Moment Ghost Train vs. Whitedot Redeemer
The Whitedot Redeemer’s shape and rocker profile isn’t too dissimilar from the Ghost Train’s: it’s flat underfoot with a lot of tip and tail rocker, and has a long 27m sidecut radius.
The most important differences between the two skis is their respective weights and flex profiles, I think.
At about 2,300 grams / ski, to me, the Redeemer feels noticeably heavier on snow than the Ghost Train. The Redeemer’s rocker profile also allows it to be pivoted and smeared out through turns, but it does so less easily and less willingly than the Ghost Train.
However, I would guess the Redeemer’s heavier swing weight, in conjunction with its considerably stiffer flex, means it will probably feel even more planted while making really fast, big turns in fresh snow. I’m also quite sure that the Redeemer is less entertaining on pow-day groomers than the Ghost Train, since the Redeemer feels planky and dead by comparison, with very little feedback when put on edge.
And though I have yet to ski the Ghost Train in choppy conditions, I expect the Redeemer will feel more damp there, too. The Redeemer is not as directional of a ski as the Blizzard Spur, but I think it is more suited for a directional skier than the Ghost Train—i.e., for someone who wants to continue to make big turns in powder as things get more and more tracked out. (I still have to see how the Ghost Train does in chop to say so for certain, however.)
In sum, I view the Redeemer as a big, directional powder ski with a rather accessible playful side, while the Ghost Train feels like a fun, playful powder ski that’s remarkably comfortable making big, aggressive turns, too (at least, so far it has, in fresh and smooth conditions).

Moment Ghost Train vs. Line Magnum Opus
The Line Magnum Opus is another 123mm-underfoot, highly playful ski that’s also very light for its size and width.
It’s taken me a while to tease out how the two skis handle short turns at slower speeds differently, because they’re both very quick and easy to maneuver. I think you’d be very happy with either the Ghost Train or the Magnum Opus if you’re looking for a light, quick powder ski for use in trees and tight terrain. Still, there are some differences worth spelling out.
Compared to the Ghost Train, I suppose you could say that the Magnum Opus’ shape and rocker profile let you make very quick turns in fresh snow with a more “traditional style.” What I mean by that is, the Opus’ traditional underfoot camber and short, 17m sidecut radius make “carving” the ski through short, snappy turns in fresh snow a little easier.
And while you can also make turns with a more upright, “foot steer” style on the Opus (pivoting the ski on a dime, rather than using its sidecut to turn it across the slope), I feel like I’ve done more foot-steering while smearing the Ghost Train around in fresh snow. If anything, its straighter shape might do a little less work for you to bring a turn around in powder, but ultimately I can’t say making quick, short turns on the Ghost Train is any more difficult than on the Opus.
The Ghost Train is also very light and quick, and it takes noticeably less work to quickly pivot than the Blizzard Spur and the Whitedot Redeemer, especially at low speeds.
At high speeds in fresh snow, the differences between the Ghost Train and the Magnum Opus are a bit more apparent.
Skiing at slower speeds, searching around for little pillows and shoulders of snow to blow up is what the Magnum Opus does best (it wants you to ski the way Eric Pollard skis in Japan, believe it or not). Making much bigger, faster turns in powder, the Magnum Opus isn’t a twitchy mess by any means, but its camber and 17m radius does seem to make it feel less settled and calm than the Ghost Train.
On nice, soft groomers on the way back to the lift, the Magnum Opus’ shape feels more conventional and predictable running bases flat. But when put on edge, I found the Ghost Train just as capable.
I need more time on the Ghost Train to say how it compares to the Magnum Opus in deep chop on a powder day, but that could be an area where the skis are also fairly distinct because the Opus’ flex in the tips and tails is noticeably stiffer than the Ghost Train’s.
What’s Left?
