Ski: 2013-2014 MOMENT Belafonte, 187cm
Stated Dimensions (mm): 135-106-124
Blister’s Measured Dimensions (mm): 129-105-123
Stated Sidecut Radius: 27.4 meters
Actual Tip-to-Tail Length (straight tape pull): 185.4cm
Blister’s Measured Weight per Ski: 2121 & 2223 grams
Boots / Bindings: Lange RX 130 / Marker Jester (DIN at 11)
Mount Location: Factory Recommended Line
Test Locations: Taos Ski Valley
Days Skied: 7
[Editor’s Note: This review was conducted on the 12/13 187cm Belafonte, which was not changed for 13/14.]
A year ago, in my review of the 182cm MOMENT Belafonte, I wrote:
The only thing that surprises me a bit is that MOMENT doesn’t offer this ski in the popular length of 185-186cm. (The Belafonte comes in 174, 182, and 192cm.) I imagine there are a number of potential buyers who turn into Goldilocks, bummed because 182cm sounds a little too short, but worried that 192cm will be a bit too much.
The guys at MOMENT apparently agreed, and for the 2012-2013 season, MOMENT has introduced a 187cm model of both the Belafonte and the Jaguar Shark to sit between the 182cm and 192cm lengths of both of those models.
Since Garrett Altmann, Will Brown, and I have already weighed in on the 182cm Belafonte, I won’t say too much here about the ski’s general strengths and weaknesses, but I want to say a bit about this new 187 and offer up a few factoids.
Factoid #1: Graphics
Artist Nick Franchi has created an awesome, odd graphic for the 12/13 Belafonte, and it really pops. The original 10/11 Belafonte graphic is still one of my all-time favorites, and this one is strong, too.
Factoid #2: Flex Ratings
For the 12/13 season, MOMENT has assigned flex ratings to each of their skis. This is a relative number, of course, and it’s not the first time that a ski company has done this (PRAXIS Skis, for example, has been doing it for a while). But I hope it’s something that we see more companies incorporate. It’s pretty helpful to be able to situate a particular ski among a company’s entire line.
MOMENT calls the Belafonte a “9” on their flex scale, and it is the only 9 in their lineup. The MOMENT Governor (formerly the Bibby Special) is the only ski with a stiffer flex rating than the Belafonte, so it earns a 10. And to round out the picture, the Bibby Pro and PB&J are both listed as “8,” the Night Train and Eldo are a “7.5,” and the Jaguar Shark, Tahoe, and the new Deathwish are listed as “7.” (Our reviews of the Tahoe and Deathwish are coming soon.)
If skiers interested in the Belafonte formerly had a Goldilocks problem, it seems that they now have a different problem: deciding which length will really work best for them. As Garrett, Will, and I have all said, this is an outstanding ski, but it is not an easy ski, and it wasn’t designed to be particularly forgiving. When you mess up on the Belafonte, the Belafonte won’t quickly turn the other cheek—it will slap you. The upside to this, however, is serious stability at speed. The Belafonte is a ski that will allow you to push very hard in variable conditions and bumped-up terrain, and there are very few (if any?) skis that I’d rather be on in firm, choppy, or somewhat bumped-up conditions.
But I don’t want to overstate how burly this ski is, either. While the Belafonte wasn’t made for lazy or mellow skiing, I’ve had a great time skiing pretty firm, big bumps this spring at Taos on the 187 Belafonte. On steeper sections of Reforma, Blitz, and West Blitz, the Belafonte was most at home when skiing across the front side of the bumps, catching a little air, turning in the air, landing solidly, making a few turns in the troughs, and repeating the whole process. The stiff flex of the Belafonte made for a very solid platform to land and quickly repeat the maneuvers, where softer skis would have been folding up, bucking me around, and making life more difficult.
As I wrote in my original review, the Belafonte is incredibly solid on groomers, and I would like to shake your hand if you have found a speed limit for them.
But where the Belafonte particularly shines is when these groomers get bumped up a bit. You can find yourself going 40 (or 50 or 60+) miles per hour through a chopped runout or on a roughed-up groomer, hit a bump, catch air, and land solidly, instantly tracking on edge rather than landing and feeling squirrely, swimming around, trying to get back into a carved trench.
For someone who likes the stability/maneuverability balance of the 190 Bibby, is the 182 or 187 Belafonte comparable? I enjoy how the 190 Bibby feels rock solid on edge yet becomes quite maneuverable in the trees. Looking for the mini version, I’ve realized the 188 PB&J isn’t it, skiing like a much less substantial ski and I’m thinking the Belafonte might be more what I’m aiming to get.
Dan – couple things: first, I think it’s interesting that you find the PB&J to be “a much less substantial ski” than the 190 Bibby. I don’t. In my review of the PB&J, I said that the tail felt like it hand flexed softer to me than the Bibby Pro, but that I didn’t feel like it skied softer. And as I mention in this review, MOMENT calls both the PB&J and the Bibby Pro an “8” on their flex scale.
So it seems to me that when you get on the PB&J rather than the Bibby Pro, what you’re really feeling (and not digging, evidently) is the reduction in weight, width, and slight reduction in length: the PB&J doesn’t feel EXACTLY like a Bibby Pro because, obviously, it is shorter, narrower, and lighter. (Wow, that all sounds really stupid and obvious. Sorry; I’m certain you realize all of this already.)
But if I’m remembering correctly your height and weight, and given that the PB&J hasn’t been what you’re looking for, I do think you might try the 182 Belafonte – just detune the tip, but more important, detune the hell out of the tail, and you’ll have a stiffer, shorter ski that can slarve “okay.” My only concern is that the tail of the Belafonte is no joke, but I think if you stay on the ski and detune, it really could do for you what you want.
Jon – interesting thoughts. I realize the obvious width and weight effects play a role. It’s more that the skis feel differently on edge to me and require a slightly different style of skiing. The Bibby responds well to driving the tips and will rip through anything. The PB&J I find requires a softer touch, and driving the tips the same way tends to overpower the ski. I need to back off a bit and cruise (even on groomers) for them to feel right. I just don’t find them as confidence inspiring. Perhaps mounting a bit back would help.
Replacing the PB&J with the Belafonte is purely a hypothetical – having a friendly ski and a charger in the quiver may make more sense than having 2 chargers, even if I do prefer the chargier Bibby most of the time. But I was interested in the length comparison if I were to make that move. From what you’re saying though, it sounds like the flat tails lead to a quite different feeling ski than the Bibby. If only Moment made a Super PB&J (yes, I don’t think Moment offers enough models :D )…
Haha. MOMENT is going to have to build the DM Special! But I really do think a detuned 182 Belafonte might be the ticket for you. Hopefully you can get on one at some point and see what you think.
I want the ski in 187 cm. I hate the new graphics.
Hi Jonathan,
I need a little help deciding which length to pick up – 187 or 192. I’m 193cm tall, and weight 87kg. Right now I ski Hippy Stinx 189 & Armada AKJJ 195, both with Rottefella NTN binding. Hippies lost their flex, so I’m thinking to replace them with Belafonte.
Our home resort is in Slovakia, East Europe (maybe you know High Tatras) and we ski a lot in the Alps. This should be like ski for hard packs, groomers, trees, quick turns. I will not be taking Belafontes out on days that are deeper than 12 inches. For that days, I have AKJJ.
What do you think 187 or 192?
