Molly Armanino on Her FWT Win; New Film; Comp LIfe; Coping with Loss; & More (Ep.347)

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Molly Armanino recently won the FWT comp in Kicking Horse; her new film, Slopes of Change, comes out today; and she is currently in the country of Georgia on hold waiting for the next FWT comp. So I spoke with Molly about all of the above, plus her relationships with pro skiers McKenna Peterson and Josh Daiek; working with a sports psychologist; and more.

Molly’s Film, Slopes of Change
Molly’s Winning Run @ Kicking Horse
BLISTER+ Get Yourself Covered:

BLISTER+ Members Update (0:52)
Waiting to Compete in Georgia (2:40)
Winning at Kicking Horse (9:30)
Does the Win Change Your Expectations? (12:17)
Decision Making During a Comp Run (14:14)
Last Year’s Run in Georgia (16:26)
New Film, Slopes Of Change (24:29)
Molly’s Brother, Sam (28:29)
Operating after Loss (35:37)
Friendship, McKenna Peterson (40:34)
Josh Daiek (45:27)
Working with a Sports Psychologist (50:55)
Finding a Strong Support System (56:55)
Why Did You Become a BLISTER+ Member? (1:04:22)
What to Do While Waiting in Georgia? (1:08:38)

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Molly Armanino on Her FWT Win; New Film; Comp LIfe; Coping with Loss; & More (Ep.347)
Molly Armanino on Her FWT Win; New Film; Comp LIfe; Coping with Loss; & More (Ep.347)
Bikes & Big Ideas
Molly Armanino on Her FWT Win; New Film; Comp LIfe; Coping with Loss; & More (Ep.347)

1 comment on “Molly Armanino on Her FWT Win; New Film; Comp LIfe; Coping with Loss; & More (Ep.347)”

  1. I know you’re not doing close calls any more, but I’ve gone one for you:

    I was out skiing hard groomers on a “busted” powder day on my V-Werks Katanas (it turned out to have rained late in the storm cycle and then turned cold, creating a nice solid breakable rain crust – an occupational hazard here in CA). I decided that it would be a good idea to see how high I could get my edge angle (per Carv), and ended up levering my outside boot off of the snow with my inside ski.

    At that point it seemed like a pretty routine fall, but I managed to land with my full mass on one of my (now released) skis, and it basically filleted my lateral quadricep: A 25 cm long by 10 cm deep cut that earned me 3 layers of continuous internal sutures and 50 skin staples over the top (done by an ortho surgeon after the ER doctor looked once and took a pass), instant notoriety with patrol, and a new word for my vocabulary: “evulsion”. The staples are out and it’s all basically OK now, but I’m off skis for another month or so, and the copays will be enough to have paid for several years of Blister+. Live and learn. The “credit-card-thin” structure of the Katana probably didn’t help, nor did the fact that I’m pretty maniacal about tuning even my powder-oriented skis.

    The best part was that my 10-year-old daughter’s comment: “Is that why they call them Katanas?”

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