Every skier and snowboarder on earth should have this product. It is super portable (just stow the Dry DX in your boots), quiet, and it works — after a day riding lifts or backcountry touring, plug in the Dry DX (into your car outlet or wall outlet), place them in your boots, and your boots won’t be wet the next day and your liners won’t stink. It’s a win / win, and we use this product every single time we ski. So, for this week’s giveaway, we’re teaming up with DryGuy to give away 3 sets of their portable boot dryers. Enter Now for your chance to win.

Eligibility & How To Enter
To be eligible, like us on Facebook and/or follow us on Instagram, then sign up here to win:
[button colour=”accent” type=”slightlyroundedarrow” size=”large” link=”https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=ibjulooab&p=oi&m=1115025974312&sit=5s9hpgfib&f=bd4f0065-0f6c-47df-a3dd-9c51d0f2f94b” target=”_self]Enter the Giveaway[/button]
(Winners chosen at random. Must be 18 or older.)
By entering, you’ll also receive our weekly Blister newsletter, where we’ll (a) announce each week the winner of our previous Gear Giveaway, (b) provide a roundup of the news and our highest-profile reviews of the past seven days, and (c) offer sneak peeks of the products we’re currently reviewing. It’s good times for sure, so don’t miss out. Good luck!