Thanks for advice,
yeah, and i m a telemarker…
Hi, Peter – I think the 187 is actually a pretty easy call here. As I mentioned in my review of the 182 Belafonte, when in doubt…size down. It’s such a stable ski that you just don’t need to bump up the length to increase stability. I’m about your weight, and I love both the 182 and 187 Belafonte. Given that you want this ski to be “quick,” and that you won’t be on it when there is more than 12″ of new snow, I will be very surprised if you come back and tell me that you wish you had the extra length of the 192. Let me know what you decide to do!
The only thing I worried is my height – 193cm. Do you think is ok to have skis 187 long with my height?
Yep – these are plenty stable, and since you want quick but don’t need float, I’m recommending 187. But if you are worried about the length, go 192 and know that you’ll be working harder to make ‘quick’ turns. In tight trees or in big bumps, the 192 Belafontes are a lot of ski. But if you’re skiing in open terrain, an extra 5cms isn’t going to hurt you; I just don’t have reason to believe it’d help you much, either.
Ok, then 187 will it be ;)
I’ll let you know, how they work.
I am 6’1″, and a solid 215 lbs. I am 40 yrs old and have been skiing since 1979. I ski between 30-50 days per year. My style is more power, influenced by racing technique and a preference for speed. I don’t jib, spin, switch, etc. If I am riding switch, there is a problem. I like steep and I like fast. My current ski is the 190 Volkl Katana. I love the ski for pretty much everything. Sometimes I regret not picking up the 198, but I picked up the 190 for more versatility. I am looking to pull the trigger on the Belafonte to add something with a little more quickness for the days between storms and also possible use for side country. I typically ski in Idaho, Utah and Jackson but take trips to Alaska or other destinations as my schedule permits. I don’t gravitate toward trees. I do find myself in trees on occasion, but it is not something I dream about. I see myself using this ski in the cut up crud bump leftovers and occasionally on 4-6″ days. I want some versatility. I was thinking 192cm prior to reading your reviews (which were very helpful). Can you give me an opinion on sizing for the Belafonte or recommend another ski as an option? I do want some versatility. My quiver will consist of 3 skis this year. Need to fill two spots around the Katana. Thanks for any advice.
Hey, Jerrott – if you’re looking for “a little more quickness” than your 190 Katana, then I think the 187 Belafonte might be the ticket. At 187, the Belafonte would be your narrower, (maybe?) slightly easier ski than the 190 Katana, and you’d then (I imagine) be looking for something in the 118-125 range for deeper days….
I’m not sure what model year your Katana’s are (I’ll guess 09/10 since you say 190, not 191) but I would think that a 192 Belafonte would be a ton of overlap with your Katana. The 187 Belafonte should be a fun, quicker addition to the quiver.
Thanks Jonathan! You are correct. 09/10 Katana and I am also looking to add something around 118-125. I have read a ton of the reviews on this site (very informative). I really appreciate the reviews as I don’t have the time (or maybe the patience) to demo a bunch of skis. I typically grab whatever I have and go. I’d rather by in the mountains than in the shop. I am very proficient and very comfortable on pretty much all terrain (though you won’t see me drop cliffs). The challenge for me reading reviews is that most reviewers are on average 30-65lbs “lighter” than me which has a significant impact on ski performance. With that in mind, are there reviews, or skis, you could suggest I consider (even if other than the Belafonte)? I was thinking of picking something up with waist widths around 100-108 and 118-125. I could be easily convinced to go in a few different directions. I don’t buy skis every year (therefore I do limited research). Only when I feel a need to change or try something new. By the way, I laughed when I read your S7/Super7 comments regarding the balancing issue. I found the same issue….which sent me over the handlebars a few times at speed (variable powder). Didn’t love the ski like everyone else seemed to.
(Merely) My suggestions for your quiver:
1) Moment Belafonte, 187cm – for the reasons stated above.
2) Volkl Katana, 190cm
3) a: 191 ON3P Caylor. 120 underfoot, great pow ski, perhaps a touch stiffer than my beloved 190 Moment Bibby Pro. I sort of think the Caylor could be perfect for you. (b) 196 Praxis Protest: less versatile than the Caylor, but if you want a more dedicated pow ski, and really intend to break out your Katanas when there’s less than 5 or 6,” then why not go bigger, and even more pow specific than the Caylor?
Hey Jonathan,
Awesome review, but you’re making me want to buy every Moment ski. I am currently skiing on the 188 Night Train, which is fun, but I am looking for something that will be a little more solid for charging and can handle days with no snow. I am located in Calgary AB (near by hills are Sunshine Village, Lake Louise, Revelstoke, Kicking Horse), am 6′ 2″ 190 lbs and a fairly aggressive skier. While I prefer surfing big lines of powder and hitting cliffs, when I am stuck at a resort with no snow I’ll play in the trees and rip groomers. I was also hoping to get a ski that could handle a little slackcountry, but I may be dreaming if I want a ski that can handle all of that. What ski (and length) would you recommend between the Deathwish, Belafonte and Bibby? My original plan was to sell my NTs and go for the Bibby or DW, but after reading the Belafonte review I am now thinking about keeping the NTs and just buying the Belafonte for non-pow days. I am partial to Moment because I love the design of their skis, but if there are any other skis you’d recommend as well, fire them in there too (I’ve heard the Cochise is awesome).
Thanks for any advice!
Hi Cam – sorry for the late reply. Seems like you have a few variables here. But I’ll assume you’re keeping the Night Trains and not trading them for Bibbys. So, to “play in the trees and rip groomers,” I’d recommend the 187 Belafonte.
The Cochise is a good ski, and you should definitely read Will Brown’s Belafonte review where he compares the two skis directly (Will and I are in full agreement). For tight tree skiing, I might prefer the 185 Cochise to the 187 Belafonte, but the Belafonte is even better in chopped snow.
Only thing is, I’m not sure whether the 185 Cochise or the 193 Cochise would be the better call for you – we haven’t yet skied the 193 Cochise.
Hi Jonathan. I just purchased the 192cm 10/11 model of this ski. I think you said you think the 192 would be too much for most people? I am 6’3 about 190 lbs, 21 years old and super athletic. I live in the Beav, but i also ski Vail, A Basin and Breck throughout the season. And 10 days split between tahoe, alta, and jackson.
Besides the new Belafontes, My quiver consists of 183 Line Blends, 189 K2 Obsethed (you guys were right about soft bases), 194 Surface New Life, and 193 Nordica Patron (my dads but we share).
I really wanted something that was much stiffer and more charger than the soft skis i have. i know the surface is as stiff as it gets but i only use it certain days since its 122 underfoot. im not going to be using the bfontes everyday, but when i do, im looking for exceptional speed and crushing ability.
How do think the 192s will fit for me at my height/weight? they were the only size available, and only 399 new, i figured at my size and athletic ability they wouldnt be a problem. Especially since im using them basically as a twice a week secret speed weapon.
Since you say, “I am 6’3 about 190 lbs, 21 years old and super athletic” and “I really wanted something that was much stiffer and more charger than the soft skis i have,” then I think you’ll be just fine. You don’t say that you need these skis to excel in big bumps or tight trees, just be great at speed. These will be. Let us know what you think.
Well I mean Im going to have to survive on the bumps. It was either 11′ belafontes 192 or the 12′ 196 Bibby Special, would the special have been a better choice? I read the reviews you did, and im pretty sure you had negative comments about the special
We skied a pre-production version of the Bibby Special, which according to Moment, they incorporated some of our criticisms / suggestions into the production version. We now have a 186cm “Governor,” and we’re psyched to ski it this season and see what we find.
