I sat down with Mike McCabe at the Folsom Skis headquarters in Denver, Colorado, to dial in “The Hammer” that he and I have been discussing for a long time now (and that’s based on the Folsom Primary I reviewed last season):

We then discuss three other new skis that Mike’s recently developed, the Spar 88, some new editions of the Rad Dad, and the Primary Plus:

- Background on The Hammer (2:33)
- Folsom’s new “Primary Plus” (11:14)
- Tweaks to the Primary to create The Hammer (12:08)
- The new Folsom SPAR 88 (27:06)
- New variation of the Folsom Rad Dad (31:09)
- More on the new Folsom Primary Plus (35:53)
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Really excited for the review of the hammer, will folsom be providing the 30% discount on the hammer like they did on the primary «blister build» from last year?
Liking the sound of the Primary Plus 196.