Ski: Rossignol Soul 7, 188cm
Dimensions (mm): 137-108-127
Sidecut Radius: 18 meters
Actual Tip to Tail Length (Straight Tape Pull): 186.7cm
Blister’s Measured Weight: 2012 & 2000 grams
Mount Location: Recommended Line (-6cm from true center)
Boots / Bindings: Rossignol Alltrack Pro 130 / Marker Jester (DIN 10)
Test Location: Alta Ski Area, Park City Mountain Resort
Days Skied: 15
[Editor’s Note: Our review was conducted on the 13/14 Soul 7, which is unchanged for 14/15 and 15/16.]
The Rossignol 7-Series has certainly made some waves in the ski industry this year, and if you haven’t read Jonathan’s review and Dana’s review of the Soul 7, then I’d recommend reading them as well.
As a not-so-huge fan of the old S7 & old Super 7, I was a bit skeptical of the Soul 7. After the S7, I was tempted to dismiss a ski belonging to the 7-Series as a tool for the easy-going or less-experienced skier. Such a ski wouldn’t be a bad thing, it just wouldn’t be a ski I personally would be too hot for.
However, when I first saw the new 7-series, I was reminded of playing in the deep snow and trees of Japan on the 12/13 Squad 7, which had a large influence on the redesigned shape of the series. I hoped that Rossi had made a ski that was not only easy to ski, but that could also throw down. After 15 days on the Soul 7, here is what I have come to find…
In The Air
Although our previous reviews haven’t discussed freestyle performance, Rossignol does say that the Soul 7 is “a revolutionary fusion of backcountry, freestyle, and freeride performance.” Also, given the dimensions and overall shape, the Soul 7 has a direct competitor in the freestyle, all-mountain category: the Salomon Rocker2 108.
I’d be willing to bet that a number of young adults and juniors ripping around on new Rocker2 108’s this season didn’t even consider the Soul 7 when making their purchase.
From my extensive experience on both skis, that’s too bad.
As both Jonathan and Dana have already said, the 188 Soul 7 is a pretty light ski, maybe not quite ‘190cm DPS Wailer 112RP Pure’-light (~1840 grams per ski), but it’s noticeably lighter than the 190 Salomon Rocker2 108, 190 Line Sir Francis Bacon, and smaller 186 Blizzard Peacemaker. And the Soul 7’s swing weight is also noticeably lighter than these skis.
Both of these attributes make the ski super easy to manipulate in the air, and it feels surprising balanced, even at the -6cm from center “recommended” line.

Carving Firm Groomers
As unfortunate as high-pressure may be for those who love to ski pow, a string of sunny days early in the season allowed me to get the Soul 7 on some pretty firm groomers. As both Jonathan and Dana have already pointed out, the Soul 7 does have a limit to which it remains stable. I didn’t find this boundary to be at particular edge angles as those guys said, but instead found it to be based on how aggressively I pressured the ski. Basically, if I remained smooth and not too heavy on my feet, I could use the skis sidecut to carve out short to medium radius, very fun, energetic turns.
But the moment I tried to really work the ski, pressing heavily into each carve to load up the ski and tighten up the radius, the ski would begin to chatter and loose edge hold. On one particular occasion, I even found myself pulling off a high speed, death chatter, surface 180, while really pushing the limits of the ski on a firm groomer.
Carving Soft Groomers
I emphasize the word firm for a reason. Because on the prevalent soft groomers at Alta, the Soul 7 provides a super fun groomer experience that, at least for someone of my size (I’m 20-25 lbs. lighter than Dana & Jonathan), doesn’t feel limited by any means.
Even though the ski does use a short effective edge (~132cm) with a moderate amount of tip and tail taper, the overall shape of the ski provides a balanced, predictable, and therefore comforting ride, even at moderate speeds. Similarly easy-to-ski options, such as the Rossi S7 / Super 7, Salomon Rocker2 108, and DPS Wailer 99, are all much more nerve wracking at speed, and are, for various reasons, a little wonky feeling in this on-piste setting.
Of course, this is not to say anyone would confuse the Soul 7 for a dedicated carver or metal-laminated, all-mountain ski, but based on my experience, groomer performance shouldn’t be considered a weakness of the ski. It is, after all, aimed at people skiing 80% of the time in powder and 20% of the time on groomed runs.
Off-Piste (Smooth vs. Rough)
Riding the Soul 7 over firm off-piste conditions, the ski at times feels in its element, and at times well out of its element—depending on how roughed up the snow happens to be.
