just have to read the reviews and see what conclusions you can draw. I ought to be getting back on the final production version of the LINE 108 in the next week or two, so will be able to say more then.
Interesting review as usual. Sounds like for a big guy like me 185cm, 94kg in New Zealand last years 184 would be ideal. I’d love to put a pair of Beast 16s (or 14 if they have the same elasticity gains) on these, it would be a heavy set up, but I think it would tour better than a lighter setup with fame bindings, too bad I’d have to sell a kidney to afford it.
Nice review. I know the 177 would be the length I would choose hands down but you are my size and always wondering if the 184 cm would be better. You answered that question for sure. I’m hoping to jump on the new 177 at a Demo Sunday. Any quick thoughts on Bone vs new Mantra other than you mogul comments? I’m assuming the Mantra will just be that much stronger on the groomer? Does it have a more balanced weight to it in comparison to Bonafide?
Hey, Troy – I ended up spending so much time trying to figure out the 184s that I didn’t directly A/B the 177 Mantra and the 180 Bonafide. I definitely prefer the 177 Mantra to the Bonafide on groomers, and the Bonafide may be a touch easier / less demanding overall. But really, I’ll have to jump back on the Bonafide to get more specific.
Enjoying your reviews, excellent work! I’d be curious on your comments of when/where you’d use the V-Werks Katana vs the 14-15 Mantra. I just demo’ed some Q90 Salomon 177 last weekend and felt them to be a bit heavy or sluggish but super all around. I’m a 5’10 160 lb advanced intermediate skier. I love to push speed in all chop pow, groomers, ice, etc. but I really also like a quick turning ski that I don’t have to muscle so hard in the bumps. I feel like the V-Werks that you reviewed seemed to be the type of ski I’d like. I am 49, skied for years, but only get to the mountains a couple times a year so I want that all mountain ski I can hang on to for a few years. Thanks for any response in advance.
The most important thing to say is that the V-Werks Katana functions well as a full-fledged pow ski- you get an additional centimeter of width in the 184 length for less weight than a 177 Mantra. But while it’s easy to distinguish between the 13/14 Mantra and the V-Werks Katana, the new Mantra and the V-Werks are built on a much more similar rocker profile. If you’re only getting to the mountains a couple times a year, I guess I’d be inclined to go with the Mantra, since I personally wouldn’t want to be using the V-Werks in low snow, super rocky conditions. The construction of the V-Werks makes it more of a precision tool. But if you’re only skiing when conditions are pretty good to really great, sure go V-Werks.
So strange that the 184 sucks so bad. Its going to give the Mantra a bad name. I’ve spoken to multiple people who skied them and hated them because they were probably on the 184. Either way, I think they should have kept the old Mantra or a subtle change to it as there is a need for that type of ski on the market and if volkl won’t make it, who will. Nordica has gotten rid of their mantra without metal(the hell and back) Will there be any cambered skis left in a couple of seasons? I hope so, because I have yet to find any full rocker skis I prefer on the firmer days, especially on groomers.
Sounds like you liked the ski a lot. They should have gotten the 184 right and called the entire thing something new. JMHO
Yeah….Rocker! I can’t wait till they make rocker tooth brushes! Stupid. I’m glad I stocked up on the old ones. This industry is turning into a lawn chair. Maybe we should just play video games and pretend we are sking.
thank you for the review. based off of your analysis I am getting the 177s this week. tracked a pair down here in MA. should be a very fun final month of the season.
Cool, let us know what you think.
Hi Jonathan,
Love your reviews on the site.
How would you compare the Nordica Enforcer to the Mantra, old and new, and maybe the Bonafide?
I love my Enforcers, and am looking for something to replace them with that is about the same ride.
Thanks for any help. 5foot10 and 170, hard charger both East and West skiing and love the edge hold at speed on the Enforcer.
forgot to add, on a 2010 Enforcer with the mild early rise and stiff tail.
thanks again,
rich, you owe it to yourself to try the kastle fx 94… like the enforcer , only more powerful, more refined, more polished,
Thanks, Matt,
Just tried the mantra in 177 (2014 model) and Bonafide 180 on fairly crappy conditions in VT, with overnight frozen drizzle on top of groomed corduroy with heavy fog in a white out on much of the hill…grizzly conditions. The Mantra held on just fine, and was able to arc through the nasties, despite a poor tune with lots of bangs on the edges. I could load it up and not be surprised. Also it was a very fast ski.
The bonafide was softer, with more unpredictability on the edge hold, despite a better tune with relatively sharp and polished edges. The Mantra skied longer, and the bonafide shorter. On a pure carved turn, the Mantra clung to the turn until pressure was released, the sprang underneath me for the next turn, just as the Enforcer does. The Bonafide did not. I did actually enjoy the Bonafide, feeling it was a fun ski, but not so much a serious ski, like the Enforcer and Mantra. When locked on the edge, I wasn’t exactly sure what it was going to do next, while the other skis gave a sense of confidence despite the lousy conditions.
Again, thanks for your very helpful reviews.
Thanks, Rich. And thanks for your report. With regard to your earlier question, I never skied the Enforcer, though it sounds like I would have been a fan.
The hell and back is the “Enforcer” but without metal.,
Correct, Paul. But knowing that isn’t enough info to allow me to make accurate inferences about how similar or different the Enforcer actually performs and feels on snow compared to the Hell & Back. For example, at my weight, I did not find the 180cm Blizzard Kabookie (a “Bonafide without metal”) to perform anything like the 180cm Bonafide. Not close.
I tried the 184 today at the Crystal Mountain demo day in Washington and had a blast. Granted, I’m an intermediate skier but the 184 felt very nimble under foot and was hands-down the most playful ski I’ve ever used.
Do you think that perhaps the difference in our experiences might be my size? I’m 6’6″ and a little over 200lbs when weighed down with gear.
Could very well be, Ben. Might also have been a difference in the terrain? Skiing steep, moguled-up tree runs at high speeds in firm conditions, the new 184 felt sluggish to me compared to the 13/14 184. Same experience on Taos’s Reforma. Remove the bumps and the trees and the speed from the equation, and the sluggishness is less of an issue. (The 184s felt totally fine on big, fast lines down Kachina.) But again, I don’t know – you may have been skiing some similar terrain. And were you skiing pow? Because as I said, my issues with the 184s were pronounced in firm, fast conditions, not good, soft snow.
(Also, just out of curiosity: the most playful ski you’ve ever used – what else have you used?)
The terrain is a definite possibility as well. I didn’t go into anything particularly narrow, nothing less than 10′ wide or so. The Mantra performed amazingly on everything I did take it on, from 3-4′ deep untouched powder to icy choppy crap heading down to the base camp. They were light, responsive, smooth, and steady and I always felt like I was in control even when I started going faster than I’ve ever gone before.
Like I said earlier, I’m an intermediate skier and I went to the demo day looking for a good all-mountain ski that would grow with me as I become more skilled. Alongside the Volkl Mantra 100 (186), I tried the RMU Climax (185), the Nordica NRGy 100 (185), the Nordica Soul Rider 97 (185), the Line Prophet 98 (186), the Line Sick Day 95 (186), and the Line Supernatural 100 (186). I actually went and picked up the Mantra the day before yesterday to take out for some spring skiing before it warms up.
