- Why did you select this book? (2:50)
- McFetridge on Art (11:44)
- Geoff’s stand out parts of the book (23:17)
- Turner’s influences and style (31:20)
- Ideas and intentions of the book (36:48)
- “The Wild” vs “Wilderness” (47:20)
- Implications of this book for all of us (53:28)
In the latest installment of our Blister Book Club, we talk with the artist, Geoff McFetridge, about Jack Turner’s book, The Abstract Wild. We discuss why Geoff selected this book; why it isn’t designed to be a comfortable read; why we need to get clear on the distinction between “the wild” and “wilderness”; and why we think that every reader of BLISTER ought to read this book.

Jonathan and Geoff ~ Thanks so much for discussing this book. Years ago, I used to teach this book to undergraduates in backcountry field courses. I had forgotten how impactful, beautiful and emotionally/intellectually challenging Abstract Wild can be. Thanks for reminding me. I have to go back and read this book again. Your discussion of this book was really interesting and fun.
This pod was so abstract I tuned out after minute 5. Like the idea, couldn’t keep the brain engaged.
I’d stick with gear.
Kudos to Geoff for introducing Jack Turner’s book. Unfortunately, it seems almost impossible to get a copy of the Abstract Wild, so you’ve got to do the right thing, Jonathan, and do a follow up pod with the man himself – mountain guide, rock climber, hiker, author, retired academic, used to live in a 12-by-20-foot plywood shack located inside Grand Teton National Park that could only be reached during the winter by skiing or snowshoeing 4 miles from the nearest plowed road and, if all that’s not enough for you, he’s also the editor of “A Political Companion to Henry David Thoreau” (University Press of Kentucky)!
This is apparently a long-dead thread…but this was a really good conversation! I wasn’t familiar with the book, but was inspired to track a copy down, and it’s just a good addition to the library. Was hoping that a “Blister Book Club” might become something a bit more regular…but, alas:(
At any rate, thanks again for shining a light on this author and book!