On smooth firm snow, as long as all pent-up aggression was kept internalized and I remained cognizant of speed, the skis felts surprisingly smooth and comfortable. I found the Soul 7 absolutely preferred progressive loading, and smooth smeared / skidded turns, regardless of size, rather than high-speed carving or hard, attacking, short radius turns in these conditions.
As Dana mentioned in his review, the Soul 7 does provide a predictable and calm ride, as opposed to a rattle-your-eyes-out experience, so long as speeds are continually held in check, or excessive speed is bled off slowly. Stomp on the Soul 7s hard, and you’ll likely overpower them. As you will see, the key to riding this ski is finesse; it’s not that they can’t be skied very fast in smooth challenging terrain, but they most certainly do not appreciate being pushed on.
Skiing over rough firm conditions, the low weight and short effective edge of the Soul 7 elicited a much more demanding ride at medium to high speeds. Trying to stay on the sweet spot was a chore, and “damp” was one of the last words running through my mind. At slower speeds, the skis are easy to navigate, but they did little in the way of smoothing out rough snow conditions.
Although I haven’t yet had the Soul 7 in the super deep blower pow that Alta is famous for, I have been very impressed with how the ski has performed in up to 16” of either fluffy light snow (6-8%), higher density snow (12-14%), and even “upside-down” snow (rising snowfall density).
Regardless of snow density and with any bit of speed, the Soul 7 planes better than expected for a 108mm-underfoot ski. In this area, the Soul 7 felt much like the Sickle: turns are inherently medium radius, drifty, and loose while at speed, yet the ski is still very manageable and quick at slower speeds, popping in and out of fresh snow.
Beginner powder skiers will still be better off on the older S7 or Atomic Automatic, but I believe any skier who knows how to ski powder and is around my size (and maybe up to around 200 lbs.?) will thoroughly enjoy the powder skiing experience the Soul 7 provides, on all but perhaps the deepest days.
Soft Crud and Chop
Resort powder skiing typically involves more crud and chop skiing than true untracked powder skiing. For my 160lbs., the Soul 7 does an outstanding job of providing a stable platform to smoothly graze over tracked up goodness.
I say “over” because the Soul doesn’t excel at carving through chop, blowing up any piles of snow in the way, Blizzard Cochise style). But instead, with a fairly compact and centered stance, and running a fairly flat base, the Soul 7 seemingly floats across the surface.
Because of the very progressive flex pattern, the skis give the feeling of flexing to a certain point and then holding that position regardless of the snow that lies ahead. Much to my surprise, this progressive firming of the flex demonstrates how the skis do have a bit of power, and allowed me to ski very fast through variable soft snow.
While the Soul 7 doesn’t quite have the same ability to carve down crud as the 11/12 Sickle, taking the bases-flat-and-smearing approach does feel very similar: they are super easy to pivot and smear around, and provide an easy-to-find sweet spot that you never seem to get dislodged from.
NEXT: Mount Location, Durability, Etc.
Have you spent much time on JJ’s over the years? If so preferences? I’m betting the way you described the ski soul7 is he way you would go for over all fun and versatility.
“…DPS Wailer 99, are all much more nerve wracking at speed”–
Hey, I thought you guys the Wailer 99’s were actually pretty solid on anything softer than boilerplate. Are the Soul’s actually better on piste?
The 99’s I rode were indeed a fun ride on groomers. The 99 can be pushed-on much harder than the Soul 7 (for example, during aggressive, short radius, carved turns), but the Soul is less twitchy and “hooky” feeling at speed (medium and long radius carved turns). The Soul also provides a more balanced feel, tip to tail, than the 99.
If groomer performance were a big concern of mine, neither of these skis would be on my radar. Taking ALL aspects of MY own skiing into consideration, I would much rather own the Soul 7 than the Wailer 99.
What features would you say push you to prefer the Soul 7 over Wailer 99?
I’m looking for something as an all around tele ski for summit county. I’m 5’10”, 165#. Expert. I tend to prefer a quick and playful ski, throw a few 3’s here and there, but nothing more flippy / spinney than that. I ski hard and fast but would say I’m more of a finesse than a power skier.
I had been leaning toward the wailer 99 based on these reviews (Robin’s in particular) but thinking perhaps the Soul 7 might fit the bill and I’ll hang on to my Nordica steadfast for the firmer days. Sick day 110 also on the radar. I would probably complement the wailer with something a bit fatter for Pow days.