But if you’re talking about bumps performance, then really long + really big shovel is exactly what I don’t look for in a bump ski. So no, I’d rather ski the Belafonte in bumps, and the Belafonte still sounds like a good choice for what you say you’re looking for. Go ski ’em.
I will. A Basin is opening super soon! Ill let you know how they drive for me once it gets deeper. I have a feeling there going to be my favorite.
To be honest, I sort of forgot that A-Basin was one of your spots. These skis are going to be an absolute blast on everything in the East Wall area, and everything off of Zuma and the top of Montezuma.
Looking forward to your Governor Review.
Thanks. I’m currently geeking out hard over this ski. Am probably going to write up and post a preview soon just to get it all off my chest.
What would be a comperable ski? Rossignol Squad 7? I am sort of confused where the Gov fits in, but im bugging out as well. I have so much overlap in this category, thankfully ,its holding me off from purchase until next season.
I’m 6’4″, 200lbs and it is time for me to upgrade my sticks. I live in the midwest and I am only able to make one or two trips a year either out west (Tahoe, Utah) or to Europe (Austia: Sölden, Kitzbühel) so I’m really looking for a one ski quiver. I’ve been riding Rossi Scratch FS 181’s for the past five years and, though they’ve been a great ski, it’s time for something new. I’ve found these ski’s to be very versatile and fun to throw around. I’ve never felt uncomfortable charging a groomed black or shooting off-piste to hit some fresh pow (The Rossi Sickle seems to be of this lineage and I know that ski gets love on this site). With that said, I feel the ski had a weakness in the icy hardpack at the top of peaks and would rather slide than hold an edge. I’d like a ski that is as comfortable charging groomers/piste and frontside slop as it is getting off piste and carving some untouched snow. I lived in Europe for the past two years and if you’ve ever skied with a European, you know they like they’re piste and like they’re piste fast. That style grew on me and I want my ski’s fast but want an all-mountain ski as I do enjoy leaving the beaten path and ripping my own line. I’ve read a lot of reviews on your site (so happy I stumbled across this site as it’s been a life-saver!) and have found a few skis that I believe fit what I’m looking for and would like any advice you have as I don’t want to spend a ski trip demoing skis! The 187 Moment Belafonte, 185 Blizzard Cochise, and 186 Rossi Sickle and three that stick out but I would appreciate any insight about a ski I may be missing! Again, I’m looking for an all-mountain ski that can confidently charge a black piste run at mach speeds (hanging with the Euro-crowd) but is comfortable getting off-piste and skiing through a mess. Thank you very much!
Thanks for the kind words, Logan, and apologies for the late reply. I think you’re on track with the 187 Belafonte, 185 (or even 193) Cochise, and I would encourage you to take a look at the 191 Volkl Katana – if you’re really serious about going very, very fast. Frankly, I’d take the Sickle off your list. Great ski, but does’t sound like the right ski for what you’re asking for or your height / weight.
But my best recommendation is to check out our reviews of those skis. I don’t think I have a whole lot to add in this case beyond those reviews. And please let us know what you decide to do!
Hi Jonathan. I need some help deciding what ski I should get. I am deciding between the Jaguar Shark and the Belafonte. I am 6’7″, 185-190 pounds and 17 (almost 18) years old. I am a ski patroller at Loveland Ski Area here in Colorado. I get in around 40+ days in a year. My only other ski right now is a 190 Icelantic Gypsy with Marker Dukes and after skiing ice so much because of the snow season last year, I am looking for a smaller more everyday ski (I will keep my Gypsy). One of the problems I had on the Gypsy’s was controlling a sled in on the ice conditions. I am very hard charging, making as few turns as possible. I seek out skiing as fast as possible and if it is a 8″ pow day getting bumped up, I don’t slow down, I like blasting through it. I consider myself more “freeride” type than “park” type but I do like doing a few rails every once in a while and landing switch then flipping right back around. I have never been a big bump skier and I don’t consider myself a strong nor weak bump skier by any means, but because of ski patrol, I am having to ski it more and improve my skills in this section. This year, I plan to excel my skills and starting jumping larger cliffs (10-15+ feet) and learn to do 360’s and backflip’s off natural features so the swing weight is a consideration of mine. The Belafonte sounds great to me except one thing, I am unsure if I can handle it in the bumps. I love your guys reviews and they provide me with both pros and cons to my situation. I am unsure of which ski to get and what length in that ski. Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi, Will – I skied bumps on the 187 Belafonte quite a bit at Taos last spring, and the more I did, the more I liked them (actually liked them quite a bit, but that might just be me). And while I would never be tempted to take the Belafontes into the park, they do sound like a good option for you (dealing with icier conditions, and going very, very fast). You might find them to be a lot of work in the bumps at first, but I suspect you’ll adapt. Let us know how it works out.
I’m a 5’2″, 115 lbs, 18 year old female expert (but not crazy expert) skier. Most of my skiing is in the east, but I like to ski off-piste as much as possible. I’m looking for a one-ski quiver and had been looking at the Line Sir Francis Bacon, but am worried that 172 mm (their shortest length) will be too long. They have a “Shorty” version — would this be OK? Other options seem like the Moment PB&J (although 162 cm seems too short, and 172 cm too long), or the Rossi S3 (168 cm). Can you give recommendations, along with lengths?
Hi, Chenoa – I actually think you’d be fine on the 172cm Sir Francis Bacon (it is a short ski – note the actual length of the “184” in Jason’s review), or the 168 Rossi S3 (this ski is so rockered out, it skis very short, too. The 172 PB&J is probably the stiffest of the 3 skis, and if I had to pick a length for you, I’d go with the 172 over the 162. These are all rockered skis. They will ski short and be easy to pivot and turn.
First…thanks for all of the great reviews, especially on Moment skis which don’t get the attention they deserve.
Moving on:
I’m 5’10”, 175#. Squaw is now my home mountain. Currently ski a 183 Bent Chetler every day which isn’t ideal. I bought Gotamas to fill the gap on non pow days but hate the ELP rocker/no camber (tried the Shiro and it felt dead too). I learned to ski on east coast ice and while I enjoy slarving in soft snow or when I need to dump speed, it drives me crazy when I can’t lock in an edge and carve on hard pack/groomers. I love carving. It makes skiing fun when good terrain isn’t open or when conditions aren’t awesome. The Bent carves exponentially better than the Gotama despite its size, but not if it gets steep and crusty.
I’m looking to fill that non-powder day gap. Something that will ski everywhere on the mountain at high speed on variable conditions without hooking up. A stable landing platform would be nice given the mandatory airs on many of the bigger Squaw lines as would the ability to pick through technical lines when necessary.
I’ll have the Bent Chetler for pow days but still need something long enough to plane over chopped cement at high speed…the Bents did not love this past weekend’s crust in wolverine bowl or granite peak at Alpine (though they did very well for such a floppy ski I must say).
Is the Belafonte my ski and if so do I grab the 187 or 182? I’m a bit concerned about being overpowered after being on them a few days in a row or if I’m hung over (it happens) and with no tail rocker to break me loose when the situation requires.
OR should I just grab the BibbyPro? That’s a ski that looks like a genuine 1 ski quiver. It seems like there would be a lot of overlap with the Bibby and the Bent though…similar dimensions and rocker/camber profile – not sure on stiffness.