I agree completely about the comparison of metal to no metal. I really did not like the Hell and Back and don’t think it skis at all like the enforcer, which I love, and which skis like this year’s Mantra. Unfortunately, I am now thinking I should get a Helldorado, as opposed (or, in addition :0 ) to the Patron I already have. I just really like the extra stiffness and spring from the metal, and the weight, dampness, etc. that locks in the edge. Gimme my metal!!!
You’re right, just wanted to point it out. I wish I would have been able to ski the enforcer. I am curious how the though about the NRGY 100.
Dis-regard the typo on the last sentence, that’s curious about the NRGY 100.
Have u had a chance to ski it yet???
Really wanted to like the NRGY 100 as the replacement for the enforcer, but I found it more of a fun ski than a locked on trench digger. Similar to the Bonafide, to me. Easy to turn, softer than the Enforcer and the Mantra.
We haven’t skied it yet, Paul, but I was pretty surprised when flexing it – it hand flexes quite soft, quite a bit softer than the Hell & Back. Given that, Richard’s findings about the NRGy are not at all surprising to me.
Great reviews. You do an amazing job – thank you! I’m looking to replace my old all-mountain ski and am torn between the new Mantra, E98 and even throwing in Volkl’s RTM 84. I’m 6′-0, 195 and 50 years old. Used to race and still ski pretty aggressively. I prefer steep diamond runs and groomers but also like fresh or chewed up pow – we ski mostly out of Seattle and Whistler. My style ranges from GS to quick turns through bumps and steep. It’s the later element I’m somewhat targeting my question on. One topic I’m reading is the E98’s and the 13/14 Mantra’s are decent at GS but really need to get moving before they come alive. This while the newer Mantra seems be ready to turn earlier. When skiing steep, narrow chutes, I would normally make a series of turns through it rather than straight lining. So knowing this, I’m concerned the E98 and 13/14 mantra wouldn’t bend enough to allow a solid, full turn early enough. Which brings me to the RTM 84. While this is narrower underfoot, I read great things about it. Could you offer me your thoughts on the ski’s I’ve mentioned or perhaps steer me a different direction? Thanks again –
I little more – I’ve been skiing a 184 Dynastar Contact 4×4 Tip/Waist/Tail-cm: 122/74/106. It was a nice mountain ski about when volkl came out with e AC40’s. I’m pretty good in the powder regardless the narrower shape – old school downweighting/upweighting style which I like enjoy due to the floating sensation. I tried some “powder” boards on a cat ski trip in Co. last year that were slightly narrower than my old slalom water ski and really didn’t like it. Sure I could ski the snow but not the powder if that makes sense. I didn’t get the sensation of falling into the snow so switched back to my contacts and instantly, my grin turned to shouts of yaaa hooo! Call me old school, but fatter comes with a compromise.
Hi, Kurt – we haven’t skied the RTM 84, so I can’t comment there. And honestly, I don’t have much to add for an answer to your questions aside from my reviews of these skis. The E98 & E100, 13/14 Mantra, and 14/15 Mantra aren’t particularly ‘turny’ skis. You want / need to ski them strong. Having said that, if you’re really in tight spaces, you can jump turn them all, you can slide / slarve them if need be (detune the tails of the E98 & E100). In big, firm bumps, the fat tails of the E98 / E100 are the least easy to pivot around. But those tails are also a big reason why it’s the best of these skis on good groomers. And the 14/15 will be the best of the bunch the softer & deeper the conditions get. And finally, it sounds to me like the 185cm Nordica Hell & Back could be a ski you might want to check out – if you can find a pair.
I have a pair of the 12/13 Mantras, which I believe are the same as the 13/14 ones. I often find myself having a backseat position with these particular skis, feeling the need to push my leg towards the back of the boot. Now, I am a skier that likes going fast with a neutral to forward stance, so I reckon I must have the bindings repositioned. The skis are 177cm, my boot size 297mm and the bindings (Griffons) are mounted on the Völkl reference point. But do I move them towards the front or the back of the ski? Thanks for any help!
Hmmm, if you don’t think it’s a technique issue (where you just need to get and keep your weight on the balls of your feet), then you could try backing up 1 or 2 cms and giving yourself more shovel to work with / more shovel to drive. (Of course, I also don’t know your height / weight, which would factor into this.)
I replaced a pair of ’09 Mantra 177’s and scored a new pair of the 14/15 Mantra’s 177cm just prior to a long weekend trip to Utah in March. I skied everything from fast groomers at PCMR, a foot of fresh POW at The Canyons, to the steeps at Snowbird and I absolutely LOVE this ski!!! It was an awesome upgrade as this ski rocked through everything that came its way. The only unknown is if it can compare to the ’09’s (which handle like a GS ski) on the hardback in the Midwest. Already looking forward to next year.
Excellent review on the 14-15 Mantra Dave, gutsy change on Volkl’s part. I live in Mammoth and ride the 13-14’s (184) as my daily drivers (which are perfect for Mammoth). Will try out the new sticks come next season.
Thanks again
Thanks, Denny. I’m looking forward to hearing what everybody else thinks of this ski.
Hi Jonathan,
I had some questions/comments regarding this ski on, so I’m going to cross-post for similicity…
I’m an east coast skier (Sugarloafer) and the proud owner of the 12-13 Mantra (bindings at -2cm from volkl center) in 177 and the 12-13 Katana (non V-Werks) in 184.
I consider my self a very aggressive skier (e.g. steep edge angles, dynamic, etc.). With the 12/13 Mantra, I felt it was soft at turn initiation and then the camber would kick in creating an entirely different (stiffer) feel for the rest of the turn shape. Because of my aggressive style, I felt the mantra “stall out” because of the tip rise and then because of the inconsistent flex, you could get popped over the handle bars pretty easily if you weren’t paying attention. I’ve found I’ve had to change my body position to be more upright/centered and less over the tip of the ski. With these small adjustments, I’ve come to love the 12/13 mantra. But what intrigues me, is the full low profile rocker of the new 2015 Mantra (similar to the 12/13 katana) that will provide a more consistent flex.
I enjoyed the Katana’s low profile rocker (and predictable flex) so much that for a few months in 2013 this was my daily driver at the Loaf mainly because the power delivery was so smooth and it was a beast on hardpack if i was aggressive enough. Of course, anything less than 100% commitment on hardpack and you lose edge grip. Understandably since its not a cambered GS ski! However, in 2014, I used the mantra as my daily driver because the katana is just not ideal for skiing 80% hardpack/variable but I always told myself that if they only made the 12-13 Katana in a narrower version I would jump all over it.
tl;dr…Can you confirm/corroborate that the 14-15 Mantra is a narrower version of the 12-13 Katana (non v-werks) and could potentially be my dream ski!!?? or am I just being wishful??
Hey, Shan – on paper, it seems you’re right – the new Mantra is a narrower Katana. But I find myself a bit reluctant to say so, since I never skied the 184 metal Katana, only the 191 – which is just a big, awesome gun.
Then again, I did get along really well with the 184 V-Werks Katana. And I did have a GREAT time carving on the 177cm new Mantra, though I was not skiing them on blue ice.
But given everything you say, I think the 177s would be worth a shot. For bulletproof ice there will be better options than a 100mm-underfoot, fully rockered ski, but you know that, and I’ll wager you’ll like how the 177s carve and feel on less tough conditions.
