If you are reading this, there’s a good chance that you spend a lot of time outside. And it’s also possible that outdoor activities make up a large part of your self-identity — you are a skier. Or a climber. Or mountain biker. Or runner.
So what would you do if all of these outdoor activities were suddenly taken away? And more than that, what would you do if you were suddenly paralyzed?
Well that actually happened to today’s guest, Jim Harris. As you’ll hear, Jim was as involved in the outdoors sports world as anyone, and he was quickly making a name for himself in the industry when a fluke accident and serious injury threatened to take all of that away.

But that accident is by no means the end of the story. For the past several years, Jim has attacked his rehab, and he is in the midst of – to use his own words – a “crazy recovery.” Jim is now once again lifting, mountain biking in Moab and basically doing the seemingly impossible. (If you want to follow his adventures — and you absolutely should — you can find Jim on Instagram at Perpetual Weekend.)

This episode is about a remarkable person with a remarkable story. And beyond that, this is a conversation about Self-Identity and Perspective. I promise that if you listen to it, you’ll see what I mean, and I am confident that you will be the better for it — if for no other reason, you will have gotten to meet – and learn a thing or two – from Jim Harris.
- Jim’s entrance — and rise — in the outdoors industry (0:00)
- Great advice on starting any creative pursuit, and why you shouldn’t pander to your audience (9:05)
- The details of Jim’s accident (22:55)
- What now? Life after the accident (33:20)
- Would you go back to your life prior to the injury? (38:15)
- Jim’s crazy recovery (43:35)
- What are you currently most passionate about? (53:10)
- Important Stuff: Self Development, Self-Identity, & Self Worth (58:30)
- Find Jim on Instagram @ Perpetual Weekend
- High Fives Foundation
- Books we discuss:
- Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle
- Stumbling on Happiness – Daniel Gilbert
great podcast, great website, great work. so… when you gonna throw these Pods up on Stitcher?
Thanks, Drew. And in this case, I’m happy to report that your wish is our command, and the blister podcast is now up on stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/blister-podcast/the-blister-podcast?refid=stpr