Blister Podcast Network

Blister Cinematic

We discuss & debate iconic outdoor films and new releases with your favorite athletes & media personalities.


This is where we geek out hard & go deep into the details about the most important outdoor gear. 


CRAFTED explores how things get made, and does so with the people who insist on making things well.

Bikes & Big Ideas

Conversations with the pro riders, product designers, & others who are shaping the sport and bike culture.

Off The Couch

Off The Couch takes a closer look at the wide, weird, & wonderful world of running.

Blister Podcast

The original Blister Podcast covers all things mountain culture & outdoor industry news.

Recent Podcasts

Noah Bodman on the Blister Podcast

New Bike Stuff! (Ep.39)

We talk to Blister’s bike editor, Noah Bodman, about where the most innovations are taking place in the bike world; whether e-bikes are gaining acceptance; several particular bikes (including the YT Jeffsy, the Canyon Spectral, and a couple of “plus” bikes); and the upcoming World Cup DH season.

Sven Coomer, Zipfit Boot Liners on the Blister Podcast

Sven Coomer, Founder of Zipfit Ski Boot Liners (Ep.35)

What is the least understood but arguably most important piece of ski equipment? Ski boot liners. So we talk to ski boot pioneer, Sven Coomer, about why boot liners don’t receive the attention they deserve, what makes Zipfit liners different, and why Sven believes that liners are the single most important piece of ski equipment.

Blister Podcast on Wilderness First Responder Training, or WFR, or backcountry emergencies

How to Handle Backcountry Emergencies (Ep.30)

Accidents happen when you’re far away from help. Do you know how to respond? Too many of us don’t, and that is irresponsible and dangerous. This conversation will drive that point home, and clue you in on some steps we all should take.

On this Blister Podcast, we talk to Cy Whitling, David Steele, and Andrew Forward

Report from Bachelor + Meet the New Reviewers (Ep.29)

From Bend, we announce the release of a new special-edition Blister Pro, then talk to Blister reviewers David Steele and Andrew Forward about growing up in Alaska; speed flying; Glacier National Park; funny & painful ski touring missions, Super Burrito, and more.

Blister Podcast with Brendan Leondard on his book Make It Till You Make It

Brendan Leonard, (Ep.28)

We talk to’s Brendan Leonard about creativity and the process of creating: How to stop procrastinating and get started; why – and why not – to attempt something new; and what it takes to keep going.

Blister Podcast - Armada Skis Ski Designers

Ski Designers, Armada Skis (Ep.27)

We stopped by Armada HQ in Park City to talk to Andy Hytjan and Logan Imlach about Armada’s past, present, and future; Armada’s stacked team; and a number of skis in the Armada line, including the JJ, the Edollo, and the new ARV 106.

Enve Podcast Blister Gear E

ENVE Composites (Ep.23)

If you are into high-end bike wheels and components, you already know ENVE. But you almost certainly don’t know the whole ENVE story…

Luke Jacobson Podcast blister gear review.

Luke Jacobson – Moment Skis (Ep.22)

We talk to Moment’s head ski designer and new CEO re: the 16/17 lineup; break exclusive news about 2 other new skis; discuss how the “Deathwish” got its name, and much more…