OR do we get nuts and for the bizzaro Deatwish? I’ve read your review on that one as well…
Finally…there’s the Governor. Again, seems like a lot of overlap with my BentChetlers and your review of the Bibby Special didn’t leave me dying to get on them but apparently the final product is different from what you tested.
If I didn’t have the Bents and could start from scratch, I’d probably go Bibby AND Belafonte. The Bibby seems like a burlier Bent Chetler which is perfect for Squaw…
OK…that’s all…look forward to your feedback. Stoked to have found a bunch of ski and gear nuts on your site (editors and other readers included).
– c
Glad you dig the site, Chris.
I can’t say with certainty here (we’re talking about a mere two inch difference), but I think you should opt for the 187 Belafonte. It’s not like the 182 becomes a laid back ski, and at your height / weight (and since I don’t hear you talking about skiing super tight trees), go 187.
And I am 99.9% sure that the Belafonte has not been “toned down.” it’s just also offered now in a 187cm length.
Hi Jonathan,
15 days at Squaw on the 187cm Belafonte mounted with Jesters (DIN11) and wearing Lange RX130s. Conclusion? A tale of two skis told in a tale of two days…
December 31 (New Years Eve): Well rested and out early on a gorgeous blue-bird day. Start off with some high speed groomed runs with the wife, a buddy and his fiance when I notice that ski patrol is opening main line pocket causing me to bail out on the wife, buddy and his fiance. For the next 3 hours, I hike up to main line at mach speed and drop a few different lines, each steeper than the next. No big airs though..(still new to west coast cliff dropping). The Belafonte perfectly matched my mood…I was ready to charge making big, high speed turns down the face and then straight-lining through the chopped up runout and the Belafonte loved it. Finished the day on KT-22, Headwall and Broken Arrow. KT is super bumpy and these are seriously large bumps…not a lot of fun on the 187 Belafonte but manageable. Headwall is also pretty bumpy but they’re smaller and the Belafonte is loving it except when I overturn them in a chute and can’t get the tail free again forcing a jump turn in a place where no one should be jump turning…one of your reviews said not to overturn in these situations and you’re spot on. These skis DO NOT pivot. The last few runs are on Broken Arrow where the sun has been baking the snow to slush all day long. On one hand, the Belas loved the chop and, as long as I kept up the speed, railed nice big GS turns as easily as if I were on a groomer. On the other hand, no rocker on the very stiff tail and minimal rocker up front means you need to pay attention in the soft corn…it’s easy to get caught off guard and whiplashed to the ground. It happens to me twice. To be safe, I initiate most turns by airing off of a bump. Happy with a great day of shredding, I track down the previously ditched wife, buddy and his fiance and we grab adult beverages in the sunshine before starting in on an aggressive NYE (Fireball ski shots, car bombs, beers, champagne…ick).
January 1 (New Years Day): Wake up decidedly groggy and try shaking it off by downing 3 Motrins and 2 cups of coffee. Not happening. It doesn’t matter where I ski or what the conditions are…I’m miserable and it’s miserable to be on the Belafontes. As a result, I end up skiing with the crowds on some groomed runs. Not good. Holiday gapers are unpredictable and when you’re not driving the Belafonte, it isn’t agile. I don’t kill anyone but do get caught on the back seat, bucked forward, cross my tips and face plant next to the lift line. The skis don’t like or reward lazy skiing. Trying to slide the tails around and slow down is an exercise in futility. By 1230pm I head in for lunch and a bloody mary and do not even consider heading back out after.
Conclusion: When I’m ready to rip, I love the Belafonte and the 187 length. This weekend in particular was epic riding them on choppy sierra cement…they will hold an edge on the chalk but break free when you want them to and the remain unwaveringly stable during high speed runouts. When things are really bumpy, I wish I had the 182. When things are soft, I yearn for tail rocker so I can smear…at least a little bit…it can be really hard to stay on top of your game in tight, technical lines with soft/slushy snow because the tails just do not want to disengage once they’re locked in. All in…I couldn’t be happier with the ski as my daily driver once the fresh snow is gone…they get better as the conditions get worse and they make me a better, more focused skier.
My other ski is last year’s 183cm Bent Chetler. I’m almost definitely going to sell them to make room for the Bibby Pro for when things are too soft for the Belafonte.
A random yet informative observation: I see a lot of Squaw/Alpine skiers on Moments. The general consensus amongst those Moment skiers that I speak to is that I’m slightly nuts to ski the 187 Belafonte at 5’10” 170 especially with the ridiculous moguls we’ve had until recently (big storm pre-Christmas followed by big crowds post-Christmas). My point? No need to get ego points by skiing a longer version of the ski…everyone in the know thinks it’s a beast.
Thanks for the great feedback, Chris! Two things: (1) as I noted above, it’s not like the 182 becomes a laid back ski, so I’d be a bit surprised if you found it world’s more manageable than the 187. Neither Will Brown nor I did, and as I noted in my review, the more I skied the 187s in bumps, the more I came to like them – – though you and I are close to the same size, and no doubt it’s like I’d need more than the 182 in bumps. (2) If you haven’t already, detune the tails of the Belafonte. Take a hard gummi stone and detune from the very end of the tail up the ski, a couple of inches in front of the widest point of the ski. Detune more if you need to. Doesn’t turn the Belafontes into pivot machines, but it definitely can make them easier to break free.
I think you’re right on sizing down…the reward isn’t there and it’s not something I really want to do. We’re talking a very minimal amount of length on the ski that I’m very happy is there during a high-speed run-out. The cost/benefit doesn’t make sense to size down.
Good call on the de-tuning. You mention it in one of your reviews and just haven’t tried it yet. Spoke to a Moment employee about it on the chair and while he seemed less than thrilled about the prospect of a dope like me taking a file to a ski he made with his own bare hands, he agreed that it would help loosen the tail up a bit.
All in, thanks for recommending the 187cm…I was leaning toward the 182 at the time of purchase and I’m glad I stayed on the long side.
PS: Love the damp, strong feel of the Moment so much I have a pair of Bibby Pros arriving today to replace the Bent Chetlers (it’s a great pow ski but it’s soft. At Squaw, we get 15 feet of snow in 3 days and then nothing for 2-3 weeks. Often, ski patrol keeps zones closed for a few days after a storm so by the time they open it, you want something fat to handle the powder, burly to handle the steep choppy run-outs and fun to carve/bomb back to the lift. The Chetlers handle the powder and the carving but scare the crap out of me on the sketchy run outs and when I ski a chalky area that’s been open for 2 weeks a right next to the areas just opening this morning…everything you say about the Bibby leads me to believe I’ll be better off…hope so, sold a pair of Gotamas and the Bents to pay for Bibbys!).
PPS: the Jesters are the one bummer of my Belafonte setup. The screws keep coming loose. It’s easy to tighten them back down but unnerving to know that at times my rear binding has been hanging on by a thread by the end of the day. Rather than epoxy them into the ski I’m returning them to Backcountry and replacing with Look Pivots.
Once again…thanks a ton for all of the reviews, insights and personal responses. VERY much appreciated by this gear geek.
OH yeah…and I hear Moment is saying they toned down the Belafonte this year to make it a more friendly daily driver…I’ve seen their write-up on different websites saying it but then see conflicting info elsewhere…any idea what the truth is?
