4 comments on “Update: 2011-2012 MOMENT Bibby Special, 196cm”

  1. The shape sounds like the pontoons, similar design philosophy? Just I never heard anyone having the same problems with the pontoon. A comparison between the two would be interesting.

    • Hey McDee,

      I have not ridden the Pontoons. However, based on a little research I would imagine that they’re slightly more manageable than the Specials. The Pontoons have 11mm less sidecut, less pronounced tail rocker, and less taper than the MOMENTs from tip to tail. What’s more, the largest size they’re offered in is a 189 (of course, we’re talking K2 sizing here) as opposed to a more formidable 196 with the Special.
      In comparison to previous years, K2 is hoping to give the 2012 Pontoon a “more predictable turn initiation”, which is exactly what I would want from the Bibby Special. I think you’re right, a vs. review may be in order. Thanks for reading!

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