Ski: 2002-2003 Volant Spatula, 186 cm
Available Length: 186 cm
Blister’s Measured Tip-to-Tail Length: ~183.9 cm
Blister’s Measured Weight per Ski: 2651 & 2654 grams
Blister’s Measured Dimensions: it’s complicated. More on this later, but..
- 125.5 mm = max width
- 125.1 mm = width at the midsole line / recommended mount point
Stated Sidecut Radius: also complicated. approx. 1 zillion meters
Blister’s Measured Tip & Tail Splay (ski decambered): ~73 mm / 59 mm
Traditional Camber Underfoot: 0 mm
Factory Recommended Mount Point: -5.35 cm from center; 86.6 cm from tail
[Editor’s Note: We had been aiming to publish our full review of the Spatula last season, but when trying to mount some modern bindings on it, we were initially unable to get through its metal top sheet (the ski literally started on fire while trying to drill into it…). We were finally able to get it mounted and for now Blister Members can check out our Flash Review, and then we’ll post our full review as soon as we can get more time on it.]
Flash Review
Blister Members can check out our Flash Review of the Spatula for our initial impressions. Become a Blister member now to check out this and all of our Flash Reviews, plus get exclusive deals and discounts on skis, and personalized gear recommendations from us.
As a belated Christmas gift, we thought we’d offer to all of you a full Blister review of one of the most iconic skis of all time, the Volant Spatula, developed by Shane McConkey and Peter Turner.
(Ok, full disclosure: this was just as much a Christmas gift to ourselves, and we don’t really care whether you’re interested or not, because we sure as hell are. So we picked up a pair of Spatulas, and we are going to go give them the full blister treatment. Sixteen years later, how does Shane’s design hold up against all the recent fat pow skis?)
Given that virtually every ski being made today incorporates tip and tail rocker, it can be difficult to remember now just how freaking wild this design was when it first appeared. Bonkers nutso wild.
So when the Spatula came out, Shane wrote an absolutely outstanding article about them that every passionate skier ought to read, even if you have no interest whatsoever in this ski.
And so before we launch deep down the Spatula rabbit hole ourselves, we wanted to first give Shane the floor, and tomorrow, we’ll provide our own in-depth First Look.
On the 0.000001% chance that you aren’t that familiar with McConkey or why we would bother with his Spatula invention, you should watch MSP’s film, McConkey, or listen to my conversation with Scott Gaffney about Shane and why there has never been anyone quite like him. (Equally cool: you’ll hear Shane himself talk about how it was Scott Gaffney’s comments about camber — or a lack thereof — that caused the “lightbulb to flash on” for Shane and sparked the development of the Spatula.
And now, here is Shane McConkey writing brilliantly about his Spatula:
Mental Floss
A Guide to the Volant Spatula, the World’s Greatest Powder Ski
by Shane McConkey
Important! You really should read this before you ski on your new Spatulas.
Keep this guide so that you can refer back to it after you have tried the Spatulas. It will help remind you of certain things you will need to know.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have just purchased the most progressive invention in the history of powder skiing since the original fat skis were invented. These skis will change the way you thought you were supposed to ski powder, minimize the effort you put into your skiing, and greatly improve your powder skiing experience.
The following is meant to give you some idea of what the Spatulas are all about, why they are shaped the way they are and how to ski them.
First of all, in order to clear your mind and attempt to make sense of all this, take most everything you have ever learned about skiing and stick it where the sun don’t shine. Or at least in the garage next to your shaped skis. Why? Because:
1. Sidecut is NOT good in powder.
2. Camber is NOT good in powder.
3. Carving is NOT necessary in powder.
Simply put, if you want to maximize your abilities in soft snow you do not want to use the same tool as you would on any kind of hard, groomed or compacted snow.
As you well know your new Spatulas have a very unique almost bizarre shape. It is important for you to understand the adjustments to your skiing technique you will need to make in order to ski them well. Don’t worry! It’s easy. Many people may get intimidated by the progressive shape of the Spatula and think that it takes an expert to know how to manage them. Not true! These skis will make powder skiing much easier for even the least experienced beginners. Actually the opposite concepts explained here will be much easier for a beginner to grasp than an expert conditioned to use their skis the way they always have. The expert will have to open their mind and be prepared for some very different concepts. Or simply, they must floss their brain!
Ski On Both Feet!
