This season, I’ve spent time on several skis in Liberty’s Origin line, including both the 17/18 and 18/19 Origin 96, the Origin 106 (which is unchanged apart from graphics for 18/19), and the brand-new Origin 112. I’ve really liked all of these skis, and think they are all strong options in their respective categories. (And we’ll also be getting on the updated Origin 90 in the next couple of days.)
The Origin 112 in particular has stood out from the other skis in its class thanks to its shape, and this was most noticeable in one specific condition…
For a ski that’s 112 mm underfoot, the Origin 112 has a ton of tip rocker. And by “a ton,” I mean significantly more than most of the 115mm+ skis we’ve reviewed this year.
In addition to the massive tip rocker, the Origin 112 has pretty soft tips and shovels.
The result? The Origin 112 is a blast in powder.

I was on the Origin 112 at Telluride on a day when, depending on where you were on the mountain, anywhere between 10-20” of absolutely blower powder had fallen the night before. Despite only being on a 112mm-underfoot, 184 cm ski, I never found myself wishing for more flotation on that day while skiing the 184 cm Origin 112 (for reference, I’m 5’8”, ~155 lbs).
In powder, the Origin 112 planed predictably, was easy to slash and turn, and didn’t get too bogged down in the deep snow. The ski felt comfortable both when making tight turns in the trees as well as when arcing longer turns in Telluride’s Revelation bowl.
For someone my size (5’8”, 155 lbs), I think I’d only want a wider and longer ski than the 184 cm Origin 112 for my pow ski if I were going to a place like Japan, where I might expect to see 24”+ storms. But for skiing in the Rocky Mountains or on the east coast, I could happily use the Origin 112 as my dedicated powder ski.
Soft Chop
The Origin 112 excels in clean, uncut powder. Once the snow gets chopped up, it does get knocked around a bit, but as long as the chop was fairly soft, I still felt confident skiing the Origin 112 at speed through the cut up snow.
The giant tip rocker and soft shovels of the Origin 112 seem to make it want to plane up and over patches of chop, rather than blow through them. And if that chop is soft, the result is a pretty stable, predictable ride, and I didn’t feel like I had to really dial back my skiing on the Origin 112 in soft chop, even compared to slightly heavier and / or stiffer skis.
Firm Chop
While I didn’t have any complaints about the Origin 112 early in the day when we were skiing either clean pow or soft chop, I was left wishing for a bit more stability later in the day as the chop started to settle and firm up.
The Origin 112 feels pretty short due to its rocker profile, and when combined with its fairly low weight, that made it feel a bit twitchy when trying to ski hard through firm chop.
The Origin 112 still remained predictable in firm chop, I just had to ski with a bit more finesse and try to find lines around the patches of snow, rather than attempt to blow through them. Thanks to its fairly low weight and generous rocker profile, the Origin 112 does feel very easy to maneuver in tight spots, so if you are someone who likes to carefully pick your way through the late-afternoon chop (rather than annihilate every snow patch in sight), then the Origin 112 will happily comply.
As I noted above, the Origin 112 feels like it skis a bit short, and that’s not all that surprising given its rocker profile.
On groomers, that shorter effective edge is noticeable. However, the Origin 112 does still initiate turns predictably and carve pretty well — so long as the snow is somewhat soft. The Origin 112 is not the best ~110mm carver out there, but I could still lay it over and have some fun carving turns on soft groomers. At high speeds on soft groomers, I did notice some tip flap and could feel the Origin 112 getting knocked around when hitting small irregularities in the snow, so this is not the best ski for nuking down groomers.
On really firm, borderline-icy groomers, I felt pretty limited to controlled skids on the Origin 112. So no, Liberty didn’t magically turn the Origin 112 into a dedicated frontside carver by slimming it down 4 mm from the Origin 116. But given how fun the Origin 112 is in soft snow (especially in deep pow, given its width), I didn’t have a problem with its performance on really firm snow.
If you want to zipperline super fast through steep bumps on your 112mm-underfoot ski, the Origin 112 is not the best option. Its shovels are pretty soft and its tips and tails are pretty fat — none of which makes for an excellent zipperline bump ski.