Thanks for the quick reply Jonathan. I’m going to demo 187s this weekend with the intent to buy! I take it you think the Governor and Bibby have too much overlap with the Bent Chetler? I thought that may be the case…though both Moment skis seem burlier than that Bent which I envy.
Here is the paragraph from Moment that I’ve seen on a few sites talking about toning the ski down for 2013 (they almost make it sound like they’ll hook you up with a full on uber stiff version if you give them a call):
Description of the Moment Belafonte (by Moment).You might enjoy a true big-mountain comp ski as your go-to, but we don’t. The Belafonte’s dimensions and intentions are the same, but we’ve dialed back the weight and brutal stiffness just enough to make it your daily driver. Tip rocker and our hand-laid aspen/ash core motor through chop and crud, while traditional camber keeps you rock-solid at high speed. Still want a real-deal competition missile? Call us up and we’ll work something out. Until then, meet your new best friend.
Chris – if that’s the statement you were referring to, then I promise you the Belafonte is unchanged. Moment is referencing the older Garbones that have the exact same dimensions of the Belafonte, but the Garbones have a stiffer flex.
Also, a 183 Bentchetler has very little in common with the Bibby or Governor. The Bibby is way, WAY more stable in variable snow. And the Governor is even stiffer than the Belafonte. The Bentchetler is a really fun SOFT snow jib ski that is also surprisingly fun on groomers. The Bent isn’t close to the variable / chop ski as the Bibby, and the Governor isn’t even in the same category.
Yeah…I eventually figured this one out riding the chair with a Moment employee. There were a number of sites still using the description from the very first year of the Garbones.
This is EXACTLY what i suspected and wanted to hear. Mounting my brand new Bibby’s this evening and giving them a go regardless of the conditions! I’m so phsyched about my 2 ski quiver of 187 Belafonte and 184 Bibby Pro (will either sell the Bents or mess around with them on really deep days).
You guys rule…thanks for all of the help.
I just bought 187s and will mount with Jesters. With any luck I’ll have them mounted in time to ski this weekend. Feels weird that my firm snow skis are 4cms longer than my powder boards but I think it’s the right call. Thanks again for giving me conviction to pull the trigger!
Hey Jonathan,
I’m 15 and I ski on the east coast. I’m 5’9 and weigh 175 lbs. I’m looking for a ski that I can pull out on days when we get a fresh dumping of snow and on comp days for freeride events. I ski hard and aggressive and fast and I need a ski that can really handle everything but is geared more to bigger stuff. I would like a ski that can handle chopped up snow and making GS turns through a mogul-field. Do you think this is the right ski and what size?
Deep snow isn’t the particular forte of the Belafonte, but it certainly is one of our favorite chop skis, along with the 185 Cochise and 191 Katana. Can’t say for sure what will be best for you, but if you’re still growing and you do ski “hard and agressive and fast,” then I’m inclined to say 187cm in the Belafonte. It’ll be some work, but you are not going to be left wishing you had more ski. Let us know what you decide to do.
Hey Jonathan, first off I just want to say that you guys are running the best review site on the web, by far. Honestly, no other site on the web even comes close. All of your skiers give the most in depth, comprehensive reviews to help skiers of all levels understand exactly how a ski will ski. A lot of us do not have the time, nor money, to demo more than a few skis each year, IF THAT. I know I’m not the only one that feels this way, Blister is the next best thing to actually demoing the skis for yourself. Sometimes I even think you guys do a better job explaining a skis pros and cons, than I can come up with myself in a day of demoing. As you know it can take a few days, and multiple condition scenarios, to really get the feel for a ski. And you guys provide the information that a single day of demoing might leave out. Thanks a bunch.
You guys should get some time on the 192, before they change it up for next year. Im also saying that, because that’s the size I have, and I never mounted it up this season since CO didnt get too much snow before I tore my meniscus in january. Im rather glad however, Because now I a have a full fleet of freshy MINT Moments for Jackson Hole all next season. I feel it will really come into its own at that size, and shine as a serious charging machine. Do you guys think the 192 would really be too “crazy”? Im using as a part of a small quiver, and the 192 will hold the purpose of a straightliner, on days with less than 8″ inches of fresh, mostly Tram laps and Jackson Holes Skier’s Right (or mountain left).
Im bringing out the 188 PB&J, 192 Belafonte, and 196 Bibby Special to Jackson for a full season, leaving the rest of my quiv (Obsethed, New Life, Patron, Blend) here out east for when I come home to ski Jah Peak/Stowe… Does that sound like a decent JHMR quiver? The PB&J for trees and all mountain jib sessions with a little park (maybe 10%), The 192 Belafonte for early season and ripping laps off the Tram when there isn’t too much fresh, and then the Bibby Special for business days/deep days… Anything else I’m forgetting? I’m trying to find space for a 184 Deathwish, but can’t seem to justify the purchase, YET…What do you think about adding the Deathwish to my Jackson Hole Moment quiver? Will it overlap the the PB&J, Bfonte, or BibbySpesh? I want something that’s a bit softer, more playful, and shorter for a dedicated tree ski, and i’m figuring the 184 might actually be a good purchase in that case.
Your Take? Sorry for the essay…
Damn, Vail, thanks for all the kind words. Everything you’ve said is exactly what we try to achieve, so it’s always much appreciated to hear that we’re getting it right.
At your height, weight, and stated purpose (tree skiing) I do think the Deathwish would be overlap – for you – with the 188 PB&J. I don’t imagine you’ll have trouble throwing the PB&J around in trees. The Deathwish is great, but I would recommend it as an addition if you were talking about jibbing. But for tree skiing, I’ll happily ski the 188 PB&J or the 184 Deathwish. You’ve got a good 3 ski quiver. Now just get your meniscus 100% and get ready to go ski.
Where can I find the 187’s? No store or website carries them as far as I have seen…
Hey, Jake – I just did a quick Google search and it looks like some are available online.
Hey Jonathan,
Because of you great reviews I just bought Bibbys pro. I am not able to check them out this season, because of injury recovery, and just thinking about 2 ski quiver for next season. I like very much skiing my sons K2 kung fujas, and description of Belafonte is about the same, so my question is if you would recommend for 2 ski quiver between storms Belafonte or I am going to have almost the same ski and I need to look for something else.
Thanks again for great reviews.
Hi, John – I have not skied this season’s Kung Fujas, but I am extremely confident that it is not nearly as much ski as the Belafonte is. The Belafonte is a pretty stiff, directional charger. The Kung Fujas is a less directional, more jib-oriented ski. If you really like the Kung Fujas, I tend to doubt you’ll really like the Belafonte. A good friend of mine has the 182 Belafonte and the 190 Bibby Pro as a 2 ski quiver at Alta. I don’t think there will be huge overlap between the Belafonte and the Bibby – the Bibby is much better in pow. But again, you might want something softer / more playful than the Belafonte if you really like the Kung Fujas.
I’ve been out of the ski season for a couple of winters now because of the military, but am stationed next to a bunch of mountains now, and need a new daily driver for this winter. I’m coming off a pair of prophet 90’s, and I loved their solidity and forgiveness, but I want to try something in the 100 to 110 range, and now that I’ve grown considerably since riding the prophets last, maybe something even firmer than those. I was wondering between these and the pb&js, which is better overall, and especially in the trees.