One thing is really clear at this point: when conditions are just a little soft and smooth, the Ghost Train has both a light, very playful feel, and a real willingness to make much bigger, faster, sweeping turns. I’ve enjoyed that ‘two-faced’ element of the ski in only 2-3” of fresh snow, and I really look forward to putting time on it in a 18-20” of powder.
And while the Ghost Train has been a lot of fun in smooth conditions, I’m curious to see how it does in chopped-up snow as well—in both ~3” of shallow chop, and in really deep, trenched-out chop.
I think part of the reason the ski is so easy to snap around at slow speeds is because of its light weight and rocker profile, but also because of the softer flex in the tips and tails, which seem to allow me to easily bend and work the flex of the ski though turns.
When conditions are fresh, those factors don’t seem to cause any issues at high speeds, but as things get more tracked out and cruddy, the Ghost Train’s lighter weight/flex (not to mention its highly playful rocker procfile), might become a limiting factor when it comes to stability and predictability.
But even if that turns out to be the case, given how entertaining and multidimensional the ski is in fresh, smooth snow, I expect that the Ghost Train will still be a ski that I bring up often when discussing dedicated powder skis.
Finally, I’ll also say more in my Update about using the Ghost Train as more of a freestyle oriented powder ski.
Bottom Line (For Now)
The Moment Ghost Train is an unconventional powder ski that has proven to be very light, highly playful, and easy to pivot and surf, but it doesn’t feel out of place when making fast, sweeping turns in soft snow, either.
Will you be looking at the Underworld or Tallac, their other touring skis? Thanks for the great reviews.
We’ll be reviewing the Tallac for sure. Look for that review later this spring…
Great info! I’m rocking the 2013 Moment Deathwish right now and I am thinking of getting the ghost trains for next season!
I have 7 days on the Ghost Train so far and ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM, They surf and smear almost as well as a reverse/reverse ski, super playful, and I think you will be surprised at how well they do in crud/chop and even hardsnow. Defiantly one of the most overlooked and underrated skis out there right now.
Hey Willie,
Yep. I just put a day on the Ghost Train at Taos in some pristine conditions and had a hell of a time. It’s just an initial impression, but I think I agree; light ski + big sidecut + playful rocker profile = super variable turn radius in fresh conditions. And so far I am pretty surprised by how well they do on groomers too; with just a little bit of soft snow to bite into, the effective edge noticeably increases.
Hi will, great review, i think you pretty much nailed it on the Ghost trains, I can’t wait to see your follow up review once you get more time on them and get them in some deep snow/crud afterwards. I skied them in some super heavy Tahoe snow (I mean turning from rain to snow at 8000ft heavy snow) that was boot to calf deep that got chewed up fast and I thought they did as well as my Bibbys in the choppy conditions, (new Bibby which is now the old Bibby) They tended to skip over the top more but i could still keep my speed no problem, but then again I’m used to softer skis in crud, I put almost 100 days on E.P. pros in Tahoe powder/crud back when it use to snow here. Also thanks for comparing them to the M.O., that was i ski I thought would be a close one, I still don’t get why companies build a fat Powder/jib ski and stick camber under it, YOU DON’T NEED CAMBER ON A POWDER SKI, ask Hoji about that.
Awesome review, Will. I’d love your thoughts on how this might compare to a reverse/reverse ski – the profile pics make it seem like it’s nearly there, especially compared to the rocker profile of something like the Opus that has camber underfoot. Does it feel like the “micro-camber” leads to any tip or tail hook? Or is it just a win/win adding traction without sacrificing surf? Thanks for all your insight – these reviews are super helpful/indispensable when it feels like demos on skis like this are hard to come by.
I have skied the both the 2014 and 2015 versions of the Ghost Trains back to back with my Moment Donner parties which are reverse/reverse. NOTHING is as quick or surfey as a reverse/reverse ski, but the Ghost Trains are close, about 90% there on quickness and pivotness, and pretty close on float.
