Ski: 2010-2011 DPS Wailer 112RP Hybrid, 178cm
Dimensions (mm): 141-112-128
Sidecut Radius: 16 meters
Actual Tip to Tail Length (straight tape pull): 177 cm
Boot / Binding / DIN: Scarpa TX Comp / Rottefella NTN / Green Cartridges, 5.
Mount Location: Factory recommended line.
Test Location: Alta Ski Area, Alta slackcountry and Wasatch backcountry
Days Skied: 50+
Me: 5’6”, 140 lbs.
This season I’m riding Rottefella’s somewhat controversial and certainly evolutionary NTN telemark binding, mounted on a pair of 178cm, DPS Wailer 112RP Hybrids.

Having skied more than 50 days on this set up in all types of snow conditions in the backcountry, slackcountry, and resort, it’s fair to say that the equipment has influenced and changed my technique and approach to skiing.
This review focuses on the NTN binding, but wouldn’t be complete without a discussion of the skis they were mounted on. Having skied the NTN on both the K2 Sidestash and the Black Diamond Megawatt, I can say the DPS Wailer 112RP far surpasses both of these other skis in terms of all-around versatility.
My first turns on the Wailer 112RP’s were in the backcountry of Little Cottonwood Canyon. I skinned up the Pink Pine Ridge and skied a nice Aspen glade in ankle deep powder. The touring mode on the NTN is amazingly easy to use: I just flipped up the tour lever that is located on the front of the binding, and I was able to remove my skins without removing my skis. I could also lock down the binding when the skin track went down hill. The heel riser is a bit bulky, but I was able to pop it up easily and push it down with the grip of my pole.
The NTN does not offer as much motion in tour mode as 22 Design’s Axl, but I have been more than happy with the range of motion on steeper pitches of 35-45 degrees. Combining the NTN with the 112RP’s weight (4.4 lbs), width (144/112/128), and stability, and touring becomes easy.
Skiing in bounds at Alta this season has been ideal for putting the DPS Wailer 112RP to the one ski quiver test. While we have been choking on blower pow for most of the year, January offered some very difficult hard pack conditions that inspire most telemark skiers to slide and rely heavily on the tail of the ski. This is the way I was used to skiing after riding most of the early season on skis such as K2’s Antipistes, 4Frnt’s Turbo, and the Fatty-Puss A-Lotta , all mounted with a set of 22 Design Hammerheads.
The first thing I noticed about the Wailer 112RP was the lack of tail to support the tele-slide. With the strength and support of the NTN, my ability to carve steep hard pack on the 112RP’s short but stiff regular underfoot camber changed my whole approach to telemarking; I left the slide behind. This translated to easier and improved skiing in crud, sun/rain crust, and heavy spring snow. The Rocker tip of the 112RP glides over (or pushes through) any inconsistency in the snow. It places the carving edge into the snow, which allows the ski to maintain constant contact with the slope.
Hi guys! I had the distinct pleasure of riding the lift at Alta a couple weekends ago with one of your venerable and esteemed employees… a certain “bannanahead” named Robin. What a hoot! The man totally owns it..keep up the excellent review work, and thanks. R.Dennen P.C. Ut./Bethel, Me.
Dear Rick,
We have no idea what you’re talking about….
(Cough, cough.)
Glad you’re enjoying the reviews, and we’ll see you next season at Alta!
I was wondering if you needed a special brake for the Wailers as the waist is 112 mm and the largest NTN brake I can seem to find is listed at 110 mm. I’m not only creative but also inventive, therefore I want to copy the reviewed set-up exactly – bindings and skis! Keep up the good work.
Hey Kevin! Glad you’re stoked on the set up. You can use the 110mm brake for the DPS 112’s. You just need to bend the brake slightly. It works like a charm:)
Hey, just came across this review while looking for everything I could find about the NTN binding. While there are certainly a number of exhaustive reviews out there, I found this to be one of the most helpful ones out there. Great job Robin; I look forward to more reviews out of you soon! See you up on the hill sometime. -Tim
Robin – any thoughts on the mount point? I am about to mount up NTNs on some 178s and wondered if you were happy at the recommended line. It looks surprisingly far back.
