The four winners of this week’s Gear Giveaway — yep, four! — will each get a pack of DPS’s Phantom 2.0 permanent base glide treatment.

If you’re not familiar with Phantom, it is designed to be the permanent solution to slow ski and snowboard bases. Unlike traditional wax, Phantom penetrates deep into the base of your skis or boards and bonds with the base material, which means it doesn’t simply rub off after a few runs like most waxes do. And in our testing, Phantom has so far proven to be very effective. We’ve now used several Phantom-treated skis for over a full season, and they’re still gliding great. Plus, the new Phantom 2.0 is even easier to apply, and if you go to a dealer with a Phantom cure station, they can do the application in less than an hour.
So if you don’t like waxing your skis or boards constantly yet still want to beat your friends down to the bottom of the mountain, Phantom is an excellent solution. Enter below before Friday, March 1st, for your chance to win.
Eligibility & How To Enter
To be eligible, like us on Facebook and / or follow us on Instagram, then sign up here to win:
(Winners will be chosen at random. Must be 18 or older.)
By entering, you’ll also receive our weekly Blister newsletter, where we’ll (a) announce each week the winner of our previous Gear Giveaway, (b) provide a roundup of the news and our highest-profile reviews of the past seven days, and (c) offer sneak peeks of the products we’re currently reviewing. It’s good times for sure, so don’t miss out. You’ll also be kept up to date on all the latest from DPS. Good luck!