Hey Sparky~
I have the same issue. I love 09 Katana – I’m an expert skier in northern VT. For me it’s either trees, trees, trees or hardpack firm and ice. The question is will the 2014-15 Katana perform on icy conditions or will it loose its edge. What does it do in a carving situation. It sounds like it would definitely be superior in tight trees. Anyone? Jonathan?
Hey Jonathan,
I’m searching for a new “freetouring” alpine ski. I would put some Dynafit Radical FT12 bindings on them as I’m thinking to get some pretty heavy skis to prioritize the descent : either the new Mantra in 177, the Bonafide or the Kabookie in 180.
I’m 5’11 and around 180 lbs. Would those size be what you would advise?
How would you compare the new Mantra (177) and the Kabookie (180) for someone my weight?
The Kabookie is really lighter but would I loose a lot of performance?
Thank you!
Hey, Coco – you and I are the same height & weight, and while I was surprised by how much I liked the shorter 177 Mantra and the 180 Bonafide, I personally couldn’t stand the 180 Kabookie – it did not, to me anyway, perform at all like a ‘slightly lighter’ Bonafide. That was just my experience, of course; yours might vary. But I found it to be a major performance drop off from the other two skis.
Thanks for all the food for thought. I am coming off a pair of Pocket Rockets (175) and going to ’15 Mantras. I am aggressive, expert and old. 5’10”, 153 lbs. Used to Ski Patrol at Mammoth; will be skiing steep chutes, some crud, and pow at Silverton this season. Not interested in breaking bones, but not ready to hang it up! Would the 170 Mantra be ‘short?’ I know this is a bit of a subjective question, but IYO. Tnx — JohnLee
Hmmm, tough question. But for an agressive expert, I think I’d be inclined to tell you to go 177 for chutes, crud, and pow. Big bumps at high speeds in difficult snow is where I liked the 184s least. But for Silverton’s open spaces (with the occasional chutes), I’d be inclined to err on the side of going too long rather than too short & twitchy. But honestly, I can’t say that the 177s are clearly the answer for you.
Jonathan –
Thank you for your opinion. I am thinking that in powder conditions I will notice enhanced float and turn initiation with the 14-15 Mantra 177s. For all other conditions, the old Pocket Rocket/Space Frames (Solomon Extra Hots) would do just fine. I think I will err on the side of going a CM or 2 overhead (177). Thanks again!
Great review. I have been demoing the hell out of skis for the past 2 seasons trying to decide what to get and finally decided on the Mantra till i read some reviews saying that they had ruined it. You have put my faith back into Mantras. Cant wait to get out on some.
My question is about binding mounting. I’ve never mounted bindings on anything but on the line. but i’ve read all kinds of things about people saying that extra performance can be seen if you experiment with the position. Do you think it’s worth putting some Marker Schitzo bindings on mantras to play around with the position or should i just stick to where Volkl recommend mounting the binding?
FYI i don’t really spend any time in the park but ski everything else.
Really, and obviously, that’s up to you. I skied the 177s on the line, and liked them there. If you were going with the 184s, I guess I might recommend a Schizo, since I can’t say that I’ve settled yet on a mount point. If I were drilling a pair of 184s today for myself, I might go +1 to try to quicken them up a bit – make them feel a touch more like the 13/14 Mantras – that I skied on the line.
Thanks. I’ll probably just save the weight and go regular binding then. Whats your preference over there. I’ve been happy with marker, but am tempted to try Look. i’m finding it hard to find binding reviews.
Hello jonathan ,
sorry for my english (translator), I’m french…
I have carefully read your reviews of the bonafide 180cm and 177cm 14/15 mantra.
I now ski on the 2009 mantra 184cm, and I made your template.
I love this ski especially in track and crud snow , deep well, but I try some thing that works both on track by being less “physical” more “fun”.
I came really shared the bonafide and the new mantra …
Track frozen I ‘m afraid the Bonafide does not take, based on the mantra?
the bonafide how is doing with the speed ?
how does the mantra off piste with 50cm of fresh compared to bonafide ?
Thank you for your help!
Hi, Steve – I’m afraid I don’t have much new to add beyond the Bonafide & Mantra reviews. I think the two skis would perform comparably in 50cms of fresh. As far as edgehold, I would say that the two skis are comparable, but I’d give the edge to the Mantra. As for how well they hold up at speed, I would again give the edge to the 177 Mantra, it’s probably a touch more substantial than the Bonafide. And both skis will definitely be a bit easier to ski than your ’09 Mantras.
Avid fan of Volkl skis…..P9, Rentiger, Snowranger, black Mantra (184). Been sking Crystal since 1961-62 season and enjoyed your Mantra reviews. Currently on the 13-14 Mantra in 177 size……if you think the 184 was good, try the 177 in the 2013-14 model year. I think you would be surprised and impressed at the difference……like what you inferred with your 2014-15 Mantra review. Great reviews, keep up the good work!
Interesting, Nick. Of course, my reaction is to object and say that there wasn’t anything about the 13/14 184’s performance that I disliked, but perhaps I just don’t know what I’m missing. Doubtful that I’ll be able to get on some 13/14 177s this season, but we’ll see…
Looking at the new mantra – struggling with sizing. I’m 6’1″ 220 lbs. Naturally I’d go with 184… I ski deer valley, canyons, solitude, Brighton and some alta… At my weight I like a ski that feels solid and substantial and supportive but doesn’t scare the hell out of me when I get in tight spots. I own the sickle, volkl one, and blizzard peacemaker – all around 186…. All solid skis but easy to pivot in tight spots. And I loved the scimitar except that they didn’t feel substantial enough to blast through crud. The blizzard Brahma/bonafides felt too short at 180 with just ok edge grip but good agility in bumps and the 187 length felt great in wide open groomers but not nimble in tight spots. I was hoping the 184s would be on the middle but now I’m not sure based on your review. I haven’t purchased a sub-180 ski in a loooooong time…. Ugh. What to do? I’d be using it on groomers, light pow, crud/crap snow, easy bumps (I’m nothing close to a good bump skier) but also chasing my 10 year old through tight tree spots. Its that last trait that has me worried. For reference i did NOT like the kastle fx94 – 186 – felt sluggish and just wanted to strait line. Advise?
Hi, Adam – tough call. Given your experience with the 180 & 187 Brahmas & Bonafides, I can’t say with certainty that the 177 Mantra is the right call. Sounds like you’ve done your homework, so might as well find a pair of 177 Mantras to demo, then find out for sure? Sorry I don’t have something more helpful to say.
Hey Jonathon,
I realize that most of the comments here are pretty old, so it’s likely you’ll never see mine. That said, I’m in the process of researching/purchasing my first set of real skis (I’ve always rented), and I cannot tell you how helpful this site has been!
I was pretty sure I knew what I was doing, right up until I stumbled upon this review. I had narrowed my search down to the Kendo, Bonafide (16,17), and the Mantra (15,16). I then decided on the Mantra, and figured that given my height (6’4” and 190 pounds), the best bet would be the 184cm. Now, thanks to you, I’m doing lots of second guessing.
