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Pro skier, Amie Engerbretson, joins me to coin new terms (“RomMan Com”? “Ski Porn Porn”?); discuss ‘Hot Dog’ vs. ‘Better Off Dead’; offer scalding-hot takes; debate whether ‘Better Off Dead’ is responsible for rockered skis; and she definitely WANTS HER TWO DOLLARS!
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Get Yourself Covered: BLISTER+
Moguls (2:16)
Is ‘Hot Dog’ a Rom Com? (4:51)
Most Rewatchable Scenes (23:33)
Best Lines (26:40)
What’s Aged the Best? (29:55)
Lane / John Cusack (31:57)
What’s Aged the Worst? (38:27)
Hottest Take Award (44:34)
Gimme More & Gimme Less Awards (48:19)
Who Needed BLISTER+ the Most? (52:21)
Should this Film Get Remade? (57:50)
Memorabilia You Want Most? (58:30)
Attention Span Award (1:00:01)
Our Final Grades (1:05:41)
I always thought that the way the women’s ski team is portrayed and then Monique’s skiing were an intentional commentary on sexism. The women’s team establishes how the male characters are used to relating to women in the context of skiing, and that sets them up to not recognize that Monique is better than all of them. Lane etc trying to impress her anyway is a classic example of men showing off to women who are actually better than them.
I think that the two brothers in the car are yet another example of the “Long Duk Dong school of 80s Asian film characters” (John Hughes’ “Sixteen Candles”, which Amie mentioned, provided the archetype). Thank goodness the 80s are over. BTW “Sixteen Candles” makes for some rough watching today IMO. Molly Ringwald wrote a good New Yorker article about that a while ago.
BTW, the town the in film is “Greendale” (which doesn’t exist), not “Glendale” (which is an LA suburb). I always thought it was supposed to be set in the Bay Area, and that K-12 was a riff on Palisades’ KT-22.
Lane’s parents house – and the Smith’s house (where Monique is staying) – is located in / was filmed in Glendale, CA
Ah, I suspect that’s just because of Glendale’s proximity to Hollywood. Minimal commute for shooting, etc.
They’re about 8 miles apart by surface street
Jonathan and Amie, this was great show.
Loved the Hot Dog portion of the show. This is definitely the give me more segment.
Amie, never make fun of the slide for life… Because you know it will happen to you soon.
BTW Amie, as an Atomic Athlete and Mt Town person have you got any leads on some Atomic ARC’s in about a 205. Bonus credit if 533 CE’s or the RS Red Sleds (yes my credit card is ready to go).
My thoughts:
Better off Dead is a movie, with some skiing in it. I am not sure how I missed this over the years, but this was 90 minutes of my life I want back. Not a good movie, but once Monique started speaking English she saved the movie. This movie is not even close to Hot Dog. Hot Dog better skiing and that is why we are watching right .
* 15 yr old boy award. All things 67′ Camaro / The news paperboy collecting his $2.00 was legit. I hope his parents have a good policy with Blister+
* Monique wins the movie she was the best character. Runner up was the little brother.
* I want to know more, Did the brother bring his new found lady friends on the Space Ship with him?
* Best scene when he shoots the laser, followed by when the Camaro rolls out of the garage, Monique skiing.
* Best Line, “I didn’t ask for a dime I want 2 dollars”.
* Retro ski stuff geek out. Marker MRR Bindings / Lange ZR Boots. What in the heck was Lane skiing on? Don’t remember those from back in the day.
Ok a few fact. Glendale Ca is a suburb of Los Angeles. It is also about 45 minutes from Mt Baldy which in a good snow year is a legit hard ass ski area.
Biggest Take / Biggest Reach:
When Lane went to sleep that night, his dream was the opening scene of YearBook.
* Monique is Ingrid
* He is Mark Abna, but wants to be Tanner
You needed Hot Dog to get to Better off Dead to get to the opening of Yearbook!
Great stuff once again! Thanks, Pete!
I still need to listen to the full podcast to provide thorough feedback on this episode however, after only 8:34 in I am astonished that anyone’s take on Better off Dead can be anything other than an 80’s masterpiece.
The idea that it should be classified and reviewed as anything remotely resembling a rom com is absurd. It is simply pure, unfiltered 80’s humor. Often off beat but innocent in nature while weaving skiing into the story line in an authentic manner that captures the vibe of the sport, times of that era and the ubiquitous cliques of high school. Pure comedic gold.
As a teen in the 80s, I’ve likely watched B.O.D. than any other movie, including the first Star Wars. I recently re-watched it with someone 8 years my younger….and their reaction was much like Aime’s. I was laughing my azz off while the other person was expressing a mix of emotions ranging from offense, to disgust, to “huh”? So it must be a generational thing. It also occurred to me that you could never do a re-make of the movie. We’re far too PC now, by comparison, for all the reasons Aime and Jonathan mention here. Thanks for the wonderful discussion on this classic movie. It was lively, entertaining and very informative!
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed.
I love that after numerous far worse swear words, it’s slutty bitch that prompts Amie to ask if it’s ok to swear on this podcast