Cerro Entre Ríos

Still higher up the Marte chair, once you’ve managed to peel your eyes away from Manhattan, you see this magnificent monster: Cerro Entre Ríos.

A two …


Farther up the Marte chair, this classic Las Leñas chute (in the center of the photograph) called “Manhattan” is one of many sustained 40+ degr…


Once you’ve reached the top of Marte, if you head skier’s left, you’ll come to this view from Cerro Los Fósiles.

The highest rock formatio…

Trip Report: Las Leñas – Week 1

Having flown from Santiago, Chile, to Mendoza, Argentina, we hopped on a bus to Las Leñas. The views of the Andes mountains from the bus are not only spect…

2013-2014 Armada AK JJ, 195cm

Armada didn't ditch the playful qualities of the JJ when they made the AK JJ, and you're certainly going to notice the family resemblance.

Trip Report: Las Leñas – The Arrival

If you’re going to ski big, South American lines in August, you’re going to have to work a little for it.

And if you’re going to take eight pairs of skis—re…

The 29er Debate, Blister Gear Review

The 29er Debate

You see them all the time. They're everywhere. So what's the deal with 29ers, why are they all the rage, and are they just a passing fad? Here's a little background info to help you decide whether 26 > 29.