I live in WA State and do most of my skiing up in Whistler. I would say I’m at least advanced-intermediate. I’ve always used Volkl Kendos which have been incredible on the groomers but, as I got better and explored different terrains, I found will just sink right into anything deeper than 10” or so. I was originally scared to switch to a full rocker ski like the Mantra, however, based on what I’ve read, one doesn’t actually sacrifice that much in groomed skiing situations, but gains a lot in the powder.
So here I sit, deciding between the 177 and 184. Every google “ski size chart” lists me at well above 177 (even above 184 in fact). My question is: would the 177 be downright silly for someone who is 6’4”? Would I be sacrificing stability at speed? My one guilty is pleasure is that sometimes I’m a speed freak and love to just point my skis straight downhill and hope for the best. I’d love to hear your comments. It sounds crazy, but after reading your review, I will always have a bad taste in my mouth if I buy the 184’s!
– Peter
– Peter
Hey Adam , above me, …. I know the kastle lineup very well… I can say 100% you were on the wrong size kastle fx94… I weigh 220 and I own the 176…. it excels at EVERYTHNIG you mentioned, especially bumps and trees…. its soo nimble, agile, powerful, fun, fast, energetic…. I LOVVEEE THIS SKII!!! it is by far my favorite in the category… you owe it to yourself to try more Kastle skis…. just SIZE DOWN!!!!
Hi Adam,
Can u compare the fx 94 (176) to the bonafide (180)???
Hi Matt,
Can U compare the fx 94 to the Bonafide???
I only have a few days on a bonafide… but many days on FX…
The camber, and construction of the Fx94 ( flat tail) makes it : a better carver ( more rebound energy) . and to me, this makes the ski feel quicker, more poppy, more agile, and more powerful. I think it is a more precise tool. I think the FX rewards good technique , more so than the bonafide.
( I skied the 2013 bonafide) … It felt a little more rockered, and less cambered. There fore ,to me , it felt little more surfy/loose/smeary. Less refined, dialed, not as much of an energetic carver compared to fx. ( you can tell I prefer the kastle), that being said.. The bonafide is a wicked awesome ski and I thought about buying it after skiing it. Bonafide may be a little better ( easier is a more appropriate word) , in soft/deep pow.. Some might argue its better ( easier) in moguls. (But the FX flat out slays moguls, chop, crud, pow, slush…. )
It really comes down to taste and style…
I just prefer more traditional skis. Flat tail, stiff, good camber, tiny bit of early rise tip. That’s the perfect recipe for me , for my all mountain ripper ski.
The kastle prefers forward , aggressive, tip driving skier
The bonafide will reward more centered/ new school stance.
These are just my opinions , with only a few days on bonafide. That being said, I think anybody would be happy on either ski. You will be stoked either way!
Thanks a lot for your time and the detailed feedback – awesome***
Hi Jonathan,
How does the Mantra stack up to the new Salomon Q98. I’m 185 cm and 98kg and both a technical and powerful skier. I mainly ski in the Alps & Pyrenees and am looking for a one quiver for when there hasn’t been a lot of fresh snow for a while, you have to take groomers and do hikes to get some ankle deep pow. (So no real touring but more ferried touring) My scissile is technical but also with a lot of power and I’m more of a directional skier. What would you recommend? Thanks!!
Hey, Joost – I’m afraid we haven’t skied the Salomon Q98, so I really can’t say.
Hi Jonathan, great review as always.
I’m looking for a ski to replace my 12/13 177 Mantras which are now battered.
I’m 5’10 and 168lbs and a fairly strong skier. I live and ski in the French Alps.
My soft snow / powder ski is a 184 Rocker2 108 which I bought based on the reviews on this site. I love them. Thanks.
I get away from the groomers as much as possible and need a ski for the firmer, variable days which last season was all but about 8 days. The old Mantra was the perfect ski for all but deep days in the Portes du Soleil.
Is the new Mantra still the ski or should I look elsewhere?
I think I’d like the Cochise or is it too similar to the Rocker2?
Keep up the great work.
Thanks, Leon. Your question is a tough one. You’re a bit lighter than me, so the 177 Mantras might work quite well for you. For really nasty, variable off-piste conditions, I’ve been quite a fan of the Salomon X-Drive 8.8 (for skiing hard and fast in these conditions), and the 185cm Cochise is really good at smoothing out such conditions, too, and is a more mellow ski than the 184cm X-Drive 8.8. So you’ve got a 88mm underfoot option and a 108 underfoot option. The less you care about carving, the more I could see you going with a Cochise + Rocker2 108. But the new Mantra could be just fine, especially if you aren’t looking to ski them flat out in firm variable. I think you’re mostly going to have to decide how wide or skinny you care to go.
Hi Jonathan-
So nice to find an objective point of view! The trade pubs love EVERYTHING and you guys are providing thoughtful analysis. Honestly, I’d probably pay a fee for your reviews.
Now to my questions…
I’m an advanced 47yr-old VT skier who’s 5’10” and 185lbs and skis all types of terrain. I’ve been skiing on the 170cm 11/12 Volkl Mantras as my daily ski and a pair of Rossi S3’s when we get our 10-inch “powder days”. I loved the mantras but they’re delamintaing and need to be retired.
I’m heading out to Copper next week for 10 days to watch my daughter train with the race academy she attends. I’m in a position to demo a few different skis before I decide and Copper’s early season conditions will probably be somewhat similar to eastern conditions. Here’s my short list of what I’d like to demo:
14/15 Volkl Mantras at 177
Kastle FX94’s
Blizzard Bonafides
Any thoughts on additional skis I should demo?
Does anyone have a suggestion as to best shop in Copper and/or Vail to demo skis?
Thanks, Mark! Much appreciated. I like your short list, and don’t have other obvious recommendations. If you were going to consider anything else, I’d probably be tempted to suggest the Salomon X-Drive 8.8 and the Blizzard Brahma. But you’ve got a good list. If you do get on your top 3, let us know what you find!
Hi Mark/Jonathan
If u get a chance to demo the fx 94, can u please post what you thought of these skis.
If you/Blister crew could do a review of the fx 94, that would be appreciated. You guys have the best/no bs reviews and I would love to see if this ski lives up to the hype.
I’ve had several people tell me to get rid of the bonafides and go with Kastle. Appearantly they are super precise and handle everything well.
In response to Paul: I have skied both. And you echo my sentiments, exactly. I almost bought the bonafide. Great do it all ski. I think it prefers a more centered stance. and it tolerates smearing better than fx94. The Kastle rewards a forward aggressive stance, I think its more precise. It does everything well with amazing energy. The best combination of finesse and power. They are so light on your feet. They just simply rock… having said that, if I already owned some perfectly good bonafides… I don’t think I would take a loss on them to fork over 1200 on the kastle…. its not THAT much better… (or maybe it is I don’t know, I love it! :)
Thanks for the info. I’ll take your advice and stick with the Bonafide for now as mine are in pretty much brand new condition. However at the end of the season, I may just have to invest in a pair for the 15/16 season.
Jonathan, gotta agree with Mark above: everything these days seem to get a “4.5 out of 5 stars” with little more insight than marketing bullet-points. So thank you for the outstanding no bs reviews here on blister.
This season I’m looking for a ski for 95% of my days that is soft-snow biased but has the versatility to rail groomers, jump off-piste, and tackle mixed conditions with confidence.