Put your weight a bit more on two feet throughout the turn instead of mostly on your downhill ski. This will help you stay afloat and facilitate sliding when you need to. You will also be able to load up your downhill ski as you normally would in most soft snow situations but knowing how and when to use both feet will greatly increase your abilities with the Spatulas. Sun crust and wind affect are prime examples of when to use both feet. In these conditions the Spatulas will blow your mind. Normally these conditions would require you to slow way down and be very careful not to hook a tip. Not anymore. Ski on two feet and let ‘er rip!
Your powder skiing experience is about to change dramatically. It will become much easier for you to maintain control at higher speeds. If you were the type of powder skier who used to make lots of slow, little bouncing up and down turns then you need to try going faster. Open it up and go for it! You can still milk the powder slowly if you want but after you get the hang of hauling ass you won’t want to putt around anymore.
Yes, believe it or not this is something that you should be trying to do in the powder. Sliding will be the most difficult of Spatula techniques to learn but you should be able to get the idea in time. Even if you never attempt to learn slides you will still be able to blow doors on everyone else without Spatulas. Who knows, you might just naturally start doing them anyway. The more dense and compacted the snow is the easier it will be to perform slides. Sliding will greatly improve your maneuverability and control. Begin your powder turn and then instead of hitting your edges hard to carve a turn, stand up on two feet and let your skis slide or skid diagonally across the fall line. It will be harder to perform a slide directly down the fall line. Start off doing them diagonally.
Trade skis with a friend for a run. Just to compare what you used to ski on to what you have now. I guarantee you will only try this once and then you will keep your Spatulas for yourself!
In order to better understand why the Spatulas are so efficient the two most important concepts to grasp are flotation and sliding. In a ski world where everyone is constantly thinking power, pressure and carving it may seem like a crazy concept to accept almost the opposite theory. Then again soft snow is pretty much the opposite as hard snow. Retraining your mind that sliding not carving is actually a good thing is a very hard concept for many people to swallow.
A ski which is fat under foot will float much more than a ski which is narrow under foot. A ski with reverse side cut will give the skier the ability to slide their turns where as side cut will force the skier to sink and carve. Reverse side cut combined with decamber immediately puts the tip and tail higher than the waist of the ski as well as pulls the edges of the ski away from the snow leaving the point of first contact with the snow at the waist of the ski. When you set your skis sideways to start a slide there is much less ski at the tip and tail to catch the snow and prevent the slide. It also helps to eliminate catching your downhill edges and stuffing it. The Spatulas are also twin tipped. This helps immensely for initiating a slide. Expert skiers can use the twin tip to ski and land backwards if they wish. Skiing backwards in the powder will be surprisingly easy compared to any other twin tipped powder ski.
In virtually all situations you will still be able to carve your turns. The Spatulas simply give you the option to initiate a slide or to scrub speed by sliding similar to how you would do it on the groomer. Why is it so easy for snowboarders to scrub speed in the powder? Why is it so easy for them to make turns and go fast when skiers are laboring slowly down the hill? Why do snowboarders use less energy than skiers in the powder? It is a simple matter of flotation. Snowboarders are always on top of the snow. Skiers are mostly down in it. The Spatulas will give you all the benefits of snowboarding’s floatation and ease as well as satisfaction in the fact that you are actually on skis and still have all the luxuries and mobility options that skiing offers.
For normal skis side cut is used to make it easier to turn. You simply roll the ski on edge, add some pressure to the ski and it carves around. In recent years ski manufacturers have been adding significant amounts of side cut to their skis greatly facilitating the ski experience for everyone. This is true. ON HARD SNOW!
In powder or soft snow side cut creates two distinct negative effects:
1. “The Pool Cover”- Your weight is directly on top of the narrowest part of the ski. This type of weight distribution immediately puts you in a sinking into the snow situation similar to what happens to the pool cover when you try to run across it. This causes your tips and tails to float but the center of your skis where all your weight is sinks, bogs down and then you must plow through the snow. You will be forced to carve every turn and expend a lot of energy bouncing in and out of the snow.
Sinking/carving = Bad. Floating/sliding = Good.
2. “The Unstable Hooker”- Skis become very unstable and much more difficult to control. In sun crust or wind affect you may have noticed the occasional Unstable Hooker. This is when you start a turn and your downhill ski hooks fast and hard up and across your uphill ski. You cross your tips, step on your downhill ski with your uphill and then stuff your face into mountain. Or at high speeds you may have noticed your skis trying to swim around a bit making it hard to control as you try to keep your tips up and out of the snow. The solution to this in the past has always been to maintain a wider stance in powder and to slow it down a bit.
