Some of the gear we were testing included next year’s Lange RX 130s, 186cm Rossignol S3s, and the Lib Tech Lando (Justin wanted some more time on the board to see if he needed to update his review of it, which you can read here.). Additionally, we discussed the gear that each of us would be testing next: Charlie Bradley is riding Rossignol’s new ski, the Experience 98, and will be posting a review early next week; Justin is about to get his hands on a Jones snowboard; Katie is checking into a pair of boots and looking at a couple of next season’s skis; and I just need one more day on a pair of ON3P Billy Goats to wrap up my review of them.

Many thanks for the article.
I was seeking a post like this. Thanks a lot.
Great article and nice pics about an epic mountain. Thanks for doing serious ski-riodism.