But if you like to pivot and slide your way through moguls, the Origin 112 is a lot of fun. It’s not particularly quick (it is 112 mm underfoot, after all), but its lower weight and generous rocker profile make it easy to slide around in tight spaces. The Origin 112’s tail is supportive but quite forgiving — stiff enough to ease you out of the backseat, but not so rigid that it’ll take you for a ride if you make a mistake.
Mount Point / Playfulness
The recommended mount point of the Origin 112 that we received is -9.95 cm from center. Liberty told us that, while testing the ski this season, they’ve been preferring it mounted with the bindings either +1 or +2 cm in front of that line, and have decided to use a mount point of around -9 cm from center for the production run of skis.

After skiing the Origin 112 on the line for a few runs, I moved the bindings forward 2 cm to around -8 cm from center. As a skier that doesn’t ski switch a ton but skis with a playful style, I preferred the Origin 112 at this more forward mount. The ski felt a bit easier to slash and slightly more balanced in the air, but didn’t seem to lose any performance in other areas. I also felt like the Origin 112’s tips were a bit quieter / flapped less at -8 cm from center.
And while I’ll typically move bindings even further forward of a -8 cm mount, I ended up keeping the Origin 112 at that mount point. At this mount point, the Origin 112 felt intuitive and still very playful. Here, it prefers a forward, driving stance, but the ski is still quite forgiving and easy to break free into slashes. The Origin 112’s tips and tails also feel easy to flex into, and are pretty poppy. For people that want a more balanced feel in the air, moving the bindings even further forward might make sense. And for directional skiers that aren’t concerned with how the ski feels in the air or how easy it is to break free, -10 or -9 cm might be better. But for me, the -8 cm mount felt great.

Bottom Line
The Liberty Origin 112 is a ski that is most enjoyable in softer conditions, but that doesn’t feel totally out of place on the days in between the storms. It can easily slide its way through moguls and carve fairly well on soft groomers, but the Origin 112 really excels in powder and soft chop. There are better skis out there if you like to charge through variable snow, but the Origin 112 provides a nice balance of a fairly low weight, forgiving and intuitive ride, and playful nature — all the while maintaining respectable stability given those other 3 traits. If you’re looking for a ski that’s a lot of fun in powder and other soft snow but don’t want something super wide, the Origin 112 is a compelling option.
NEXT: Rocker Profile Pics
Any plans on reviewing the updated origin 96? Love the current version and curious how the changes will affect the ride
Hi Karl,
Definitely — we recently received the 18/19 Origin 96 and will be getting time on it soon, so keep an eye out for that review.
Hey Luke,
Do you have any updates on when the 18/19 Origin 96 review will be coming out?
Hello Luke,
When do think the update from your time on the Origin 112 at Telluride will be published?
Hi Erik — I’ll have the full review of the Origin 112 published in the next couple weeks.
Thanks Luke!
another one curious about the 18-19 origin 96…
How do you think the Origin 112 compares to the Volkl 100eight and J Metal as a primarily powder ski?
Hi Steve,
Unfortunately, we haven’t had any reviewers who have been on all three of those skis. But based on what others have said about them, I think the Origin 112 will be the best in deep snow (it floats very well for its width). The Metal will be the most damp and stable in rough snow, while I think the 100Eight would fall somewhere in between.
So if you’re primarily going to be using the ski in fairly deep snow (both untracked pow and soft chop), the Origin 112 is probably the best option. But if you value high-speed stability in any snow, the Metal might be better, and the 100Eight sounds like a bit of a compromise between the two.
Hope that helps.
– Luke
I picked up a pair of Origin 112 last night and after planning to rest today, made a last minute run up to Loveland arriving at noon. Yesterday would have been perfect for these with lots of boot-knee+ areas but late in the day the snow started getting wind effected so I had pretty low expectations for these skis today after more wind and sub zero temps last night. While riding up Ptarm on my first run I noticed that chair 9 was running so my “take it easy rest day” turned into 7 amazing laps off the top. With all the wind we had been having there was a variety of snow from ice and sastrugi to deep soft pockets. Like I said, I had low expectations given some of the “soft snow” comments but this ski was surprisingly composed in the variable conditions and then so surfy and fun in the deeper soft snow which I got several untracked runs on since the top of Luv was closed the past several days.