Fortunately now you can use your Spatula to dish out a good spanking to that Unstable Hooker and Pool Cover. The reverse side cut of the Spatulas immediately sets you afloat on top of the snow allowing you to initiate turns and negotiate everything you encounter much more easily without having to labor through it. Reverse side cut also eliminates the instabilities commonly encountered with “shaped” skis in the soft snow. You will notice little or no Unstable Hookers and you will be able to enjoy a much more relaxed stance in variable snow and at high speeds.
You will also notice that the Spatulas feel much lighter while on your feet than other skis of similar surface area. Try swinging them from side to side while on the lift. This effect is created by the reverse side cut. It gives them a very light swing weight. Normal skis with side cut have a weight distribution which puts the bulk of the skis at the tips and tails. The Spatulas are the opposite. The bulk is at the waist. The Spatulas are a lot of ski and there is a lot down there stuck to your feet. However, they will feel much lighter and more maneuverable than you can imagine.
On normal skis camber is used to add power and extra pressure to the tip and tail of the ski. This gives the ski stability, strength and helps it initiate a turn. It also and adds power through the arc of the turn. This is true, ON HARD SNOW!
In soft snow camber has these negative effects:
1. “The Sunken Plow” – Tips and tails are constantly trying to dive down into the snow. No matter how much you load up the skis with pressure or how soft the skis are the tips still always want to dive lower than the waist of your skis. This causes excessive unweighting or bouncing and leaning back onto your tails. It puts you in an unbalanced position. The point is to get up out of the snow not down in it.
2. “Franz” – Skis will only ever turn by carving. Skis will not in any way be made to slide. Tips and tails during unweighting are always lower than the center of the skis prohibiting any attempt at a slide. Throwing the skis sideways in anyway will end in a caught outside edge followed by a quick whiplash onto your side.
The Spatula’s decamber will prevent most Sunken Plow situations depending on the skiers weight. (The lighter you are the more you will reap the benefits of the decamber.) You will notice that you will not need to lean back on your skis in the powder nearly as much as you would on normal skis. This will allow you to stand upright and attack the mountain much more efficiently.
Having the option to eliminate the Franz carve from your powder skiing will open up a whole new world for you. Try sliding a bit sideways as you finish your turn. Remember to stand on both feet. Try doing a long slide instead of doing a turn at all. Skiers constantly link one turn to the next in powder because in the past we lacked the ability and technology to slide. It also has traditionally been considered proper style to make identical, consecutive linked turns down a powder slope. Now you have the option to carve, slide, crab sideways, hockey stop (If your really good) and basically use the slope in many creative ways instead of such a limited, traditional style.
These skis are not versatile. I will make no attempts to fool you (as all ski manufacturers typically do) into thinking that you can use these skis in all kinds of snow conditions. They are made specifically for the many types of soft snow. Powder, sun crust, wind affect, deep, shallow, light and heavy. They are not designed to be primarily skied on ice or most types of hard snow. Of course you will frequently find yourself skiing on some sort of hard snow even on a powder day. It may be on the groomer going back to the lift or you may hit a hard patch or a mogul along the way. Not to worry. They can be easily managed in any situation. You just have to know how to do it.
The first question that absolutely everyone always asks me is: “Yea, but how well do they work on the groomer?” The most accurate analogy I have come up with is that they work about as well on the groomer as a pair of GS skis work in the powder. Manageable but not great. However, I am confident that the satisfaction and pleasure which you will receive from the powder intended qualities of these skis will soon make the issue of Spatula performance on hard snow nonexistent. When the situation demands that you ski your Spatulas on the groomer or hard snow it is very important that you remember two things:
1. Stand on both feet.
2. Initiate turns by sliding.
Think of it this way. When initiating a turn using skis with side cut you simply roll the ski on edge and the tip of the ski catches the snow and depending on how much pressure you give it the ski either carves around fast or slowly. No matter what, the ski will turn. This is not so with the Spatula. They have the opposite shape. They were not designed to carve on hard snow. They were designed to slide and carve in soft snow. You will need to train your mind to think slide not carve especially when on the groomer. A ski with reverse side cut if forced to carve on hard snow will perform exactly the opposite task as a ski with side cut. Try it, you’ll see. Start the turn like you normally would. Weight forward shifting to the downhill ski, add pressure to the tip of the downhill ski, follow through with more pressure on the downhill ski through the turn and……..your downhill ski tracks off in the wrong direction and you fall onto your uphill ski! It won’t work! You must initiate your turns on both feet and by sliding them around! After you have begun your turn by sliding you will notice that you can actually finish the turn by carving once you are on your tails if you want. The tails of the Spatulas will catch and you can carve the end of the turn. It all sounds weird I know, but just remember this and try it a couple times on the groomed and you will probably get the hang of it in one run. Remember! You’re a slider now not a carver!