Additionally I’d love to use them on deep pow days if possible (usually 24″ dumps max). But most importantly they need to be quick and nimble in the trees. Seems the 2015 Mantra fits my style of skiing to a T.
My mountain’s biggest strength is its abundant moderately-pitched tree skiing. Conditions usually remain pretty soft here in the northern rockies but it can get quite setup and firm on some days.
At 6’2″ 180lbs I am however torn on sizing after reading your review. I usually size mid-180’s but I will prioritize weight over height if need be. Calling around there doesn’t seem to be many mantras being drilled for demo (availability seems to be scarce here) and none in the 184.
Since I answered yes to question #2 and I won’t be skiing anything super steep would you incline me towards the 184’s? My only concern is my lighter weight and giving up that nimbleness especially in the trees.
Thank you, Eric. Given everything you’ve said, I honestly think you could pick either length, then simply adapt to whichever you choose. But since you’re interested in pow performance, I would be inclined (at your height / weight) to go with the 184s. Especially if you find that the trees you ski still allow you to ski with some decent speed. Doesn’t have to be hair-on-fire speeds, but (to state the obvious) more speed will help the skis plane and make them easier to turn.
I own volkl Twos 176 and really like them on pow days and Steps for park-skiing. I’m thinking on adding Mantra 177 for any other conditions (icy, crud, groom) and some touring. Any suggestions where to mount bindings on new Mantra 177? On Twos I have Jester Schizo and discover that from +5 to +3 work best for me.
Hi Jonathan
Great review but it left me wondering about sizing for the purpose of skiing everything in between pow days. For those deep days I have the vwerks katana 184 which I love and boy can they rail on the groomers end of day. I’m 6′ 195 and my style is more charge than finesse. Conditions and terrain will be everything aside from deeper snow and terrain is the resorts of the Alberta rockies and interior BC. torn between the 177 or 184…leaning towards the lengthier option but based on your review would I be good to take the shorter route as I have the katana for deeper days…I don’t want to lose stability when letting loose on the open firm crust but the appeal of the quickness you describe in 177 is alluring. I have skied the 2013 mantra until a rock took them from me last spring. Thoughts?
Another ski I was looking at was the bmt 94. Has anyone had experience with these and the mantra?
Hey, Ryan – more than anything, I guess the safest thing I can still say (and as I wrote in the review) is that, for those who will be using this ski as their firm conditions ski, I think you can get away with sizing down (177). For those who will be using this as their soft snow / deep snow ski, then I’d go longer rather than shorter. So if your perfectly happy with your 184 Katanas, then I guess I would wager that you’ll really enjoy the 177s.
Just found this review, great stuff and helpful. I’ve been skiing an older pair of Volkl AC40 and I use them for everything. I’m 158lbs and 5’8″, aggressive skiier & boarder and have been skiing & racing for many years…. But I’m new to wider/rockered skis. Not sure if I should go “long” with the 177s or shorter with the 170s, which is what I’m skiing in the AC40. So funny as I used to ski 195-205 boards!
Hey, Benja – see my comments above to Ryan.
If you’re keeping your AC40s for firm conditions, then I’d be inclined to have you go with the 177s. If you’re ditching your AC40s, then it’s a tougher call. I doubt you’d dislike the 170s, but I can’t say how much ‘less’ ski they are than the 177s. But it sounds like you’re a strong skier, so I’m confident you’d make the 177s work just fine for you.
Hey Jonathan,
I’m a Mantra aficionado and have been following your reviews with great interest. My 2010 Mantras (191cm) are battered and need to be replaced. I skied them everywhere from the Rockies to the East Coast to the Alps and the Pyrenees. I loved their grooming performance and stiffness/edgehold, their snappiness in short turns, and they are great fun in the bumps. They performed incredible well everywhere except for being a little lost in deep powder … an acceptable trade-off. So the obvious choice would be the new model in 184 or 191 2014/2015 Mantras.
Now your negative review of the 184 seeded some doubt. I admit that I have a hard time imagining that there can be such a big difference between 2 lengths. It remains essentially the same ski, same shape and flex, with some adjustments for length. The only explanation I have is the skier’s weight and size, which might make the 184 less fun to ski for a lighter/shorter skier, but still great fun for a taller/heavier skier. Or am I wrong???
So I’m looking for your advice on which ski to buy. I travel a lot and hence can only afford a 1 ski quiver. Main skiing spots will be the Rockies, the Pyrenees and the Alps. I’m 186 cm tall and weigh 180 pounds, I’m an expert and very aggressive, technically versed skier. Again, I felt the 191 were not too long, but I never tried the shorter version. Other skis I have considered are the Bonafide and the Line Supernaturals, but I’m open to any suggestion!
Looking forward to your recommendation!
Hi, Christian – it’s a big can of worms: can a ski in one length / size be ‘better than’ that same ski in a different length / size. I’ve actually been thinking more and more about this question / problem.
In short, I’m inclined to say, Yes, definitely. Change the length and you potentially change a number of variables: weight, effective edge, rocker lines, stiffness, etc. So it is no stretch to assume that a certain combination of all of these variables will work in concert better than some other combination of those variables — that different combinations all work equally well and consistently / constantly well, so that the only factor is the size of the skier on the ski.
But I’ll leave that aside for now.
All I know for certain is that the 13/14 184cm Mantra (that I love) felt closer in terms of quickness to the new 177cm Mantra. And I noted that the new 177 Mantra is closer in weight to the 13/14 184 Mantra than the new 184 is.
So the more you’re willing to draw conclusions from that, you might assume that the new 184 feels closer to your 191s. I can’t say that with certainty. But given that you and I weigh about the same, if you decided to go with the new 184s, I doubt you will feel like they are clearly too little ski for you. You might really like the new 191s (I’m no longer that interested in them). But again, I highly doubt you’ll feel like the 184s are too little ski. Wish I could say something more definitive and helpful. Hopefully you can demo some 184s?
Hey Jonathan,
thanks for your response, looks like there is no easy answer other than demoing them, which I will probably not be able to do. Just FYI, all European ski magazines tested the Mantra in 184 and it came out in the top 3 consistently, so I wonder if this is a Rockies vs Alps thing, the conditions and types of runs are different after all. and they describe the Bonafide as a rocket that’s harder to turn short and less versatile than the Mantra. I’ll probably buy it in 184 or 191 and give you some feedback!
Cheers, Christian
One thing, Christian: getting back to your first comment, I don’t think it’s accurate to describe my take on the new 184 as “negative”. It is not the old Mantra; it is better in pow than the old Mantra, etc. And see my update.
I have no idea where these Euro ski mags were testing (primarily on-piste? Then I’m not surprised), or if there is much reason to put stock into their findings. (That’s not a shot, I just don’t know. While I do know that I have never seen any reason to place any stock in US mag tests.)
Finally: Bonafide vs. Mantra. I’ve only skied the 180 Bonafide, so perhaps “they” (whoever “they” is) were A/B-ing the 187 Bonafide against the 184 Mantra. But if they were talking about the 180 Bonafide vs. the 184 Mantra (either the 13/14 or 14/15 Mantra), then they are simply wrong.
Great stuff on the mantra which is making me think . I am a 54yearold advanced European skier 5′ 8 170 lbs currently skiing dps wailer 99 176cm as my ‘daily driver all rounder , all mountain ski’ which is great but does get a bit twitchy at speed on groomers if you get out of position . It’s Nice and easy and light which I like especially when steeper and tight .
