Random Review: F’real Smoothies


F’real currently offers fifteen flavors of milkshakes, smoothies, and iced coffee. I have unfortunately not tested all of them at this point, but I can offer some guidelines.

It’s hard to go wrong here. In my experience, the smoothies all taste pretty much exactly like they sound. Sometimes the milkshake flavors can come out a little funky, tasting and feeling more water based than milk based, with small frozen crystals, but that is a small price to pay for their generally great flavor.

But I personally am done experimenting with F’real flavors, though, because I believe that I have found the pinnacle of gas station smoothie excellence: the Blueberry Raspberry Pomegranate Smoothie.

Cy Whitling reviews the F'real smoothie for Blister Gear Review
Behold: the Blueberry Raspberry Pomegranate Smoothie

First of all, look at that packaging! Those are some succulent looking berries, exactly what someone who has been eating stale Doritos and Cup Noodles for three days needs.

Now look at the ingredients: Water, Skim Milk, Blueberry Puree, Raspberry Puree, Sugar, Blueberry Puree Concentrate, Raspberry Puree Concentrate, Pomegranate Juice Concentrate, etc. Wow! It looks like they do use “REAL INGREDIENTS” (at least sort of—my roommate claims that “concentrate” isn’t actually as good for you).

Regardless, these are the kind of fruits you cannot usually purchase at a gas station. And it actually tastes like fruit too. With each slurp, I can feel the antioxidants soaking into my body. (And antioxidants are good for you. At least that’s what the magazines at the grocery store checkout tell me.)

I can’t make any sweeping claims about the health benefits of the Blueberry Raspberry Pomegranate Smoothie, but I can offer some evidence from my own life: I have not suffered from scurvy, a hernia, cancer, any broken bones, avian flu, dysentery, discolored urine, or hives since I started regularly consuming these Blueberry Raspberry Pomegranate Smoothies over a year ago.

Cy Whitling reviews the F'real smoothie for Blister Gear Review
Cy Whitling, enjoying his F’real Smoothie with a side of Freedom.

In F’real’s description of this flavor they add: “Skipped yoga? We’ve got you covered. Real blueberries, raspberries, and pomegranate bring good-karma to those who drink them. Namaste.”

I’ve been skipping yoga for almost 22 years now, so that’s quite a relief. But every time I slurp down one of these, I feel like I’m dressed in white linen pants, balanced on my head in a sunny, perfectly clean room that smells like Febreeze. This is truly the only product originating from a gas station that deserves to have the word “Namaste” printed on it.

Pro Tip

If you are looking for something to keep you awake, try dumping a blueberry flavored Red Bull into your smoothie. Nothing like some caffeinated antioxidants to keep you going.


At the gas station, you really only have two other options. You can buy some kind of slurpy or slushy, or you can dig around in that basket of anything-but “Fresh” fruit.

The F’real smoothie is much better than any slushy option. It’s healthy (ish?), convenient, and you get to watch commercials while it’s blended. These traits make it well worth the few extra dollars in my opinion. Add to that the fact that most slushys look like their primary ingredient is antifreeze, and it’s really not a contest.

Of course, you could try to buy real fruit, but then you have to deal with eating real fruit, which can be a pain. I sometimes accidentally eat the sticker on real fruit. The F’real has no sticker to accidentally eat.


The Blueberry Raspberry Pomegranate Smoothie contains 21% of my total daily carbohydrates. This means that I would only need to eat five B-R-P smoothies to hit my carb input goals.

Cy Whitling reviews the F'real smoothie for Blister Gear Review
Just look at all those daily values! (But please ignore the Sugar content.)

And If I did that, I would also get 10% of my daily sodium, 0% of my daily fat, 100% of my Vitamin A and E, 125% of my Vitamin C, 50% of my Calcium and a whopping 150% of my daily Riboflavin.

Honestly, I have no idea what Riboflavin is, but any grade above 70% is a pass in my book.

Bottom Line

In my opinion, the F’real Milkshake is one of the miracles of our time. It delivers unsurpassed taste, flavor selection, nutrition, and entertainment.

Really, the only problem with this otherwise perfect product is that the F’real F’reezer and blender are not yet available for personal purchase.

Their website does state, however, that they sponsor individuals and events, so maybe you ought to stop trying to become the latest energy drink athlete, and start focusing instead on getting f’real.

18 comments on “Random Review: F’real Smoothies”

  1. Fun read. IMO, the best food item available in gas/convenience stores, esp in rural places.

    No 21 year old is a truly “good” driver. Keep at it, it’ll come!

    • Ok I like the taste . But bioengineering . What’s your definition of that. Is that even safe genetically alterd DNA .now I’m concerned ? explain please

  2. Yesterday evening I bought 3 freal smoothies. .when we place the cups to grind or whipp up the frozen smoothie..the machine made this huge sound like it was breaking down ..The cashier even glanced over and shrugged his shoulders.. when we got home both my boys as drinking found pieces of shredded plastic in the mix..I don’t know how it got there but I kept the full cups with the plastic inside iam going to call the company to let them know about this incedent for us..last time I buy from those and that’s too bad because we finally found something simple and easy to access at anytime and the price was great…

  3. Love my f’real candy cotton flavor and the cupcake batter one( not sure I have name correct). Thank you for inventing this. Hurry up and bring back my candy cotton flavor please.
    Smoothies are great also.
    Michele S. Shera
    Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania

  4. This is absolutely the worst machine I have ever purchased. It came in damaged and it has never worked right from the day I bought it. I am returning it. They made it seem like all the problems were my fault.

    • hey don
      i own 2 of these machines which i bought a year apart.the first one was made in usa and the other one in china.the one made in US has been trouble free whereas the made in PRC one has given trouble since day one.did you send yours back?do you remember where was it made?

    • Yes I thought it was alot of sugar for a 12 oz 41 grams and it wasn’t even sweet i got the strawberry banana smoothie

  5. I look for these machines when we’re on the road, stopping at convenience stores to get gas and snacks. I have always been pleased with the product and have tried many flavors. It’s a great idea to allow the consumer to choose the thickness of the milkshake. I love the F’real milkshakes. So far I’ve only traveled through the central states of the US. I hope they are located elsewhere.

    • Terrible company no support whatsoever. Pay over $15,000 for the equipment. You would think they would have a better support. The tech told me to call a plumber to work on a blender. Lol what a joke of a company.

  6. I only love the mango but either they have 1 or none ,once a good cashier was working & told me they were in the back & hadn’t been put out I brought all 12 ,company needs to leave more stock !!! 29505

  7. Shake Machines are out of order quite a bit.Cups are smaller than before.And the smaller cups are just a bit over half full.Never again.

  8. I had mango. Blended it at the store. Walked home , covered with Saran Wrap. Extra frosty. Deeelicious. But, what does bioengineered mean to FReal?

  9. Had a choc-mint while on the road [going through Crafers S.A.. I loved it, and gave tried to swing by there for another when I can.

  10. It used to be great
    They added an unknown ingredient
    Taste knarley…….
    Why did they ruin it
    Save money I bet
    No more….
    I will miss u

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