Back in 1996 the ski industry was just beginning to go through two revolutionary discoveries. The invention of “shaped” skis and the popularization of fat skis for soft snow. As we all know now fat skis have totally changed the way we ski powder and shaped skis have totally changed skiing on harder snow. As manufacturers began to experiment with massive side cuts for carving the groomer and the race course it was only natural for people to want to test out these new shaped skis. At the same time skiers were also just beginning to realize the benefits of fat skis in powder. Back then I had also recently made the switch from skiing on traditional skis to the very fat (at the time) Volant Chubb. I was spending my time marveling over the benefits of fat skis in most snow conditions. Then I decided to try out the new shaped skis in the soft snow. Since the qualities of fat skis were so fresh on my mind all the time I was immediately able to recognize how horrible side cut is for soft snow. If I had been skiing on traditional skis all year like most everyone else this revelation may not even have happened.
During the summer of 96 at a bar in Las Lenas Argentina while hanging out with some friends I quickly sketched a picture of some fat skis with reverse side cut onto a beer napkin. We all spoke about it and of course some even laughed at the idea. I took the napkin home and kept it in my “Cool and funny stuff” file in my file cabinet for about 2 years never really expecting that any ski company would bite on the idea. In the mean time as ski companies started making their shaped fat skis with all this side cut I remained skiing on fat skis with minimal side cut trying to milk as much flotation and control as possible from them.
Then in 1998 the Volant design engineers came out to Squaw Valley. The plan was to test out some new shaped fat skis that they wanted to make with a bunch of my friends and knowledgeable skiers. These new skis were basically a Volant Chubb with more side cut. We tested them against many skis including our old, used for a year Chubbs. Yes, they were more versatile and could be used to carve easier turns on the groomed but in the powder they still were more work than skis with minimal side cut. Then Scott Gaffney, who was one of the testers, decided to open his mouth and suggest a concept which is probably the most important yet now seeming so obvious discovery in powder ski technology. He said, “I think my old, dead, decambered Chubbs float much better in the powder than those ones with new ski life or camber.” And then the light bulb flashed on. I dug up my old beer napkin and began pondering the concept. I thought about hard snow and soft snow and began comparing the similarities of powder to water. I realized that the effects of riding on powder snow would be very similar to riding on water. Water skis have reverse side cut. So do surf boards. And they both have decamber or rocker.
Over the course of the next two years I would talk to people about how cool it would be to have skis with decamber and reverse side cut specifically for powder. Almost everyone I mentioned the idea to would either laugh or politely smile. All except for Scott and JT Holmes and a few others. I never really pushed the idea to Volant very hard because I assumed that no one would listen. Nobody buys powder only skis. The industry already lost on that bet. The skis that sell are the all mountain carver that are so versatile right? Right. No one wants to buy more than one pair of skis. So why even attempt to make something that a ski shop can’t even sell? So nothing happened for 2 years. Finally after stewing over it for too long I began talking to the design engineers at Volant about just going for it and jury rigging a pair or two together in the shop in their spare time. If it wasn’t for the hard work and extra after hours put in by Ryan Carroll and Peter Turner in the Volant factory the first and only four pairs would never have been made in the summer of 2001.
The first prototype arrived at my doorstep in August. Soon afterwards I packed up my beautiful, shimmering, new, steel Spatulas and flew down to New Zealand to work on a film project. As I am a very spoiled professional skier we were heli skiing the whole time and I got to test them out. They immediately blew my mind! Everything was so easy! No more leaning back to prevent tip diving. No more excessive body movements to force the skis around. No more big GS turns or body smears to slow down. No more boot sink. I couldn’t believe it! I ran straight to the phone and called Volant over seas and spewed my guts raving for 45 minutes about how great they are.