Hey Ben, the NTNs should be mounted true center. There are three possible positions on the mount plate that allow you to shift forward for harder carving, true center, or back for deep pow skiing. This being said, I felt like I could almost lean forward in the pow on the RP112’s with the binding mounted true center. The RP112’s don’t have a super supportive tail, you you’ll need to stay over the regular camber as much as possible! Hope this helps!
Curious how wide of skins you use given the ski has a 141 width in the front? I am new to skinning and don’t know how much is enough, but I do weight 220 #.
Hey Michael,
I have a set of Black Diamond Ascension Skins that came out of the box at 125mm and I cut them down to size. The tip doesn’t have to be completely covered side to side because it is rockered and won’t be giving you any grip on the skin track anyway. As long as the part of the ski that is in contact with the skin track is covered completely by the skin you will have enough traction to get up the mountain. Your weight shouldn’t pose you any issues with a fat ski like this and a brand new pair of skins. Yeah buddy, don’t steal my lines! Have a blast!
picked up the wailer 112 190cm in special edition red, with ntn. really like them so far and i like them best a the 0 mount point. they turn alot quicker than my sidestash and have lots of edgehold. crappy conditions the last two days but first impression is that they are a high perf ski in all conditions and excellent in the soft stuff. really noticed how quick they turn in the soft, and hard pack. the red special ed top sheet is awesome btw.
After using this set up for most of last season I have only awesome things to say about these skis. I love them so much I picked up another pair to use for alpine with marker dukes. I can’t imagine a better ski for what I like to do. Wicked in the soft stuff and they grip even better than I expected on the groomers. Plus super turny for all the trees around here.
So … hands down, what do you think the best (summit county CO) all around tele setup is these days? Broke my much loved bombers and on 22 axl now … probably going NTN for the lifts once i can justify a whole new setup. Not so much info around on tele skis these days, cuz most of the softies have switched to AT (no offense to you, cant say i blame you all that much and im 50/50 these days, but still nothing better than a nice tele turn). My 10 Gotamas are great with a few inches of fresh but I find them pretty un-fun on harder stuff. I find that too much rocker washes out a lot and don’t see much need for the stiffer tails on some of the harder charging alpine skis.
Any tricks to getting the Freerides to engage earlier? I had the freedoms for some of last season and part of this season until they broke on me twice, so I switched to the freerides, and they don’t seem to engage as early and I get a lot of wobble on the uphill ski when skiing icy conditions. I’m wondering if I just need to get used to the higher riser or the binding over the freedoms or if I need to get the stiffer tubes. I’m 6’3″, 220 and on DPS wailer rp2 112’s with the blue power tubes. I tried cranking the tube to 5 but it still seems less active than the freedoms. Wondering if I need to detune the skis in the tip to get rid of the wobbly uphill ski sensation.
A guy of your size should be riding the Red Tubes. That should be a huge help.
I’m looking at almost exactly this set up for next year. Skied TX pros this year on NTN freerides and love them, I now need a new powder ski. It’s hard to demo tele most places but I just skied a day on the DPS hybrids with alpine bindings and they were great. Question is what would you think about the RP2 carbon version versus the hybrid version? The hybrid is apparently more flexible but heavier, wondering if you have tried the lighter stiffer RP2 with more carbon and what you think of that set up? I don’t really do much skinning, this is for cat trips where the conditions are open Alpine as well as some tight glades, and also resort skiing. The other ski I’m considering for what it’s worth is the Blizzard Gunsmoke since my narrower skis are Blizzards and really like those but have never had the chance to try the Gunsmoke. Leaning towards the DPS though but trying to decide which version. Thanks for the great review and any advice you can offer
In case that was confusing, the question is the hybrid vs the pure.
Btw, also demoed the Rossignol Power7 and agree with you it’s not even close
Dan, I’m gonna pass you off the the guys who have ridden those skis. Stand by.