Was wondering your thoughts and comparisons between the 99 and new mantra ( big differences ?) some reviews say new mantra is not easy and needs to skied agressively which I do sometimes but certainly not all the time .
Thanks for any advice and thoughts you might have
Hi, Dave – yes, I’d say big difference.
if we’re comparing a wailer 99 HYBRID to a Mantra of similar length, the Mantra is the more substantial, damp, and heavier ski. And if you’re talking wailer 99 PURE, then the Mantra is a lot more ski.
If you want a great ski that does not require much input / energy, I’d recommend the 99 Hybrid. If you know you prefer a more substantial / less inherently quick ski, then the Mantra will make more sense. You don’t have to ski the Mantra agressively all the time, but if you enjoy an easier-going ski, then I don’t think the Mantra makes a whole lot of sense.
Jonathan – wow, thanks for your review. I want to go w/ 2015 Mantra as a ski for when I go out West or soft/deep snow in East. I’m 6’0″ 200 lbs, and 43. I’d love to get the 177s (instead of 184s) as I think they’d help an old guy like me with maneuverability in the steeps/moguls since I have one knee that’s less than great anymore, but afraid I might overpower them as I do ski relatively aggressively out of the moguls and steeps. Thoughts? Thanks in advance, Matt.
Hi, Matthew – apologies for the late reply — did you already pull the trigger?
While I can’t say with 100% certainty, I think if you’re on the fence re: length, you will be fine with the 177s – unless you really are only going to be breaking these out in great conditions / deep pow. Then I’d see no reason not to go with the greater surface area afforded by the 184s.
Thanks Jonathan – Just want a ski for going to say Jackson from East Coast and only have one ski to bring with need to cover whatever conditions I get when I get there. I think I’m just going to demo some different skis in this width and next width up when I’m there in Feb to make up my mind – Really appreciate the feedback and great site.
I got a chance to ski the 184’s today on groomers, I absolutely loved them and felt very, very good on them. They felt like they could slay the whole mountain at warp speed. I’m 6’3″ and 195 and the 184 felt perfect for me. My daily driver is a line influence 105, which has a bit more snap from turn to turn but doesn’t edge quite as well at really high speeds as the mantra. If i was buying skis tomorrow i would buy the mantra’s.
Hi I’m interm. skier. 6’10” 189 lb I was starting skiing on Rossi 9 SL (165) some times ag, and like big speeds an stable on it. Now after 2 years pause i looking for ski 50 on / 50 off piste (little trees),in short: speed on + fun in off-piste. I’m thinking about Mantras but stuck at size. What size you think i need to go 177 or 184? Thanks for answer !
Hi, Robert – if you aren’t going to be spending much time in very big, tricky moguls, the more I am inclined to recommend the 184s at your height / weight.
Thanks !!!
I ski in Vermont and am 5’10” 175lbs and a very aggressive skier. I am trying to decide between the 177 mantras and the 180 blizzard bonafides? Any advice?
Hey, Ben – I’m not sure that I have much to add beyond my reviews of the two skis. The 177 Mantra is probably a bit more substantial than the 180 Bonafide, and I’d rather ski groomers on the 177 Mantra. For me, the 180 Bonafide really shined as a smooth, all-mountain ski. It never really felt out of place. But I think I personally preferred carving the Mantras, and I prefer the increased bump in stability and top end over the relative ease of the Bonafide. So kind of depends on what you’re really looking for.
I demoed both in VT at Okemo in typical east ice and crud and windblown (sounds so inviting) and can definitely say I much preferred the 2014 Mantra to both the new rockered Mantra (2015) and the 2015 Bonafide. The bonafide was fun, easy to initiate, and slap around, but did not have the edge hold for true confidence to lay it over on eastern hardback and have it dig in and hold. The 2015 Mantra also did not have the edge hold of the 2014 Mantra. I am the same height and weight as you, and was looking for a ski to replace my Nordica Enforcer, a wonderful fast ski with superb edge hold that also worked well in reasonable powder (up to 10-12 inches) out west. If you are truly aggressive, I don’t know that you will like the Bonafide. It skied soft to me.
Good luck.
BTW, just tried my new Stockli AR lasers on Eastern windblown hardpack and they really carved in. Great start on a very quick edge to edge narrow ski.
Thanks for the feedback, Rich. I think we’re in full agreement – though as I wrote, I did really enjoy carving the 177 Mantras. And thanks for the heads up re: the Stockli…
Hi Jonathan;
Thank you for excellent review, as usual. A few questions:
I had to conclude that for me (5’8″ – 145 lb, moderately aggressive experienced expert technical skier) I need to try a shorter Mantra 14/15, do you agree? Incidentally, I tried 177 14/15 Mantra on Killington hard cut up icy snow and noted that they were more “swimmy” than my old traditional Mantra also, the little hard bumps felt more jolting. In these conditions, I liked them less. Also, edge hold on hard groomer was not as good as the old ones, as the result I ended up feeling less confident on them.
Second question: Would you please expand on your comparison of 14/15 Mantra 177 with V-Wek 177, would appreciate. And, if you were my size, would you use V- Wek 177 or would look for something softer and more responsive to a light fellow like me.
Thirdly; Several times,you have commented on boot characteristics and ski characteristics should match i. A short article on this subject would be greatly appreciated as not much is known about it!
Hi, Faripour…
I haven’t skied the 177 V-Werks Katana, so can’t comment on those lengths directly. But was your question whether you ought to check out the shorter Mantra (~170cm)? Honestly, I’m not sure that it would ‘fix’ the issues you had with the 177 Mantra. Seems to me that you’d be a really good candidate for the Nordica Hell & Back, if you can find a pair…
Thanks for your response. On Hell and Back, I have the Enforcer at 169, which fits my size very well and I love the ski. I like to buy something similar that would be rockered for better Pow and easier tree and bumps. From all your comments, I am coming on the side of Bonefide at 173cm. as opposed to Mantra 170 or 177. Again I am 5:8 145 lb expert. would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks you!!!
The Enforcer returns for the 2016 with tip and tail rock. It just maybe what u a looking for.
HI Paul;
Wow, indeed that could be a great ski. My 2012 Enforcer was felt very much like my 2008 Mantra but”better” in the sense that for a light weigh skier like myself it was lighter, more maneuverable in tight spots and the softer tip made it better in bumps and pow, less feeling of going over the handle bar. It would be interesting to compare 2015-16 rocker with midsection camber Enforcer with fully rockered Mantra. My guess, it would preserve its advantages without losing stability in crud and high speed that Mantra is known for – corrected for right lenghth of ski for right weight and higth and ability skier.
You can check out the preview for the Enforcer here:
Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for your review. I enjoyed it.
I would like to ask you I am 175 and aroud 70 kgs.
I am advance intermidiate level and I skiing in groomed and actually not frequent at pow and stiff pow.
Which of shreditor 102 and mantra will you recomend to me.
Thanks in advance for your response.
Best Regards,
Hi Giorgos –
The Shreditor 102 and Mantra are basically opposite skis. The Shreditor is super soft, playful, and designed for tricking. The Mantra is stiff, directional, stable, relatively heavy, and designed to go fast.