Hey, Mat – welcome back to skiing! First, how long are your Prophet 90s? And what’s your height / weight? The Belafonte is definitely more ski than the PB&J – they weren’t built to go slow. The PB&Js are really fun and easy, but they don’t have the top end of the Belafonte. So the Belafonte will be a bit more work in tight trees than the tip and tail rockered PB&J – you’ll be able to just pivot those around. But given that you’re used to the flat-tailed Prophet 90s (which aren’t very pivot-y or slarvy, I could see you getting along with the Belafonte. The 187 Belafonte could easily be an everyday ski for me, but so could the PB&J. And I actually think you’ll find the Belafonte to handle more like your P90s, given that lack of tail rocker….More and more, I really feel like you can detune that Belafonte to personal taste and make that ski do pretty much everything other than jib.
I’m six two, 180, my 90’s were 171.
At 6’2″ 180, I’d definitely recommend either the 187 Belafonte or the 188 PB&J. Without repeating what I wrote above, it’ll depend if you want a ski that charges hard (Belafonte) or a ski that you can still push pretty hard, but that will be more forgiving / easier to ski at slower speeds. (If you’re skiing slower through really tight trees, the PB&J will be easier.) Let us know what you decide to do and how it works out.
187 or 192 for a 6’3″ – 220lbs athletic skier. Ski the whole mountain (primarily PNW resorts and occasional forays to Whistler and/or Utah/Tahoe areas) and would primarily be looking a the Belafonte to create a 2 ski quiver. My daily driver the past couple of seasons has been a Prior Overlord in 193cm’s. I want to find something in the 100-110 width range to be more of daily driver when conditions aren’t as epic as they have been in the PNW the past few years.
Others I’m considering – Atomic Ritual 190, Blizzard Cochise 187 or 193, Liberty Helix 187, etc. etc.
Pretty much have been looking at/considering any ski in that sized waist. I have been reading your site for a 12 months now and really appreciate your thorough and insightful reviews! Best stuff on the web for skis, bikes, etc.
Thanks in advance!
Sorry, forgot to include what types of usage I’m thinking for these – I do like to hunt amongst the trees a few days after storms, play around in the edges of the defined runs, and also mach down with big gs turns when there is room to open it up.
I’m 43 yrs old and have been rocking the wide waist Overlords as my only ski for the past few years. I’m finding that on days where conditions warrant only groomers, that I have a bit more tired from laying these down to arc big turns. Wanting to find some versatility for less than ideal condition days or when it’s best to primarily stick to the groomers.
Hey, PNWC – thanks for the kind words. And man, this is hard: I think the skis you’re considering all could be really good options, but if you’re looking for a ski to pair with your Overlords, then I’d opt for the 190 Ritual or the 187 Belafonte. For groomers, I think you’d have the most fun carving on the Rituals. For maching big GS turns on groomers, I’d still probably vote for the Ritual, or 193 Cochise. For big GS turns off piste, I’d vote for the 192 Belafonte or the 193 Cochise. For tree skiing? The 185 Cochise will pivot well and feel super quick at your height and weight, but it might feel a bit short to you in other areas. But if you detune the tails of the 187 Belafonte a little bit, I don’t think it would feel too short, and it would be quicker than the 192 Belafontes & your 193 Overlords. That’s about as specific as I can get; sorry to leave you with quite a bit to sort out, happy to try to answer other questions.
Thanks for your answer and take on a few of those skis and their attributes. Yeah, I have some challenges ahead on this decision – the ski length = locked in vs. maneuverability; my size/weight = overwhelming a softer vs stiffer flex ski or it feeling not as special to me; rocker profile, and overall stability at speed on open runs while maching GS turns.
Anything else I should be looking at? I could always go custom/semi-custom with Praxis, Skevik, etc.
What about any of the ON3P’s – Vicik comes to mind?
Hey, great website you guys have here. Choosing skis is always a painstaking and laborious decision for me, but having great, unbiased, in depth narrative reviews like yours really helps.
That said, I need some advice on choose between the Cochise and the Belafonte. I’m a 5′ 10″ 170lb, 31 year old expert. I lived in Crested Butte for a while, playing in no fall zones whenever possible, but now I live in the east, working a 9-5 in Boston and skiing the trees at places like Stowe and Jay every chance I get. So I ski a lot of lower angle trees that are extremely tight, and I can usually find soft snow (often in the 4-6″ range). I ski pretty aggressively, looking for rocks to huck wherever possible, and have a few favorite hits that range from 5-15′ into trees. As aggressively as I ski, I am coming to terms with the fact that I don’t ski as hard as I did as a 25 year old Crested Butte local. I don’t really ski bumps anymore (because of my back), and I view groomers as a necessary evil, though I do like to tip a ski up and rail once in a while. Obviously, living on the ice coast, it’s nice to have an edge you can rely on at top speed on icy groomers, no matter how much you’d rather be skiing pow in the woods. That said, a ski that will plane quickly and at lower speeds is a must for getting it going in tight spaces, and performance in the dust on crust to ankle deep powder in trees is my absolute priority. I’ll also be heading out west for a trip or two, but I figure either of these skis will be great for that. My old skis are Rossi BC Brigade in 185, and I’ve never had anything with rocker before. Any thoughts on which would be better? Or is there another ski that immediately comes to mind? Thanks!
Thanks for the kind words, Joey. I think you’ll find the Cochise to be more pivoty than the Belafonte, and I’ve never really thought about the Belafonte being a phenomenal tree ski. It wants speed, and it wants you to ski hard and fast. I love both skis, but if it’s between those 2 skis, I’d probably lean Cochise.
Other reviews worth checking out: Line Sick Day 110, Salomon Quest 105, Blizzard Kabookie and Scout.
I love Blister reviews and have had so many questions answered from your thorough, unbiased reviews.
I’m going to pick up a pair of 12/13 Belafontes in the near future to use as my daily driver for skiing mainly in the PNW (Schweitzer, Stevens Pass), and I’m trying to decide between the 174 and 182. I am a 23 year old, 5’9″, and 145 lb very aggressive and proficient skier. My skiing time is split about 40/60 between (sometimes steep and tight) trees, and open, fast, choppy areas.
Also, this will not be my only ski. I’m on a pair of 185 Armada JJ’s for deeper days as well as an old 174 Rossi. Ghetto for days that I want to spend in the park (not often!). For many skis I would probably go with the 182, but based on all that I have read about the Belafonte, I’m torn on what to go with. I figure the 174 would be a nicer for the tight trees, but I am concerned about how the 174 would hold up at top speed on the choppy harder snow (which these skis will be spending a lot of time on)…
Any thoughts and suggestions will be appreciated!
Thanks, Jack. Since you say you’re a “very aggressive and proficient skier,” I’m leaning 182. Garrett Altmann is you’re height and just a little heavier, and while he loves the 182, he’s come to prefer the 187. And if it’s safe to assume that a very aggressive and proficient skier is also a fairly strong skier, I don’t think you’ll find the 182s to be too much ski for you. You’ll be able to drive them and work them quickly in trees – just keep in mind that these are no JJs. In any case, please let us know which size you go with, and how it works out.
I am 6’4″ and 240. I ski bumps and tight trees at Vail and Keystone, and also spend time at A basin.
Would you go Cochise 185 or 193, or MOMENT Belafonte, 187cm or the new Sir Francis Bacon in 190. I am an expert skier and love to ski Pallavicini at A Basin but at 43 I now ski it with less reckless abandonment that I did in years past.
