- What did you just do, and why? (3:00)
- Defining the rules for these ‘marathons’? (9:20)
- Eating donuts & running (21:01)
- Why did you tell so few people about your goal? (23:10)
- Injuries? (30:35)
- What was the hardest part of the project? (33:18)
- What was the best part? (35:45)
- Funniest moment? (41:10)
- Goals for 2020? (46:20)
New Year’s Resolutions — are you into them, or do you avoid them like the plague?
I’ve always steered clear of them, but a recent conversation with Brendan Leonard ( really got me thinking that maybe I should start taking a more creative approach to New Year’s Resolutions and goals, and seeing if they might become more than another obligation or guilt-inducing chore.
Specifically what prompted this is that, unbeknownst to me, Brendan had committed himself before the start of 2019 to run 52 marathons in 52 weeks(!!!).
And while I talk to Brendan all the time, I had no idea that he was doing this until quite recently, so I recorded a conversation with Brendan and peppered him with questions about how and why he decided to do this.
So we are reposting here the conversation I had with Brendan on our Off The Couch podcast.
(And if you haven’t yet checked out Off the Couch, you should, because we keep hearing from hardcore runners that they really like the show, and I am happy to report that we keep hearing from people who are non-runners or very, very very occasional runners that they are enjoying the show, too.)
And then very soon, we’ll be posting a series of short interviews that I’ve been having with some Blister reviewers and other folks we like about their own take on new year’s resolutions, and some of the creative goals that they are setting for themselves.
So here is the conversation that served as the catalyst for all of this, my talk with Brendan Leonard about running 52 marathons in 52 weeks. Please enjoy, and let us know in the show notes to this episode what goals or resolutions you are setting for yourself for this brand new decade we’re quickly approaching.