The 2014 Ghost Train has the same rocker profile as the 2015 but with out the micro-cambers, and seam to be a fair amount stiffer (at least my pair is) in powder they both ski the same, you don’t notice the micro-cambers of the 2015 at all, but on the groomers you defiantly feel the extra edge bite of them getting back to the lift, but both models carve pretty good in soft snow.
Interested in the 194 cm Ghost Train. Currently on a 192 Atomic Coax. A bit concerned about the 30 + turning radius, but sounds like this may not be huge deal as Coax is cambered and this ski is not. Skiing mainly Wolf, Telluride, Purgatory and 4 days at Big Sky each year. I have demo day on Icelantic Keeper, but that ski is too squirrely on harder snow! Pull the trigger on this one or go narrower and wait for next year Bibby Pro?
Hey Will, killer review I was curious if you would ever consider mounting farther forward on the Ghost Trains… I was curious as comparing them to the Magnum Opus, where Eric’s choice (-2 from center) totally changes the way they ski. I was considering mounting my Ghost Trains at -2 or -3 from true center. By my estimation this should put the boot centered between the two micro cambers… Which I’ve come to like on my deathwishs. True center doesn’t seem to be a good option for this ski because of the rocker profile. I’m looking to make them a little snappier in trees and more balanced in the air etc. Was curious what your thoughts were on this.
Hi Jake, I can weigh in on this, I have the ghost trains mounted at +2 which is -3 from center and they do great there, no problem with float and yes it does make them a little quicker and still carve great in soft snow, I also ski the deathwishes at +2 (-3 from center) and love them there also, and bibbys at +3, I have ridden just about every Moment ski and ride them all at -3 from center and they all seem to do great there. by the way 168lbs on the 186.
Thanks willie that helps a ton. I’ll likely do +2 then. Think that’d work for me at my size? (250lb 6’2″ on the 194cm) Thanks again.
Hi Will,
I will be going to Japan this season for two weeks. I’m thinking about buying the 2016 Ghost Train in 186cm and mount a Duke for ski touring. What do you think about that setup for Japow?
Best regards,
Kasper Pedersen
Hey, obviously I’m late to the party here, but I do have some questions as I am looking at adding a new setup so that I have two options to pick from whenever I go skiing. Currently I have a pair of Rossi S3’s with Look Pivots. I currently use them for everything, but i would like to just have them as a park ski and all-mountain ski whenever there hasn’t been fresh snow.
As such, the setup I’m looking to make should be able to make full use of pow days, including straight chair runs and some sidecountry (perhaps the odd backcountry trip, 1 per year at most). I like to be able to play around with a ski, but also have stability when pointing a cliff or chute (I would be the type of skier to mount the Magnum Opus at -4, based on your description).
The skis I am currently looking at include: the Magnum Opus, the Ghost Train, the Bibby and perhaps the Mordecai. Would it make sense to mount Baron EPF’s on any of these skis? It is the type of binding that would suit my interest, being a solid binding that does have touring functionality. Also, which of these skis do you think would make more sense given what I’m interested in and the binding I’d like to mount?
Thank you for taking the time to read my comment :)
Hi Will. I would like to get a dedicated powder ski for my annual BC cat trip. I’ve been on an 11/12 190 Bibby to date, but I would like to get something with better float and maybe a touch more playful. No flips or spins for me, but the Ghost Train still sounds pretty fun for a directional skier. I don’t want to spend $1300 on a DPS ski, so I’ve been looking at the Ghost Train and the Praxis Protest as options for a playful pow ski that can still handle long high speed turns. Do you have any thoughts on that? If so, I would also take your advice on lengths. It looks like you had the 187 GT. It feels weird going shorter than my Bibby, but hey great if it works. I’m 5’10 185. Thanks Will!
Hi Fellow Ski Geeks,
I have a pair of Armada JJs that are about 10yrs old that I use for deeper days. Would the Moment Ghost Train ski anything like the JJs? I have loved the JJs but Armada does not make the same ski anymore. Any thoughts would be really appreciated!