Unfortunately when I got home I got the news that Volant was going to be sold to another company and that everyone was getting canned. No one was going to be able to put any time into making more Spatulas. There were four pairs in existence on the planet with no foreseeable solution. I held on to three of them and Ryan Carroll held on to one single ski of the remaining pair. The other single ski went on tour with the new Volant to help promote the Spatula concept if and when we ever got it together enough to start making them again.
Luckily as time would tell Volant got back up on its feet and contracted the Atomic factory in Austria to make all its skis. Perfect! Atomic makes great skis and their standards are nothing short of excellent. They also happen to be the company who first made super fat powder skis back in the 80s. The Atomic Powder Plus or “Fat Boy” is today still considered on of the best powder skis ever made by many western skiers.
Peter Turner and I then pushed for some budget money to be spent on creating around 300 pairs of Spatulas to be made in the Atomic factory.
The powers that be thought it over. Powder specific skis? They won’t sell very fast. If we are lucky we will break even with these skis. But they are revolutionary. They will change the way people think about skiing powder, the most enjoyable type of skiing. They will open up a whole new world for people. It’s a big risk, but what great idea isn’t? Everyone said yes and the project was a go. Now as I sit here and write this its October 2002 and Volant is making the first batch of the greatest powder skis ever. I can’t wait for it to start snowing and for a small part of 300 people’s lives to change! Have fun on your new Spatulas! And remember, if someone makes fun of them, there are no friends on a powder day! You don’t have to wait for their slow ass! Good luck!
— Shane McConkey
NEXT: Our In-Depth Look at the Spatula & Some of Shane’s Claims
Thanks, Shane!
I’ve always wondered how different is the new K2 Pontoon from the spatula? K2 states that Shane’s legend lives on but that’s about it for specs on the ski. An A-B of the Spatula vs the Pontoon would be cool.
Great article – will re read – SM was ahead of his time obviously and if you want a new pair in the wrapper eBay has them for $3000 – :) This could be fun to seek at garage sales and ski swaps so will keep a secret.
Blister retro reviews – greatest Christmas present ever.
Would love to see you guys do dedicated reviews on some other classic skis, if only to compare your take to modern skis.
– Volkl explosiv
– Salomon pocket rocket
– k2 pontoon
I’m sure others can contribute other suggestions.
Newer is not always better!
Some other things are in the works, JR…
Shane was a visionary in a lot of ways. Wish he was still kicking. :-(
Nice. Digging the bindings too, may I suggest a quick bench test,
Jonathan, you can’t wait to test them, how’s the recovery, is skiing a near term possibility? Or am I implying something that ain’t there in your words?
Hi, Frame – our intention is to put a different binding on these, so no worries there.
And yes, I’ll be skiing next month. If I can hold out that long….
I am still skiing my Spatulas. I bought 2 pairs 11 years ago. I only ski about 10 days a year here in WA state, but I love them! But on 2 out of the 4 skis, that red thingamajiggy under the boot that the bindings mount on has broken off. Is it feasible/slayable to mount/remount bindings on them without it? If so, what is that thing for? Stiffness?
Those spacers were on the skis because the Volant skis were so thin profile. I just measured the thickness of the Spatula under the front binding and they are exactly 10mm. That is THIN. WITH the spacer any adult binding could be mounted on to the skis. This allow for the Adult standard (G1/G2) screw penetration depth of 8mm and 9mm drill bit depth. Nowadays there are some adult skis thin enough to require 6mm screw depth and 7mm drill bit depth. Even this day and age that can present problems as the standard for adult skis and bindings is 8mm. Standard for Junior skis (G3/G4) is 6mm. Tyrolia has 6mm screw kits for the Attack bindings and I imagine the other bindings manufacturers do too. If you were to mount directly on to the Spatula (without the spacer) you would want to ensure that don’t use full-length adult screws that will likely penetrate through the core and will volcano or worse yet potentially pop through the base. So you would need to locate 6mm screws for your bindings or grind 2mm off of your screws (pain in the ass but can be done) Your other option would be use a 2mm spacer. Now there is the possibility that the spacer accomplished 2 things with 1 stone. Maybe it also allowed some additional flex in the system. So maybe you would be safest just using some 2mm spacers. Most shops that deal with race skis a lot will likely have these on hand or at least be able to order them.