Specifically I want something quick, with a supportive but not overly stiff tail (which I dislike about the steadfast), that will be fun in soft but not necessarily deep conditions – including the usual cut up chop and wind affected crud that are predominant around here.
I also ski alpine 50% and have 184 old bibby’s for the deeper days or when I feel more like charging.
Thanks for the great reviews!!
Hi there. I could use some advice on what ski’s to buy. I am 189 lbs, 6’4 and an advanced skier, skiing in Europe. My daily ski is the Armada AR7 but I want an extra set of ski’s for going mainly off-piste. The conditions in the ski resorts here is that fresh snow gets tracked fast and crud and small moguls off-piste are common. I’ve skied the Rossi Soul 7 which were great on groomers and had enough float off-piste. However, based on the reviews, I think a Rossi Sickle would maybe better for me. Any advice on which ski would be best is welcome.
P.S. I don’t ski extremely fast off-piste, only on-piste. And I wonder if the Armada JJ would be an option too. This afternoon went skiing again on Soul 7 in bad conditions (fog, hard packed off-piste snow) and the ski die not give me the confidence to just go for it and don’t worry. Thx for replies..
What size AR7 are you on and what size Soul 7 did you demo?
Hi Jason. My AR7 skis are 181cm. The Soul7 ski’s I’ve tested were 188cm. Last Friday there was a snow dump of 35cm and I’ve skied the Soul7. Awesome ski, very easy to ski and even at high speeds very stable. Best day of the year so far. However, I’ve decided to buy the Blizzard Cochise ski based on reviews and typical conditions I face. Hope they will be great too.
If the snow is not soft, or not always soft, what is your favorite 100-110 ski in quite some, or current, time? Blister tends not to revisit non-current models (although the Sickle endures, for good reason). What do you want to be on between (sometimes rather extended) storm cycles?
My current favorite in the 100-110 range, for when it’s not soft, is the Blizzard Peacemaker. If the 11/12 Sickle were still available, it would be a pretty close toss-up between the two.
Hey Jason,
Any word on when the Peacemaker review will be coming out? Ive heard a ton of hype over the ski and am super interested to see what you guys have to say!
I’m actually working on the review right now. It should be live within a day or so.
Awesome, thanks Jason.
I look forward to reading it. Trying to currently decide on the 186 or the 179 and you guys put out the best reviews out there so I figured Id wait to see what ya had to say about the boards.
Great review, as always! I’m looking for a beginner off-pist ski, and thought perhaps this could be a good choice. I’m 5’7 and 157 lbs. It will be my only ski and mainly off-pist (70%) in the French alps and should be a easy-turning ski. Or would you recommend something else, perhaps Salomon 108 or Atomic Automatic?
I personally liked the feel of the Soul 7 much more than the R2 108. Comparing the Soul to the Automatic is a bit of a reach, since the Automatic is much wider. The Automatic would be more appropriately compared to the Super 7, which I haven’t ridden yet.
The Automatic is effortless to ski off-piste, but the Soul 7 (and I would guess Super 7) are not far behind and offer a much more symmetric feel tip-to-tail that I personally prefer.
Ok, thanks! What skis and length do you think I should aim for considering my level, wieght/height and mainly off-pist. I will go to Val Thorens next week so I hope to test as many skies as possible…
What size ski are you currently skiing?
I’ve only tried the Salomon q115 (178) in varied off pist terrain. I like the stiffness and shape, however I don’t have much to compair with
Hi Jason,
Thanks for this review, much helpful. I’ve read the other reviews as well, and commented on Dana’s thread too, but wonder if I can have your opinion also, as it would be helpful to have both.
I’m 188CM, 180lbs, and am looking for my first off piste/deep snow ski. On the frontside I ski on a Line Sick Day 95, which I bought recently and really dig for my level of skiing and how it performs all around. I’m looking for a second set to complement the SD’s when the snow is deep, basically pushing myself off the piste.
The models I have narrowed it down to are:
* Rossi S7
* Line SD 110
* Line SFB
* Whitedot Preacher
Given your experience and knowledge of these, what would you suggest to a pow beginner? I’m not looking to run this pair much on groomers although that’s of course a positive plus, but I also have no pow experience, so this is the pair I will learn on. I think that for the conditions I am likely to ski (French/Austrian alps), around 110 cm underfoot seems reasonable.
Also, your comments on the R7’s soft surface for mounting is worrying for sure.
