This week, Cody and I discuss a potential pay cut for wildland firefighters (learn more & consider signing a petition to stop it); a robotic exoskeleton that aims to provide “unprecedented experiences for everyone with an outdoor lifestyle”; a skier’s ‘embarrassing’ checklist of life goals; whether sex before skiing enhances or detracts from performance; and much more.
Wildland Firefighters Pay Cut (5:53)
Robotic ExoSkeleton for Outdoor Adventure (10:20)
Trespassing / Corner Crossing on Private Land? (24:59)
Skier’s Embarrassing Checklist of Life Goals (37:59)
What Professional Trail Runners Earn (47:51)
NFL Tangent (1:01:10)
Massive NBA & Soccer Contracts (1:02:46)
Most Canadian News (1:09:56)
Mountain Town Advice (1:14:34)
What makes you a “Local”? (1:14:36)
Sex before Skiing? (1:16:14)
Which language is most spoken in the ski industry? (1:21:32)
What We’re Reading & Watching (1:26:46)
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I think it would be worth your time to bring an attorney on your podcast to discuss Recreational Use Statutes and how they work. Generally speaking, these statutes ensure that a landowner’s liability is limited if others are allowed to use their land for recreational purposes if no fee is charged to the user, and there is no malicious intent on the part of the landowner to injure the user. They vary by state.
IMBA had a great overview of these statutes years ago and it looks like it’s been reproduced at AmericanWhitewater.org:
In my opinion, land owners commonly believe that their risk for a lawsuit is much higher than it actually is and I think you guys might have a similar belief based on what I heard in the podcast. That’s my opinion and I don’t know if I’m right, but an attorney on the podcast could help provide a lot of clarification.
Quick comment on the sex before skiing part. I’m not a former racer but had some friends who were – french national team, U20, also 30 yrs ago – and I remember vividly what their coaches were telling them: boys should refrain from it a couple of days prior competition (along the lines of “this makes them want to crush everyone”, “this keeps boys on edge”, etc.) while girls were more than welcome to be lucky (“takes insecurities away”, “makes them both relaxed and focus”). As this is the exact opposite as Cody’s coaches within the same period, I thought it was quite funny – my 2 cents: these people were first dealing with teenagers or very young adults, and the comments had to do way more with discipline than data or performance :-)
That was keeping it real.. I’m with Cody on The Bear. It’s a great show, but it hasn’t inspired me to sign up for a second season. It always seems like it was larping kitchen and working class life to me. But then I’m not American and have been surprised by the real-life Americans being just like the movies before. Also with Cody on The Wire and The Office. And with both Cody and Jonathan on Succession. More than anything I’m impressed that you both lead such busy lives and still manage to consume all that entertainment :)