“Call of the Wild” — Eric Larsen

Eric Larsen's "Call of the Wild" Earth Day video on Blister

Today is Earth Day. You probably already knew that — it’s a day when we remind others and are reminded by others of the planet that we all call home. It’s a time to reflect on how we depend on the environment around us, and how we are affecting that environment.

To honor this day, the places we love spending time in, and how we can help protect them, polar adventurer, expedition guide, and Blister Podcast guest, Eric Larsen, put together a beautiful video that combines breathtaking footage from five continents with the inspiring words of Robert Service’s poem, “Call of the Wild.”

I’d highly recommend taking three minutes out of your day to give it a watch, and Eric’s also included at the end links to over a hundred environmental organizations doing work to help protect the natural places that many of us cherish. Give it a watch here:

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