Any thoughts would be appreciated
As a small PS. When it comes to crud and moguls, I find a pair of stiffer “basher” skis much more enjoyable than very soft “zippers”…
Of the skis you’ve mentioned I’ve only ridden the Soul 7 and SFB, so I can only comment on those skis. I would say, in powder, the Soul is easier to ski, and provides a bit more float than the SFB. Neither the Soul or SFB are going to be “basher” crud skis, both prefer a lighter approach. Skis that like to crush crud are not typically what I would recommend for a beginner pow skier.
Jason: can you compare the Soul 7 to the original Obsethed (105 mm under foot), which you mentioned in your May 2011 review of the then-new Obsethed (117 under foot)? I’m thinking of replacing my original Obsethed, which would leave me needing something between my K2 Rictor and the wider Obsethed. I’m 5’11” and weigh 145 lbs, which means prefering a softer ski. Thanks
The Soul is going to give you a much lighter, snappier ride than the original Obsethed, which has both benefits (it’s fun and easy) and weaknesses (little less forgiving if you make a mistake). I remember being able to ski more aggressively on the Obsethed in firm conditions than the Soul prefers, but in soft conditions I would definitely be happier on the new Soul than the old Obsethed. You may even find yourself riding the Soul over your newer Obsethed on all but the very deepest days.
Any thoughts on the K2 Shredittor 102 mm, as a replacement for my old Obsethed 105 mm?
Thank you
Have you had anyone test the Soul 7 with a telemark setup?
I bought a pair last spring and was really happy with them. I have an overly long winded comment below Jonathan’s review about their tele performance.
Am looking for a pow and soft snow ski that is playful and light, but also good for resort tracked pistes like you get at the Bird and Alta (where I ski the most) late day or next day/2 after a dump. My mainstay is the Mantra 190 (I am 6’2″ and 210) so I am looking for a complement on days when conditions are good …..and also something quicker in the soft bumps and trees. We got 12″ of light density in Little Cottonwood on Thursday overnight and I skied the Armada JJ 185 at the Bird. the next overnight we got 6″ of high density and another 6″ during the day. Skied Alta on the Salomon 105. Last night we just got dust or an inch or two and I tried the Soul 7 188 at the Bird. Maybe it was just my legs finally getting into shape, but I had the most fun on the Soul 7 this morning cruising down still soft and deep Great Scott and Upper Cirque. Just kept running laps on this and had as much fun with this ski as I have had in a long time on any ski with the lightness and quickness of turns.
So here is my question, given none of testers are as big or heavy as me, and the comments on the ski relative to how it could hold up for a heavy skier, I am wondering if you think that I should be looking at something else to fulfill my objectives knowing that I am 6’2″ and 210 and don’t get backcountry much so I need to be cognizant of the tracked pistes you can get at Alta and Snowbird when skiing inbounds….
I think I wouldn’t have any questions if there weren’t concerns over my weight and aggressiveness with the ski.
It sure was fun today….I just don’t have multiple days to trial it out to see if it will be exposed by my weight…..and I probably was having too much fun enjoying it today in what I knew I liked and staying away from crowds vs. spending some time pushing it in certain ways that I might on other days and conditions…..
Hey, Dave – I’ll chime in. First, if you had a great time on the ski, in the sort of conditions that you’d be buying this ski for, then trust yourself and get the ski. If you hadn’t skied it, and since you’re coming from a 191 Mantra, I would not have predicted that you would have liked the 188 Soul 7 so much. But you did … so go with it! While there are a number of other ~108mm-underfoot skis we like, I can’t currently think of something that is basically a more stout Soul 7. Then again, it doesn’t sound like you were wanting to change anything about the Soul 7. You might not get as many days out of it as your burlier, metal Mantra, but sounds like – in the right conditions – you’ll continue to have a lot of fun.
Hi Jason
Thanks for the review! Looking for some advice: what size would you recommend for a lighter build for the soul 7? I am 5’8″, 135-140lbs, advanced level but not a very agressive skier, skiing in Europe, previously on a 2008 Scott Mission in 169cm which I found too shoort for off-piste skiing. Given that you generally recommended to go for the longer length I am inclined to go for 180cm but I read that Dana recommended the 172cm for someone 145lbs so I’m a bit lost: any advice?
Also have you skied the Volkl One? Any thoughts on the fit for a lighter skier and the performance in variable snow compared to the soul 7 (I guess they’re equivalent in powder)?
Jason: When will you revise de new Rossignol Super 7.
Could you compare it with the old S7.
On another note, how would you compare these to the old BD Zealot? Thanks!