Look forward to your thoughts and suggestion.
Hi, Jason – I don’t know what skis you’ve been riding (that would provide some perspective), but I’m inclined to say 193 Cochise. At your height / weight, I think you will be able to pivot them when you need to in tighter bumps & trees. But read the comments section of the 185 Cochise to see what some bigger guys have said, too.
Hi Jonathan!
As has been repeated thoroughly, your site is the best! Much respect for your reviews and taking the time to answer everyone’s questions in detail. I have spent a large volume of time recently reading here trying to making a decision, specifically between the 174 Belafonte and Bibby Pro (not this year but earlier model).
I am 5’5, ~150 lbs, expert skier with a racing background, and like Chris above ski primarily at Squaw, and also Alpine Meadows next door. I like to go really fast, don’t ride switch, ski in the park or “jib”. I love to carve and drive my skis. Thing is about Squaw like Chris mentioned, we get these huge dumps and nothing for a few weeks so that powder hardens and creates a lot of of uneven, mixed snow. Hard over here, soft over there, and lots in between. And lots and lots of moguls. Powder days on the weekends (typically when I ski) get skied out very fast.
I have a pair of 179 Scott Crusade which I’ve been skiing on the past 2 years which I really like, even better than the Mantras I had prior to those. They are far more maneuverable and and carve amazingly on the groomers. But they’re only 92 at the waist and I want something that can better charge through the choppy messy powder when we get that and the harder crud that forms in the days and weeks after.
I like the idea of the Belafonte because of its all mountain, crud and hardpack performance, but feel it might overlap with my crusades which are just fine on hardpack and would and not perform as well in deeper snow as the Bibbys.
I like the idea of the Bibbys because it would be better one the deeper days, but those can often be far and few between many years and I’m afraid the Belafonte might be more appropriate for the conditions here given the usual mixed snow conditions, crud and chop. I’m also unsure about its hardpack prowess. Also concerning the size for the Bibby, with such a big tail rocker 174 might be a little short, and 184 seems it could be too large.
Decisions decisions! I have no experience with Moment and just wondering what advice you might have for me. At the “moment” I am leaning towards the Belafonte as they sounds perfect for me. Thanks!
Thanks, Roy. I really appreciate your comments.
The decision: go 184 Bibby if you want to optimize those deep pow days. Go 182 Belafonte – not 174 – to optimize for skiing fast through choppy, messy conditions. I mention the 182 Belafonte because you say you’re on a 179 Crusade which you love. The Belafonte has a seriously twinned tail and a lot of tip rocker. I am confident that it will ski shorter than your 179 Crusades. Plus you say you’re an expert skier who loves to ski fast and carve. So go 182 Belafonte for chopped / variable days, and break out your Crusades for really firm days when it hasn’t snowed in forever. (Though the Belafontes will work there, too.)
Hey Jonathan,
First off I also want to say thank you for the website. As so many folks have been noting it’s great to be able to find substantive reviews, especially for folks who have a hard time giving up a day to demo planks when they might only be able to get in 10-12 days a season.
I hopefully have a simple question for you. Seems like you have been hesitant to recommend the 192 to posters so far, at least when people had the option of the 187. I’m considering buying a pair of 192 10/11 belafontes. I’m a big guy, 6′ 2″ and athletic 230 pounds, aggressive skier, and I generally split my time between a 192 TST and the 190 bibby pro from 2009 (before they added the carbon stringers). As with the last two posters I also ski squaw/tahoe with its cement and dump or nothing weather. I prefer steep and fast, but also love some good tree skiing and tolerate bumps enroute to good stuff. Last season I had alot of days feeling like I was totally overpowering the TST and I needed something stiffer that would stand up to charging.
I’ve been mulling the Belafonte as an occasional charger, but probably am only going to pick them up if I can find a good deal on them. I know the belafontes will ski a lot longer than my TSTs, and I was leaning 187 hoping that length will make for a more versatile set of planks and I’d ski them more. I pretty confident I can manage the 192, but the fact that you haven’t really suggested them to folks thus far gives me pause. I’m going to be hitting the mountain collective destinations this year, and I’m not sure how much I’ll use the 192 belafontes if I’m skiing a lot of terrain for the first time. Seems like the belafontes are the perfect hard-charging foil for my TST as a daily driver, think 192 is the right call for an expert skier my size?
Thanks, W-J. So as you know, I haven’t skied the 192s. And at my size, I’ve never been tempted to bump up from the 187s. But I will also say that I’m not sure that I, personally, would still ever opt for the 182s over the 187s. Just my personal preference, but the 187s are perfect for me.
So having said that, I have little doubt that you’d feel like you were overwhelming your 187s – especially compared to the TSTs you’re coming from. But I also don’t believe that an expert skier at your size would feel overwhelmed by the 192s. So I think you could go either length, and I wouldn’t discourage you from going 192. But I’ll be curious to hear which length you go with and how it works out, so let us know.
Hi Jonathan,
First off, Thanks for the rad reviews, you’ve definitely written some of the best I have found so far. Keep it up!
I’m trying to make a decision between the Belafonte and Cochise. Whichever I choose it will be my ‘one ski quiver’ since I don’t get tons of time to freeski. If I go with the Cochise I’d pick the 177cm, but If I go with the Belafonte should I choose the 174 or the 182?
I’m a 5’8″ 145lb expert female skier. I will be skiing primarily at Kicking Horse this winter, so some trees but mostly steep and choppy lines with drops (and some pow too). I’m not a turn shmear’er, I still do a lot of racing so I like to arc my turns and put some power into them. I’m getting into some freeskiing comps this season as well
I don’t have much experience buying skis other than racers so I don’t know what feel I should be going for. I have been using 164 K2 miss demeanours for the last 3 or 4 seasons, and all I know is that I’d like something much stiffer, stabler, and longer than that, almost anything goes. Any input is greatly appreciated!
Thanks, India! We get the Cochise vs. Belafonte question a lot, and Will Brown and I are huge fans of both skis. Given the profile of the Cochise, it is an easier ski to pivot (as I note in my Cochise review) than the Belafonte, but I’ve also felt that detuning the tail of the Belafonte allows its tail to slash turns pretty well when you feel like it. So it might come down to you to the traditional camber of the Belafonte vs. the flat underfoot profile of the Cochise. Read Will Brown and my reviews of both skis, and I think you’ll get the idea.
As for length, if you’d go 177 Cochise, I would actually tell you to go with the 182 Belafonte. It measures closer to 180.0 cms, and Robin Abeles (our tele reviewer) who is pretty close to your weight absolutely loved the 182. It will DEFINITELY be a hell of a lot stiffer than your Miss Demeanors, but it sounds like you’re ready for that.
Either way, you’re going to end up on one of our favorite skis. And no pressure, but if you do opt to go with the 182 Belafonte, that is just badass. I don’t know of any women who ski it, and I will probably ask you for your autograph. Either way, please report back on which way you go – I want to know what strong female skiers think of the Belafonte and / or Cochise.
Hi Jonathan,
I did opt to go with the Belafontes and I figured that I would give some feedback. I tested them out at Kicking horse this past weekend and absolutely loved them. First off, these are some beautiful skis, there were times I burst into fits of giggles I was having so much fun. The conditions we were skiing was a chalky base and some pretty deep pow in the un-skied areas.