That plastic plate under the binding is only a shim for the binding screws in the case where the skis are too thin. You can chuck that plate and mount straight to the steel deck. Just grind screws shorter if they are too long. I mounted straight to the steel on my Chubbs to get rid of the heavy plastic binding mounting plate on the last gen Volant skis.
Take Peter’s advice. He designed the skis! Hi Peter.
Thanks Ivor and Pete! Next question, if yas got the time. I’ve got 2 out of the 4 skis with the plate still on. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening a 3rd/4th time on them if I remount the bindings? Is it just a matter of using the longest, but not too longest, screws? Or should I just get rid of the plate, if that’s easy enuf. And a historical question: Was/is this a common issue within the rest of the Spatula community? I remember when I got them a fellow owner/friend who had moved on from them mentioned how there was an issue with them breaking, but I can’t remember or didn’t know what he was talking about.
And, what are some of the skis on the market from the past 5 years that perform like the Spatulas? I know a bunch of folks with Pontoons, but even those cats suffer when its breakable.
If you like the plate leave it on and use standard alpine length screws. If they have broken you can remove them and use an appropriate length alpine binding screw mounting right onto the steel deck. You could also stick them back on with an aggressive outdoor rated double back tape.
I have not necessarily heard about any issues but I never heard of any of the Spatulas break, at least from normal use. That was a solid construction and the ski is so wide it is really quite strong.
The DPS Lotus 138 and The Spoon have similar design and performance. More versatile in variable snow because of a small amount of sidecut underfoot. And certainly lighter.
Thank you Shane. The Spatula converted me back to skiing from a 15 year stint as a snowboarder. The Spatula changed my course in life. I am now a sales rep in the ski industry and I am not sure this would have happened if not for Shane’s ingenuity. I always felt like I was riding 2 snowboards in powder when riding the Spatula. They were amazing in so many ways. Without going into detail I cornered the market on the Spatula. Shane may have been wrong about 1 thing. The original production run may have been 1000 pair of skis. That is still to this day the MOQ if you want any of the major European ski factories to build you your own ski. The initial delivery was 300 pair but the next portion of the production run likely was for 700, however, those may have not all ended up in the USA. In the spring of 2003, I purchased the remaining 530 pair of Spatulas from Atomic. At that point, I had already sold 60 pairs that I purchased from Gen-X Sports who sold Volant to Atomic. Thankfully, we were in the first season of some really good snow years…03/04 in the Wasatch was a 700″ year which made selling all of my Spatula’s a hell of a lot easier. I had 2 pallets of Spatulas in my garage. It was ridiculous. Anyhow, I would ship Shane 20 pairs at a time who basically sold them at cost. Dave Steiner also helped move skis at Squaw. Andy Gardner was my Alta guy. Ebay is where I sold the rest. It took me about a year and a half to sell them all. I kept a few and yes have 1 pair unmounted of course. What was cool about the Spatula is I would sell one to a friend of a friend and then after the next dump I would get a call from 2 or 3 of that guy’s friends. “I can’t keep up…I need a pair”. The Spatula was so groundbreaking. Thank you guys for doing this review.
Are you guys going to get out and ski them and review them….snow pending of course? This season is turning more and more ugly by the day.
Thanks for sharing this, Ivor. And yes, we fully intend to do an on-snow review/s … the snow is the only x-factor here.
First to Ivor up there in the comments, thanks for distributing these way back when. I think we had something silly like 20 pairs because we wanted everyone to experience the awesomeness. You helped facilitate the game change. There was life before spatulas and life after. Seriously, thanks so much.
As for drilling, there are/were specific bits for drilling through that metal. I’m not sure if they were distributed through volant/atomic, but they were around and there is one shop I know of that still has some around for the occasional person who wants to mount (mostly likely remount at this point) a pair.
I still have my pair in the garage and have always thought about putting binders back on them just for giggles. I also know of more than one pair that are still in the plastic. Not the ones on ebay for $2000 or whatever they were asking. Just ultimate fans of the ski that revolutionized the powder skiing industry.
They changed how I skied. We skied them everywhere. Corn, groomers, chunder, mt hood in the summer… when I could only afford one pair of skis I made them work all over the place.
These skis are still relevant today and if you have the balls to buy, mount, and snap into a pair you won’t be sad about it. You’ll probably get the same condescending looks that we got when we first slarved around on them.