Hi Jason! Which would be your one ski quiver, the Soul 7 or the Shreditor 112?
Thanks a lot.
Hi Jason,
Great review, nicely complementing the other two. Just one quick question: Is the new model of the Soul 7 for 2014/2015 any different to the 2013/14 model?
Many thanks,
Hey, Hans – the 13/14 & 14/15 Soul 7 are the same ski.
Hi guys, love the unbiased reviews.
Not sure about getting the Soul vs the 2015 Sin as I’m very light and might prefer the slightly quicker edge on the Sin and still find it fine in deeper snow? Have experinance on the S3 and S7 but these are a bit different now. You mentioned you hoped to test and review the Sin as well, any chance of that happening?
Nothing is confirmed yet, Alan, but we hope to get on the Sin 7s early season.
Thanks Jonathan, look forward to it.
Don’t know if this helps everyone for sizing questions but I ski a 163 length Head Titan frontside for its playfulness and turnability.
This Monday, we are still skiing over here (NZ), there were a couple of guys on 180 Souls. I compared my Titans effective edge length against the black part of the Soul and the Titan is actually longer.
So I’d have no hesitation going for at least the 180 length in the Soul (or Sin), it is definitely going to be fun, lively and quick.
Hi everyone,
Sorry to jump on the “what size band wagon” but i’m torn between the 172 and the 180’s. I am 5’8″ and weigh 145 pounds. I send most of my time on the east coast but will be spending a month this year crashing couches out west. I am leaning towards the 172 to gain mobility in the trees but i’m not sure how they will hold up out west or if they will feel to small. Any input is greatly appreciated.
I’m almost certain everyone is going to tell you to go longer.
I’m 5’10”, 165#, and the 188 do not feel at all too long as a tele ski, and they honestly felt short when I demoed an alpine setup. They are incredibly quick, so you do not need to go shorter for this reason.
Not sure how you ski, but if you are an aggressive skier who pressures the shovels at all, I would even say go 188 to get more edge for harder snow conditions.
That being said, they work but are not awesome on hardpack. They get the job done, but I bet there are a few other skis out there that will treat you very well during your month out west, but serve you better at home. These guys can tell you better than I, but I would read every review on skis in the 100-110mm waist range and see what fits. Supernatural 108 comes to mind (this will be the next ski I buy).
Thanks for the imput
Everyone I have asked so far has said go for the longer length, I had a pair of 183 Shiros that felt a bit big for me last year but from everything I have read the soul 7 seams to be a way easier ski to turn.
Jack G – and everybody else – is right, Dave. If the question is 172s or 180s, the answer is 180s for sure.
FWIW, the 188 ski way shorter than my 186 Gotamas.
I’m 5’7 125 lbs advanced/expert skier should I buy 180 cm skis or the 172s. Thanks in advance.
As mentioned above, when between sizes with the Soul 7, go longer, or you will regret it!
I’m 5’11, 160 lbs myself and went with the 188 and it’s still über-quick and I’d never ever trade it in for the 180.
While the design and construction of the ski stayed the same, they did slightly alter the colors this year. The 15/16 ski’s yellow is more of a brighter, neon yellow, while last year’s yellow was darker and matte. Also, the sidewalls were white last year, now they’re the same neon yellow as the tip and tail.
So basically it’s a fun ski but dont ski it to aggressively or you may rip the bindings out, Who wants to pay $600 for a ski that they have to be careful not to over ski it? Typical Rossignol crap, I think I will stick with Moment and Line.
Rossi has always had a reputation for fun skis that fall apart after one season.
No advanced skier I know has ever said anything positive about the Soul 7, and here in MT our second hand market was flooded with them last season when everyone realized how shitty a ski they had bought.
I think I never saw a ski generate so much discussion around sizing! Are you ok to respond to another one? :-)
I’m an east coast skier ( 6′;215 pounds) that just love tree skiing! And when the official places are skied out, I go further deep so further thight places… When we have big dumps (for here), I ski on my 185 Patron no problem in any of these places… Lately, I bought a 192 TST for days of less bigger dumps… I just love them on hardpack, bumps and trees; but when I go in thighter trees, I’m not confident no more and I would like something easier to ski there… So I’m now looking for something else in the 100-106 range that will be very easy to ski in thight places… Everything point towards the Soul 7 but also maybe the Pinnacle ( maybe too soft?), the automatic 109 ( larger than 100-106 range) that I only tried in 182 and thought that it lacked tail compared to the 180 Soul 7 that I also tried that year… So the Soul 7 are the #1 on the list and I’m thinking that if I tried the 180 and really liked it, maybe I should stick to that lenght; specially since I had a “bad” experience with the 192 TST and also considering that the difference between the 180 and 188 soul all goes in the tail… Please help me so I can sleep again… :-)
If you hadn’t tried the 180 and really liked it, I (and probably everyone else who skied it) would absolutely advise you against the 180! I’m 5’11” and 160, so WAY lighter than you and found it absolutely mind blowing how quick that ski is! I personally don’t think it gets much quicker than that..
