Not all beer is created equal, and that certainly goes for NA beer, too. So what’s the secret? Bravus Brewing Company has been making some of the very best NA beer out there, so I headed to Bravus’ headquarters in Anaheim, CA, to meet up with Bravus founder, Philip Brandes. We talked about what led Philip to start a non-alcoholic craft brewery back in 2015; what Philip regards as some of the better – and worse – ways of making craft NA beer; and more.
- The NA Beer Space Today (5:26)
- What Led Philip to Start Bravus? (8:30)
- How to Make Great NA Beer (19:12)
- Heat & Yeast (25:51)
- The Current NA Market (33:00)
- Bravus’ Lineup of Beers (40:27)
- Anaheim, CA (48:08)