I found these to be super stable, they love to rip and are very damp, they soak up straight line runouts as well as bumpy groomers. With this, they are sluggish when you’re going slow, getting them moving in tight trees is some work because they don’t float very well when you aren’t ripping. But with some work I think I will get used to this.
Since these skis are so stiff, they really like to put holes in the landings of airs and jumps, this is great. I don’t feel like they are going to fold in half on me and cause me to fly off in some crazy direction. The way these handle landings allows me to be much more confident in hucking things, they make me feel like I can stomp whatever I throw at them
You are correct in your statement that these are not skis for lazy people. They do take a lot of work to ski and I noticed that near the end of my days I sort of hit a wall where I wasn’t able to do much with them anymore. You definitely can’t cruise these, it’s all or nothing.
Overall I think these are fantastic and I thank you for your input.
Cheers, India
Thanks for the feedback, India! Glad you’re enjoying these, and glad we didn’t lead you astray. (And I definitely want your autograph.)
Hey guys
love the site
I know this questions been beat to death, but I found a pretty great deal on a Belafonte in either the 182 or 192 sizes, I would get a 187 but the only place I’ve found it is on the Moment site and since I’m a grad student I’d like to try and save a bit by maybe getting an older ski. I’m 6’3 and 190 lbs I ski exclusively out west. I love your site since two of your testing places are places I hit up every year, Taos is basically my home mountain and Snowbird/Alta is usually my spring trip. I try to ski 20-25 days a year when I can. would the 182 be too little ski? from what I’ve heard the 192 isn’t a lot of fun in bumps and trees which I also like to ski. I tried out the Cochise last year and liked it a lot in soft snow but I didn’t enjoy the way the tail felt on hardpack. I’m really looking for a ski to do a bit of everything usually ski steeps and hike to stuff in the morning/early afternoon then ski with wife and friends who don’t ski as well at the end of day on groomers and bump runs.
Hey, PC – I don’t have much to add to what we’ve already written in our 4 reviews of the Belafonte. Will Brown, Garrett Altmann, and I all would pick the 187 over the 182. None of us have skied the 192. Personally, I wouldn’t want to be stuck with a 182 Belafonte on big days at Taos or Alta. But if you’re committed to going either 182 or 192, you’ll have to pick: work harder in bumped up terrain (192) or be left wanting more ski on deep days (182). Personally, at this point, I’d go up in size before I went down. The last time I was on a 182 Belafonte at Alta, it felt short to me. Good luck choosing?
Hey Ellsworth!
Thanks for the great review on the Moment Belafonte 187. I bought a pair after reading your review and just tested them out today in Idaho. We had about 6 inches of powder on top of very firm conditions with about 12″ of established base.
My short review is this ski will be REALLY FUN for me to shred on for the next four months during mediocre resort conditions. No speed limit. Check. Crud destruction. Check. Stability. Check.
As for the Belafonte’s user friendly quality … I found this ski intuitive and able to shut down speed quit easily due to the rockered tip. That surprised me.
One word of caution: the powder flotation of the 187 Belafonte was much less than I’d anticipated. Several posters here have mentioned using this as a one ski quiver. I’d question that move. This ski did not float me unless I was going very fast on relatively steep terrain. And it was work.
Hope to test this ski out a lot more and enjoy it!
Thanks, Matt, and thanks for your initial impressions. Sounds like we’ve had a pretty similar experience.
Great review! I can see from the scarcity of this ski that others thought so too. I am tempted to give it a try due to the ski review sounding like you can’t find a better ski for chopped up, chunder, heavy difficult snow we see a lot of in western Oregon. However, I don’t consider myself a “Charger”. In fact, when it gets tight and difficult and there are rocks around, I tend to slow down and stay in as much control as I can. I like to go fast when it is open but that not always the case. Is there a ski that you are aware of that shines equally in difficult off trail conditions but is for a more cautious skier?
I’m 6’6 and 205 lbs. I have also read the Cochise review but it also sounds vey charger oriented, and the Soul7 which sounds more my speed but powder instead of difficult snow oriented. Most of what we call powder here is concrete most anyplace else. Thanks in advance!
Thanks, Travis. First, I’d rule out the Soul 7. It’s a really fun soft-snow ski; it is not a great difficult conditions ski. Second, I think you would find a 185cm Cochise pretty manageable. The Belafonte really isn’t a slow-speeds ski, but I think you’re big enough that you’d probably be fine on the 187 Belafonte, especially if you detuned the tails a bit.
Finally, I’m hoping to start getting time soon on the 14/15 Belafonte. Moment claims that it keeps the top end of the current Belafonte, while being a bit more user friendly at slower speeds. If that is in fact true, it sounds like it might be exactly what you’re looking for. Hopefully I’ll be able to report back soon.
Nice reviews on the Belafonte. Seriously considering this ski as my daily driver. Ski out in the PNW Stevens. im 6’5″ (195 cm.) 235 lbs 16 years old looking to up my ski game next year maybe try and get up 40 times or somthing. Id say im an upper advanced skier not quite expert yet but looking to get there. i like big fast turns in open spaces and the ski im looking to replace is this pair of atomics from 2006 (tm ex). They are 86 under foot 184 cm but have zero rocker, full camber all the way through (and a crap tone of it i may add) and a flat tail. so when u ski it it feels like the whole ski is affective edge. they are also über stiff and i like that, the tails feel very supportive and if your not driving then these skis wont work. they need speed but they are not damp. thats my biggest gripe with them. Point is they are old and need to be put to pasture. But from taking away the pros and looking for some new skis the belafontes seemed like a nice fit. I need somthing that can handle roughed up groomers (like when night skiing) charge through mashed potatoes on the back side and handle up 5-6 inches of fresh before i break out the powder boards (this is were my current skis Are the worst). I dont plan on skiing any trees in these and as much as i love ripping big fast turns some mougles will be unavoidable. the big question is and the reason i havnt pulled the trigger yet is i could only find them on one site and the 187′s are sold out only 182 and 192 left will the extra 2 inches make that much of a diffrence or should i keep looking?
Thanks. So you’re 6’5″, 235 lbs., advanced skier, looking to make big turns in open spaces and handle less-than-perfect conditions, and you like stiff skis? I wouldn’t steer you away from the 192s, they ought to work well for you. Pull the trigger and let us know how it goes.
at 5’5″ and just short of 150lbs would the current 174cm be a good size or maybe too short? I’m quite comfortable skiing the 177 cochise as a reference. Other skis is the quiver are Praxis SND 167cm stiff, Line Prophet 98 172, ON3P Billy Goat 176cm (replacing a too soft rocker2 115 178cm). Now looking to add a crud buster, mainly for off piste bushwhacking but not too much of big open faces long turns at mach speed since I don’t even have the space for that where I usually ski! Considering Cochise 177, Vicik 176 and Belafonte 174, maybe katana 177 but I don’t really need a ski that wide!
Love the website. You convinced me to try the Belefontes. I got the 192s. I’m 6’2, ~200lb; any recommendations on where to mount?
Hey overthere !
Congrat for a very informative website !
Just pick up an almost new pair of 192cm (190cm in real).
The edges are really sharp from tip to tail (they have been stoned just before the sale).
The tail is very hard to release and they feel very chatery when carving on slightly bumpy groomers …
I was wondering what was the “detuning” procedure for these ? they seems to need a lot …
THx Blaise
Dear Moment please bring this ski back
anyone remember the actual mount point? I have a pair and measured myself…just want to compare notes because I’m looking for a replacement.