- Running the Caballo Blanco Ultra (1:55)
- Bringing his mom along for adventures (7:32)
- Running BOLDERBoulder 10K at age six (9:06)
- Snakes (12:55)
- Suffering at his first marathon (18:06)
- Launching a career in travel journalism (21:54)
- Moving from television to YouTube (27:25)
- “Running with Ryan” Series (30:25)
- Preparing (or not?) for his fourth Javelina 100 (35:07)
- Maintaining “relentless” positivity (46:10)
- Burning Man Ultra Marathon (50:11)
Our guest today is Ryan Van Duzer, who has basically been running his whole life, and who has a YouTube series called, Running with Ryan — and last fall, as my Off The Couch co-host, Brendan Leonard, was nearing his goal of running 52 marathons in 52 weeks, Ryan had Brendan as a guest on Running with Ryan. So we thought we’d give Brendan the chance to turn the tables and have him interview Ryan. And that proved to be a good idea.
Brendan talks to Ryan about catching and raising snakes; about his ride across the country on a cruiser bike; and how Ryan started up his YouTube Channel and his series, “Running with Ryan.” They also talk about Ryan’s typical training program (which Ryan sums up as “being chronically undertrained”); the Burning Man Ultra Marathon; some of the other amazing places that running has taken Ryan; and more.