Today I’m talking with Bjarne Salén about his adventures & exploits with Cody Townsend for The Fifty Project, then we turn to his other big project: getting people to rethink how and where we live, and creating solutions to make that possible (see bjarnebuilds.com).
This conversation is an excellent complement to Blister Podcast ep. #270: Mountain Towns & Outdoor Recreation: Challenges & Solutions.
It’s pronounced, “Bjarne” (3:58)
Cody & The 50 Project (5:58)
Adventure Vans & Tiny Homes (13:32)
Van Customization (21:50)
Tiny Homes & Living Smaller (27:33)
Laws around Tiny Homes (42:19)
What Counts as a Tiny Home? (47:20)
Bjarne’s Summer (53:44)
Learn more: Bjarnebuilds.com (55:30)
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Wait, so does that mean Cody’s been pronouncing Bjarne wrong all this time?
Bjar”-nay” instead of Bjar”-nuh”