Ask yourself: did the 180 offer enough stability and float for you? If yes, then you could consider sticking with the 180. Otherwise I’d pick the 188, especially since you’re not gonna give up much quickness, because, as you said yourself, the length is added in the tail!
It would probably also help if you described your skiing style (hard/powerful or finesse) and skill level!
If you can, by all means, go back and ski it in 188. No better way to figure it out than that. Also have a look at the other two reviews on this site, since the reviewers, Jonathan and Dana, are closer to your weight than Jason is. Maybe you’ll also find somebody about your size in the comments, with a feedback.
Thanks Stephan for your answer!
In fact, I just had the chance to ( very very) briefly try it again this saturday and… I didn’t like it as much as I remembered… Again, at the demo, the longest was the 180 so I couldn’t try the 188… First, I tried the K2 Pinnacle 105 as I thought I would finish with the one I prefer (the soul 7)… But I was surprise to prefer the Pinnacle 105! I tried them on hardpack, icy hardpack ( Pinnacle : better edge hold), skied out bumps ( both similar) and couple days old untouched snow in really thight trees and in there, I prefered the Pinnacle again! The 184 Pinnacle is 185 cm so it would have been more interesting to compare it to the 188 Soul7 that is about 186.7 cm ( like they say here)…
Last year, I tried the 180 Soul 7 after trying the Automatic 109 in 182 (way to short for me! Felt like no tail at all!) so maybe this is why the Soul 7 in 180 then felt so nice???
Anyway, I might go for the Pinnacle 105…
Thank you for your very good reviews. I would be very glad if you could help me with the length of a pair of Soul 7.
I have been skiing a lot but mostly in pist but have recently started to ski more offpist. I have mainly been using race skis and the last one is an all mountain ski, Kästle MX83 173cm, but its more like a pist ski with full camber.
Its a pretty stiff ski without rocker and now I want a more playful all mountain ski that is better for off pist that could do some pist as well. I thinking of a Soul 7 with a Marker Duke. I don’t know if I should buy the 180cm or the 188cm. Is the 188 hard to do tight turns with when you are among trees? Is the 188 more solid and stable if you ski it hard? Im 185cm(6.1) and 80kg . Very thankful for an answer.
What about the mountain point for the bindings in 180/188? I also red that you are saying that the 188 is only adding length in the tail, what do you mean with that?
Can totally confirm the soft core. Just had my toe pieces (tech-binding) ripped off the ski and had trouble finding proper wood in the holes left behind.
Truly love how this ski goes down hill soft hard or even ice (for non skinny ski) Piste are fun to carve on with it.
BUT if not mounted with rock solid inserts you might want to slow down on the piste, and what is the fun it that.
Anyone knows a ski that comes close to this but has actual wood inside? Hapily have something heavier in exchange for robustness.
Soul 7’s are garbage. They delaminated after 10 days of inbound skiing with my kids over the last 16 months. Rossignol claims that this is not a defect and will not warranty them because they are more than a year since I bought them, despite that they are still BRAND NEW without a scratch on them. My only conclusion is that if they are not defective, then they design them to delaminate. Total garbage. I will NEVER BUY ROSSIGNOL again.
I just recently found a pair of old Rossi Soul 7’s 188cms and I absolutely love them!!!!. They are my go to powder ski because they turn so easy. What i found out is that ,now, being very late season and the snow is getting heavier (-1 to -3) conditions….these skis handle the heavier snow conditions unbelievable. My other powder skis are more torsional stiff and burlier therefore they don’t turn as easily.
I am now shopping for a new powder specific touring ski set up with the same characteristics as the “old” Rossi Soul 7.
Therefore….. would you please give me some examples of skis that would fit the description.
I am a directional skier who likes to turn to control speed……. love powder and tree skiing in the backcountry.
So if you have skied a Rossi Soul 7…..and you have found a current ski that is similar I would appreciate your comments.
Thanks for any advice,