Running injuries seem inevitable; almost everyone has a story about being sidelined at some point in their career, either from an acute issue or from general overuse. While no one is completely immune to the stress the sport places on our bodies, there’s plenty we can do to make ourselves more resilient to it. It’s common knowledge that adopting a strength training routine is one of them, but knowing exactly where to begin can be difficult if you don’t have a ton of experience in the gym. So, we spoke to Dr. Anh Bui, a physical therapist, certified strength coach, and USATF certified running coach, about some guiding principles for those looking to get started. Our conversation also covers some useful running form cues Dr. Bui picked up while performing gait evaluations at Columbia University’s RunLab Clinic; why everyone should have a basic foam roller; and a whole lot more.
- Anh’s running background (2:58)
- Catching the injury bug early in her career (8:38)
- Her journey to becoming a physical therapist (11:47)
- What is “proper running form”? (16:22)
- The importance of arm swing (19:08)
- Mythbusting running cadence (24:56)
- It’s all in the hips (and core)! (26:36)
- Supination, pronation, & functional feet (28:19)
- The case for having multiple pairs of running shoes (33:53)
- How strength training will help your running (34:40)
- Home gym setups (41:11)
- Breaking the chronic injury cycle (44:13)
- Recovery techniques and tools (45:50)