Moment Skis 21/22 Lineup with Luke Jacobson (Ep.170)

Moment Skis CEO, Luke Jacobson, is back on GEAR:30 to talk about Moment’s 21/22 lineup of skis; the new Moment factory; the new Deathwish 104; snowblading; & more.
Moment Skis 21/22 Lineup

Moment Skis CEO, Luke Jacobson, is back on GEAR:30 to talk about Moment’s 21/22 lineup of skis; the new Moment factory; the new Deathwish 104; snowblading; & more.


  • Moment’s new factory (4:51)
  • Supply chain issues? (11:35)
  • New Deathwish 104 (15:25)
  • Deathwish (22:12)
  • Wildcat skis (25:23)
  • Commander skis (29:16)
  • Touring Skis (35:14)
  • Deathwish Tour vs Wildcat Tour (37:56)
  • Sales of standard vs touring skis (39:44)
  • Voyager binding on which skis? (41:27)
  • Women’s Sierra Tour & Bella Tour (48:53)
  • Women’s Hot Mess, Sierra, Bella (52:04)
  • Frankenblade (54:54)
  • Blister ‘Crash Course’ Snow blade video (57:27)
  • Chipotle Banana (1:04:17)
  • What We’re Celebrating (1:09:21)


12 comments on “Moment Skis 21/22 Lineup with Luke Jacobson (Ep.170)”

      • Just ordered a pair. They sound like a nice all arounder for avg. CO winters (to go with Bibbys and Enforcers as bookends, both of which I boughts primarily based on your reviews). I will let you guys know how they feel when the come and we get some snow.

  1. My trust for Jonathan has plummeted; learning that he’s never been on snowblades. How is the skiing community supposed to believe anything he has written or said now? All prior ski reviews are now null and void, and I will be returning to reading product reviews from the manufacturer website.

    • Ha

      In my defense: you *might* still consider trusting me because I’ve never written a snowblade review. Whereas I’ve now been on and written about roughly one zillion pairs of skis?

      (That said, I am now kind of looking forward to my first snowblade review.)

      • Jonathan’s best defense here is that he started skiing late. Snowblades are for when your body is made of silly putty. I’m sure you *can* safely snowblade, but I think that is the opposite of the point.

  2. Got my 5 star review submitted (and about time, too!). Can’t wait for the telemark video!

    Also , to put an extra bit of spice on the frankenblades with tele bindings idea you guys mentioned , what about TOURING on blades with tele bindings…???


      • Well, to be fair, and just for scale, you did put yourself on the hook for a heli-monoboarding video (in AK as well, if memory serves). So in all honesty, I didn’t think that touring on tele snowblades was thaaaaaaaat far out of line.

        Your move Ellsworth…

  3. Looking forward to reading your thoughts about the Commander 108 redesign, I really love the previous version and want to know how they compare as told by people who like to compare those kinds of things. Also good of you to ask about the Chipotle Banana, as the interview went on I found myself more and more eyeing that pitchfork over there in the corner..

  4. Awesome show!!! Took me a while to get to this one. Love the back and forth, great interview. Felt like I was in the on the couch with friends chatting. Just bought a pair of Deathwish, can’t wait to get on them!!

  5. There is no actual discussion or information about the women’s skis, there is just some chat about women’s vs men’s skis, whether women want women specific skis, the shrink it and pink it phenomenon, and so on. This is a bit of a letdown given that you devote more than 30 minutes to the specific discussion of the men’s focused skis.

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