- What have you been up to? (7:52)
- What gear have you been tinkering with lately? (9:46)
- What ski gear has the most room for improvement? (13:10)
- What other outdoor gear has room to improve? (18:04)
- Snowmobiles (23:50)
- Climbing skins (30:15)
- Pomoca & 4FRNT collab (38:34)
- Still skiing with your boots unbuckled? (50:05)
- Hoji on monoskiing, teleskiing, noboarding & snowblading (54:19)
- Hoji on Michael (1:01:10)
In celebration of episode #100, of course we had to have Hoji back on, our patron saint of GEAR:30.
We discuss all the tinkering he’s been doing during quarantine; what ski gear has the most room for improvement; snowmobiles; climbing skins; the Pomoca & 4FRNT collab; monoskiing; and then one of the best big-mountain skiers of all time talks about one of the greatest basketball players of all time.

Any photos of the skin attachment?
Second this request!
I still think boots are the (Ski)gear with most room for improvement. Things like easy transitions, and wide range, low friction walk modes, still could improve a lot.
Another skin request. I used the buyers guide to select my first set of skins and bought the BD Guidelight Mix STS. The shop chose the 140 mm wide size and put them wall to wall on my 185 cm Blizzard Zero G 108’s. These work more like snow shoes to me, rather than something that has “glide”. I really picked up on Hoji’s comment about being on skins with very little glide and a lot of resistance. The BD’s are a good, grippy skin, but I would like a lot more glide in my skin. My frame of reference is “fishscale classic cross country skis” that have about 6 feet of glide on every stride. I realize about the max a skin will give is maybe 1/2 of that on flat tracks, at least I would expect that to be called good glide. For me, the resistance of the skin is really noticeable on every stride. I don’t think I have ever slipped backwards, even on pure ice.
To the point , I have researched skins recently, and the Pomoca Climb Pro S Glide seem to equal the Climb Pro Mohair version that are in the buyer guide and have better grip. I would appreciate if you could include them in a test and if you could try different widths to see how “bottom coverage” effects glide and grip. I did wall to wall, how about matching skin width to ski waist width and letting more ptex show. What’s the plus/minus of doing that. Keep up the good work.
Good news — we’ve been working on a Skins 101 article where we discuss several of those things, and include comparisons of several new skins that weren’t in the guide last year. Keep an eye out for that in the next week or so.
You guys and girls are the best. Will do