The Shreditor is the easier, more forgiving ski. The Mantra is more demanding, but will hold up much better at high speeds. If easy and forgiving is what you’re after, then the Shreditor. If more damp and stable at higher speeds is what you’re after, then Mantra.
Hi Jonathan,
I am having a hard time zeroing in on the best one-ski quiver for me. Your website helped me to determine options and this review helped to focus me somewhat, but I need even more expert help!
I ski 75% in the East and 25% in the West and I’m 6′ 4″ 200 lbs. I’ve skied exclusively on the 2011-12 Mantra 184 for four seasons and I have loved them. Even in the East, I ski off piste, trees, and bumps to the fullest extent possible and my Mantras seem to love any kind of junk, crud, or ice I can find. Unfortunately I have beaten the crap out of them and they’re ready for retirement.
I’m thinking now that the new 184 Mantra may not be the right ski partly because of your review and partly because I think it probably makes sense to have a little camber under foot skiing in the East. So, I’m considering the following skis and I’m wondering how you’d rank them given the above background: Line Supernatural 100 (186), Moment PB&J (182), Blizzard Bonafide (180), DPS Wailer 99 Hybrid (184).
Hi, Bruce – given this list, and if the goal is to come closest to your 11/12 Mantras, then the Bonafide is the answer, and none of the other skis are really much like the Mantra at all.
And as I’ve written, I actually think the 184cm Salomon X-Drive 8.8 is the closest thing to the cambered Mantra that I have skied – check out that review.
The other skis on your list are good skis and fun, but if you are looking for a Mantra feel, they will not provide it. At all. I’d read those reviews again, but it seems to me that you may need to get a bit clearer about what you’re really looking for, what you wish your 11/12 Mantras did better, and what you’re willing to give up. (Hope that helps a little, at least?)
Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for your response. Sorry I should have been more explicit, but it’s tough because my requirements are fairly flexible. That is, I love my current Mantras, but I don’t necessarily need a ski that matches them exactly. In fact, I would welcome something a little different just to have a slightly different experience. Here’s what I would need: the ability to ski both soft and icy bumps, trees, crud, and pow both deep and not so deep. I like carving long arcs on groomers with the Mantras, but really I only ski on groomers to get to the lift or the locker room, so carving is not as important. Sounds like the Salomon X-Drive 8.8 could still be an answer, but I figured I’d clarify just in case.
Hi, Bruce – while the 8.8 may still be the ski for you (I’ve been hearing from a number of readers who are really liking the 172 and 179cm 8.8.s), I think the less important real carving is to you, the more in-play both the PB&J and Bonafide would be. The PB&J is the most tip and tail rockered, and will work best in pow. And I’ll let you check out again my review of the Bonafide. Either of those skis will be easier in bumps than the 184 8.8 – I just can’t compare them to a shorter 8.8.
Hi Jonathan,
I’m an Eldora skier who mostly sees hardpack and chopped pow. I like to blast through the crud, not dance, and I like a ski that turns quick when needed in narrow terrain. Again, at Eldora, it’s either bullet proof or crud. Based on the above review, an others I’ve read here (Soul Rider, Peacemaker, etc.) it sounds like the 2015 Mantra is what I’m looking for. Would you have any other suggestions? Thanks for all the reviews. You guys do a great job, and are my go to site for gear.
Thanks, Dave – the more serious you are about ‘bulletproof’, the more I think you should read my review of the Salomon X-Drive 8.8.
Otherwise, I’ll still readily endorse the 177 Mantra, and all of my caveats about the 184 Mantra in the review still apply – in both the original review and the update.
Well Jonathan, it appears that people noticed your exuberance on these skis, the 177 Mantras seem to be getting hard to find. I bought these today (a demo set from local ski hill) and they are really great. Excellent in hard conditions which is all I’ve had them in so far. I also bought the Moment Bibby Pros a few years ago when you guys were saying they were great (and they are). I’d better watch out, this could become a habit.
Good to hear that we’re 2 for 2, Gordon…
Hi guys,
I skied the 184 Mantra now for 14 days from Europe to East Coast and I’m absolutely happy with it. I skied the 191 2010 Mantra before, and I find the new one every bit as fun as the old one, with a remarkable improvement in powder. It is unbeatable on groomers, fun in moguls, quick to turn if skied precisely with good technique, the perfect “one-ski-quiver” ski for a guy like me who needs to take a plane to get anywhere else but East-Coast skiing.
Having said all that I admit I did not get a chance to test any of the other skis, but what can I say, I don’t feel the need to as the Mantra does it all for me!
Thanks to you guys for all your test and constructive comments,
Thanks for the feedback, Christian. And interesting to see that you happily dropped down from the old 191 to the new 184…
Jonathan, the one thing I did notice dropping down to the 184s is that I need to do more balancing of my weight back and forth, you can’t beat physics, a longer ski is always gonna be more stable. But the rocker and the extra width do a good job to compensate for that, and make the ski feel a little more accessible.
Can’t wait to ski them out west!
I skied on the white doctors at Steamboat last week and enjoyed them so I was wondering how this ski compares to the white doctor ft10. I ski at Colorado resorts and sometimes in the East.
Thank you for the nice review. I’m just thinking new Mantra for my next Tele setup. I’m 5″5 with 170lbs, like to ski aggressive with speed. What do you think about sizing, should I go with 170 or 177? Thanks you for your input.
That was a great review I´m 5´8 with 177lbs. I have a racing background, and I started Telemark 4 years ago (I already have my PSIA Level 2 on them). I wanted to ask your opinion on this skies for telemark……I haven´t seen many telemarkers on them in the US or here in south america (I live in chile).
Thanks for your input!
Hi there, I’m a 5’11 55 intermediate-advanced skier who spends 80% off piste 20% and am looking for a ski which can handle variable/icy conditions I often ski in. I’m thinking of picking up a pair of 177 mantras but am worried that they’ll be too stiff for my lower weight, am tossing up between the mantras and the blizzard bonifide 180. What skis would you recommend for me?
Hi, Arthur – looks like there was a typo: you’re 5’11”, 155 lbs.?
If so, and if you’re an intermediate-advanced skier, I think the stand out difference to me is that the Mantra has stiffer shovels than the Bonafide. It’s been a while since I skied the 177 Mantra, but on snow, there are a lot of performance similarities between the two skis, so my primary point is: from what you’ve told me, I don’t have much reason to steer you toward / away from one of these skis over the other. But the more worried you are about stiffness, well, the Bonafide’s shovels are softer – though again, I can’t say that I felt this made for a big difference on-snow.
Hi Jonathan,
I’m having a hard time to decide, which lenght I should get on the mantra 15/16. I’m 6’03 feet and 185 lbs.
I wopuld like to ski everything with this ski from steep groomers to deep powder.
In the shops every salesperson recommended me the 184, because of my height and the better straight line control with the 184.
Waht would you recommend me? What’s the detail behind the link between body height and length of skis?
Thank you for your answer,
I am 5’11 & 215lbs. I ski super aggressive on just about everything and have solid technique. Given the rocker type and my weights/skill set, would I be best in a 184cm or 191cm???
My current skis are 188 Kastle 187cm Bonafide.