My main reason for getting this ski is I had my ankle fused last April and wanted to add a more easy going, soft snow biased ski to my quiver in between my heavy, hard charging 108 and 125 skis (since my hard charging is dialed way back this season until I get my plates and screws removed). JE and Luke steered me towards this ski to fill that gap in my quiver and I’m so glad they did! In soft snow and wind blown, this ski can charge hard and the 184cm size doesn’t feel too short in spite of this length being shorter than my other skis (I’m 6′ 195lbs). The firmer the conditions got, the shorter the skis felt (which is ok with me as my fused ankle has a definite speed limit right now) but still felt stable at moderate speeds. One bonus of the soft shovels is that when hitting bumps (or actually skiing bumps like on my last run) they would bend and absorb some of the energy rather than direct it to my boots/ankle like my stiffer skis do. This obviously isn’t a daily driver but I always take 2 skis to the mountain anyway and I envision this being my go to morning ski on pow days. Definitely a great pow ski for a 2+ ski quiver! Thanks again Blister!
This ski has been an absolute revelation! I bought it to be my soft snow & powder specific ski, but I find myself skiing it all the time. Yes, it can be difficult to get an edge in on scrubbed off firm groomers, but I don’t think it’s much worse than my Master Blaster in this respect, but when the conditions are good I can put my fist on the snow doing GS turns. Super fun! I think it would be hard to prize these skis out of my cold dead hands now. The synergy of the ski is what makes it so good. It floats extremely well for it’s width, it’s light enough to be quick edge to edge, burly enough to drive through soft chop at speed, heavy chop at moderate speed, (I tend to do big arks rather than straight lie it) wide enough to deal with crust, directional enough to give it authority, loose enough to scrub speed or turn on dime, it’s balanced in the air, and because it has early rise rather than a spatula tip it’s great in bumps with it’s easy pivots and smear characteristics. If had to use one word to describe it, it would be “balanced”. I have gained confidence with this ski and am skiing with more authority than I ever have. I was one a chair at Schweitzer yesterday sitting next to guy who was riding the older Genome. He said, yeah I over estimated the snow depth today! Me, I was have a ball!
Addendum to my post – I think this ski is a soft snow one ski quiver – maybe add a ski like the Line Blade for the hard pack days or rent. When I fly now, this is the only ski I will travel with. You pretty much covered all the characteristics in the review, but in my mind the ski belongs in the all mountain section as well. Cheers!
Thanks for the insights Gregory, the Origin is also very much on my radar so it’s great to hear from someone who has them already. Sound like a lot of fun.
Glad to hear it — hope you continue to have many great days on them!
Any thoughts on how much more demanding the 192 would be compared to the 184?
I doubt it’d be a drastic difference. While we haven’t skied or flexed the 192, the 184 is quite easy to begin with and I think the only real thing that would make the 192 more demanding would be its extra length in tight spots and slightly higher swing weight. FWIW, the 192 Origin Pro was far from a super demanding ski, based on what Paul Forward said about it.
That is what I was hoping. Increase in stability while still maintaining the playful, fairly easy-going nature.
And I read the Origin Pro review Paul. It is on the radar too, but probably a bit wide to use as more of a daily driver.
Hi, I am looking for a ski to complement my other pair of skis which are blizzard brahma 172. I will spend the next winter at revelstoke and would like a ski that would do the job at the resort when there is a lot of snow and in the backcountry to do touring on them (i would put salomon shift bindings).
I was initially looking at line sick day 104, armada tracer 108 or maybe line vision 108, all in size 172. But then, this ski caugth my attention, for the extra flotation and because they could complement well my brahma without too much overlap. I am 5’6″ tall, weigth 145lbs and I am an advanced skier. What are your thougths on this? Would toi use this ski for touring? Would you prefer one of the other options for a mix of resort/backcountry skiing? Many thanks for all your advice and amazing reviews!
I’m looking for wider ski to use on soft snow days or in the trees a week after a storm at Taos/Telluride and also at Silverton during unguided season. Even when there’s new snow at these places, there’s lots of hard snow underneath the bumps and I’m worried these won’t be stable/damped enough?
I was considering the Moment Wildcat, Rossignol Blackops Gamer, and K2 Mindbender 108 Ti. My daily driver is the Liberty Origin 96 in 176, and my backcountry ski is the Voile V8’s mounted on Kingpins.
Is there a different ski you’d recommend for the hike-to terrain in Silverton and Telluride, and the ridge in Taos?
FYI, I’m 5-8 and weigh 145. Not sure between the 176 and 184 length.