Great story and review. It brings back many memories. When Shane brought in his notes he also included a page of surfboard reviews from a surfing magazine and said he thought the ski should be shaped like a surfboard. Shaped to plane in a liquid medium which is how powder behaves. It took an American visionary and an American company to break down the dogma in the ski industry that was dominated by European skiing. The original versions built be hand in the Volant factory as it was being decommissioned were much lighter than the versions made at Atomic. They insisted on adding lots of fiberglass (weight), not understanding how steel worked in skis negating the need for structural fiberglass layers.
We also learned how rocker alters the design requirements for flex as the skis are “pre-flexed” before you even start moving. We had to stiffen the tail half of the ski to balance it and prevent excessive wheelie behavior of an over-bending tail. We luckily hit the sweet spot with the first production skis.
Shane wanted to build a next gen Spatula when he lost support from Volant/Gen-X and moved on to K2. We were in the throws of applying for patents on the design so he tried to concept the Pontoon to avoid future patent infringement. He mentioned afterward the Pontoon was not nearly as good as the Spatula.
Shane and I had discussed ways of improving the Spatula after its first release. The primary direction was to add a tiny amount of shallow sidecut underfoot to make the ski more controllable on hard snow and risky conditions like the top of a ridgeline traverse or top of a chute. But not enough to compromise the overall powder benefits. We never had the chance to do that in the Spatula. But those attributes were designed into the DPS Lotus 138, basically a gen 2 Spatula. Shane said we did good with that design.
We did make a couple pair of 172 length Spatulas for the next year’s shows that were intended for smaller skiers and for women who were interested. My wife loves the one pair I mounted. The other sits unmounted as another memory of Shane. Then came the collapse of Volant in North American when Atomic acquired them and their intellectual property. Atomic didn’t pursue the patent. Spatula was abandoned by the industry.
I can only wish Shane was still around to inspire us with his ideas, his humor, his antics. A great man.
Peter Turner, former R&D Manager, Volant Sports. Current Ski Designer and Engineering Manager, DPS Skis
Thank you so much for all of this additional detail, Peter! And as we’ve been saying for years, the Lotus 138 is a truly phenomenal ski, and I love to think of it as a “gen 2 Spatula” that got Shane’s blessing. That’s great.
Thank you for this precious “add on” to an already magnificent corner of wonders.
I don’t know of anything you can do to keep those spacers in place. The good news is it sounds like from Peter’s comments that the plate isn’t doing anything other than acting as a shim or spacer. So if you lose the other 2 eventually its nothing to worry about. As far as the skis breaking…well that’s another story. While I have never seen one actually fully broken, they do eventually crease behind the rear binding. I think this will happen to all of them eventually with enough skiing on them. A bigger heavier person may speed this process up. Eventually, the steel top sheet will develop a crease (or crack like fissure) behind the heel of the binding. This happened to several pairs of Spatula’s that I owned (and skied 100 plus days). I also saw this several others skis. So they won’t last forever. It sounds like the DPS Lotus 138 would be a good replacement for the Spatulas. I also know that Liberty made some skis that were very similar in profile to the Spatula but even wider (148mm underfoot). Full reverse camber and reverse sidecut. I only ever saw 1 pair but they must exist. The original Armada ARG is also something that will ski similar. Armada had some other models too that might fit the bill but I am not sure what models. I am sure someone on here could chime in on the Armadas.
Late reply here, but I want to emphasize something Peter Turner said about reattaching the plate with an outdoor-rated 2-sided tape. If I had a pair of these and were concerned I would probably:
1. Mark out the current position of the plate
2. Carefully remove it, with the help of a heat gun if needed, though with extreme care to avoid overheating the ski itself. the goal is to help the plate delaminate without delaminating the ski. Keep in mind that the epoxies used in skis can embrittle over time, so you don’t want to overdo it here.
3. Re-attach it in the location you marked in (1), using a double-sided acrylic tape like Nitto 5015. There may be better choices for outdoor use, though.
Basically, this is the same routine that racers used to go through when ice started to get under our Derbyflexes (anybody else remember the Derby? I still have an old pair of DH planks with a pair somewhere).
I skied the Spatulas for the first time yesterday.
I own a ski shop.
they were amazing.
thank you Shane
Hey yo. Whatever happened to y’all taking these out for actual skiing and a real review?
Wondering that too?
Any chance on reviewing these legendary skis??
Rode these badasses today at Bridger Bowl in 13+ “s. still my favorite ski. also own the pontoons and I grab these off the rack every time. Ski exactly as described.