I can get a great deal on 184cm to use as another fun toy on the mountain but I am concerned it won’t keep up with the me at my speed and in with stability . What do you think? Thanks
Hi Jonathan – I am wondering you thoughts on size. I am 5’10 150lbs 23 years old and probably will not get much heavier. I know you haven’t skied the 170s, but do you think they would be enough ski? Are the 177s very manageable? (I know you were pleasantly surprised to size down).
I am very good skier (although do not have the strongest legs); I like to open up large turns and bases flat going fast — but more often am skiing technical lines, moguls, and small airs in rock faces. I have a pair of 179 atomic automatics for the deep days (which work well but I admit feel like slightly too much ski for me- (more the width than length)).
I ski Squaw Valley mostly, and sometimes make it to Jackson. Do you have any other top pick ski’s in this class? Perhaps more playful? Don’t want to give up much stability, though.
The 184 mantra is a titanium rockered 2×4 that isn’t better than the E100 at anything. It skis like shit in every condition, doesn’t have the smeary feel of a rockered ski, the energy of a full camber ski, or the edge hold of my old Rossi s3s. Surprised by the good review. Noone skis these.
You are wrong.
I am struggling with what to ski on..I play at Jay and the surrounding area. I am a technical skier. .aggressive forward driving skier that has taken to the tight trees and the variable conditions of the backcountry. I hike with the Cham 97 but don’t love them and also ski on the 2015 rmt84 that I bought in a to short a length (172 or 4) not happy. So I’m torn….177 mantra or 180 blizard I’m 5ft9 170 ..I’m afraid of the full rocker I don’t want to feel like I’m smearing my turns or riding my tails if I go mantra. ….I have friends on the rosi s3 and those big dumb yellow bananas and I find their skiing has become dumb downed since switching to those skiis. Will the mantra feel like that or ski more traditional or should I think about the bonifide instead……please help
I finally had the chance to try out the 191cm Mantra’s and found them to be a great ski. What might be a comparable ski from other manufacturers that would be Mantra-like?
Hi Jonathan, Super review!! I am 6’1 172 lbs, based on my weight & your review I am more inclined to go for the 177. I am skiing at a decent level & want a good all round ski: that floats in the powder but still allows quick turns & is nimble on the piste.
Although the 184 corresponds better with my height. What do you think??
I am 6 2 and 225 pounds and typically ski cambered skis with a lot of forward pressure. I mostly ski utah. When I first got the mantra 184s I liked them in powder but hard a hard time connecting with them anywhere else. Turn imitation and balance seemed off and I was getting ready to sell them However after about the sixth day I figured them out and now really like them on groomers, crud etc as well. Now they really do seem like a great all mountain skis that does powder and crud well and is fun on groomers.
Thanks Jonathan for your review, i have skied the new 177 Mantra for all last season, and i can say that i fully agree with your comments it’s a fantastic ski very nimble predictible and versatile, for me the one ski quiver to have, this year have been tested in european review in 184 and comments are not so enthusiastic compare to the 177, you were right man!! but still a very good ski for advanced and expert skier
Best regards
Hi Jonathan,
Looking for advice on a Chamonix ski. My first criterion is edge grip for some of those steep couloirs that can be deadly if they get icy. I’ve been advised to go for a long turn radius to improve edge contact underfoot when standing on some dicey ice, stiff tail to recover on, and around 100mm underfoot. On paper, the 191 Mantra looks nice, as does the 185cm Blizzard Cochise. But it has to be something that doesn’t feel like “too much ski” in every other respect, and your comments about the 184cm Mantra have me a bit worried.
189cm tall, ~183 lbs, advanced to expert skier with acceptable (but not great) steep terrain skills. I took a pair of 180 Bonafide’s to Cham last year and regretted it. Not enough ski, not enough surface area for off-piste, couldn’t start off with a stable platform, so much so that I wanted to chuck those skis in the garbage. The Blizzard Spur worked great for me, but I’m looking for something else to fill in the gap. On paper it seems like the 177 and 184 Mantra would have all the same drawbacks as the 180 Bonafide, so I guess it comes down to the 191 Mantra (nobody has that for demo here on the East Coast) or the 185 Cochise…
I’m 5’10 and 220lbs. Ski aggressively. Which length should I go for?
Thanks for update on Mantra for 2018. Recently, I demoed and subsequently bought a pair of 177 Mantra 2018 full rocker. There are a few reasons that I am writing this not:
As Jonathan and Paul recommended in 2015, I bought a pair of 2015 Nordica enforcer – new hybrid rocker- Indeed an excellent ski, have been on them for 2.5 years on all conditions. However, I tried the 2018 Mantra – full rocker- a few months ago, and fell in love with the ski and bought a pair- have been on them for a couple of months.
Here is the first reason I am writing this note: Mantra does everything Nordica Enforcer does in more solid and reliable way with the advantage in powder, sticky heavy snow with added sweet rebound and more solid ride; a real confidence inspiring ski specially when you push them with confidence. I found no disadvantage not even in “quickness” and not even, surprisingly, on ice, as long as, I was on the balls of my feet and was loading the shovels consistently and skiing with authority and confidence – although, perhaps a touch less forgiving. What impressed me, was how well they held on New England ice as long as skis were on edge and were skied forcefully.
The second reason for writing this note is that I am only 5.8′ and 140 lb expert technical skier and have found no draw back in being on 177, 2017-2018 Mantra, even in the trees in Killington. This brings me to the comment Jonathan made in a previous passage: Does a certain length of the same ski, ski better that other lengths of the same model? He felt yes was the answer. And, what would be the role of skier’s weight and size? I fully agree with “yes” for the first question, as in spite of my size, I still preferred 177 Mantra to shorter length. The 170 which felt just less “elastic”. Not as confidence inspiring, more like my old 2012-13 Nordica enforcer 169 – non-rocker. This is interesting considering how much lighter and shorter I am compared to most other skiers who have written comments here on Mantra 177.
The third reason for writing this is that I didn’t like my demo experience of Mantra 14-15, 177 that prior to buying the Nordica Enforcer 177 hybrid rocker in 2015., any were as much my new experience and this is puzzling as the ski hasn’t changed. 2018 Mantra is supposedly the same ski as 2015. I have two possible explanation, 1st bad edge tune of 2015 demo. 2nd, I am skiing more forward on the balls of my feet and less centered. Perhaps considering my size and weight full forward pressure is playing a role.
Would appreciate your thoughts and comments.
Followup to my previous comments on 2018 Mantra full rocker, above. Last week I spent 4 days skiing in Crystal in iced up early morning conditions and then softened up early spring afternoon conditions. There was a place that I felt I had to be careful as the ski would run almost out of control with slipperiest feeling under feet: Early morning icy, bumped up, narrow, goat tracks that wind around and traverse at the high mountain, or in t he trees. Here because of narrowness of the path, I couldn’t sideslip control the speed thus the feeling of running out of control. I had to get off the well skied track to higher or lower edges which were hard lumpy and had rocks exposed. And, in the trees this was not possible and I resorted to wedge to control the speed. Given less forgiving nature of this ski this could be a drawback that Nordica enforcer hybrid didn’t have. When conditions would soften up there was no problem. Similarly, on icy bumps things could be our of control, if shovels were not engaged quickly. Diving into the bumps with edge of shovels were a good way of controlling the speed some thing that was not possible in the goat tracks. In softer afternoon bumps NO problem.