Eric Melson

Age: 28 | Vitals: 5’10″, 165 lbs. | Years Riding: 14 | Current Residence: McCall, Idaho / Missoula, Montana


I was hatched in the ultra-conservati…

Iris Neary

Age: 21 | Vitals: 5’6”, 145 lbs. | Years Skiing: 10 | Current Residence: Squamish, BC


I grew up in Juneau, Alaska, tagging along with parents on …

Scott Nelson, throwing down off of a huge jump.

Scott Nelson

Age: 19 | Vitals: 5’9”, 150 lbs | Years skiing: 15 | Current Residence: Colorado Springs, CO


I grew up in Darien, Connecticut, adopted the role o…

Tucker reviewing the Fischer Nightstick, Blister Gear Review

Tucker Nixon

Age: 22 | Vitals: 5’11”, 180 lbs. | Years skiing: 12 | Current Residence: Burlington, Vermont

Originally from Maine, I grew up skiing a little bit of everyt…

Matt Pincus

Age: 24 | Vitals: 5’10”, 160 Pounds | Years Climbing: 7; Years Skiing: 22 | Current Residence: Wilson, Wyoming

I was born and raised in Montclair, New Jerse…

Stella Selden

Age: 22 | Vitals: 5’2″, 120 lbs | Years skiing: 13 | Current Residence: Alta, UT; Stanley, ID


I grew up in Northwest Montana, on the …

Morgan Sweeney: SKIS, Blister Gear Review

Morgan Sweeney

Age: 23 | Vitals: 5’10”, 130 lbs | Years Skiing: 21 | Current Residence: Denver, CO


Born and raised five minutes from Smuggler’s Notch, Vermont, …