In this episode of the Blister podcast, we talk to the first ever champion of American Ninja Warrior, Isaac Caldiero.
If you’ve been living under a rock and have never seen American Ninja Warrior, you need to. It’s an amazing show that features a number of remarkable people and athletes, and the show is getting wildly popular. Two years ago, 5.3 million people tuned in to watch the finals, and this past season, that number grew to 6.2 million.
The competition is a riveting (and nerve-racking) display of athleticism, strategy, focus, endurance, and mental toughness.

We talk to Isaac about his life before American Ninja Warrior—where he grew up; his background and his accomplishments in climbing; his success this past season and what he did differently from previous years; his advice for those who’d like to compete on the show, and whether he thinks the courses will be tweaked (and get even harder) this coming season. We also get Isaac’s take on the controversy surrounding his win, and about what life looks like when you go from being a dyed-in-the-wool dirtbag climber, to a guy who just won a million bucks.
Show Notes:
• Watch Isaac’s Victory
• Watch full episodes of American Ninja Warrior
• Follow Isaac & Laura on Instagram as they get ready for the next season of American Ninja Warrior
• Isaac Caldiero: @isaaccaldiero
• Laura Kisana: @laurakisana
• This episode is sponsored by Alaska Airlines
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