Today we’re talking all things guitars and guitar making with a fantastic guide to this world, Jason Verlinde, publisher of the Fretboard Journal. Jason and I discuss how and where guitars are being made; boutique vs. mass market brands; who is pushing innovation; guitar quivers; the greatest guitarists ever; and (much to my delight) Blind Willie McTell.
- Gear Nerdery & Vintage Amps (4:44)
- Fretboard Journal (6:38)
- Loving Guitars, but not Guitar Media (8:05)
- How & When Jason got into Guitars (11:34)
- Current Interest in Guitars (14:12)
- How do people get into playing? (17:01)
- Ukuleles (20:14)
- Boutique vs Mass Market Brands (25:56)
- History of Guitar Making (31:27)
- Rock & Roll Changed Everything (39:09)
- Craft of Manufacturing (42:12)
- Performance & Guitar Quivers (44:58)
- Who is Pushing Innovation & How? (51:04)
- Prices / Price Ranges (1:00:47)
- Jason’s Guitar Heroes (1:07:38)
- Best Guitarists Ever (1:10:03)
- Check out Fretboard Journal (1:18:43)
Never thought of my collection as a “quiver of guitars,” but that is an excellent analogy!
Enjoying this.
Dave Dubuque
’65 Vibro Champ
MXR Micro Amp to push it a little
$99 S101 Tele
Sometimes gets to play a Wire Instruments guitar made by Earnie.