Beyond a genre of sport, endurance is also a fundamental part of living, and something Jennifer Strong McConachie takes pretty seriously. As an accomplished outdoor athlete who has let ultrarunning, mountaineering, marathon swimming, and more take her around the world, she’s cultivated a life philosophy informed by principles that have brought her success in competition. Lucky for us, Jennifer’s also pretty savvy with paper and pen, so we sat down to talk about her new book, Go Far: How Endurance Sports Help You Win At Life, a collection of stories that encapsulate what she’s learned from running long, climbing high, and swimming deep. In the process, we also explore the connection between writing and running, why Dostoevsky had such a big influence on her, the rise of swimrun events, and much more.
- Jennifer’s background (1:29)
- Drawing on her father for inspiration (11:56)
- The value of being a multiport athlete (14:11)
- Huck Finn & rafting the Mississippi (22:08)
- The rise of swimrun events (24:08)
- Specialization vs. generalization (32:51)
- What’s at the core of endurance sports? (36:03)
- A writer’s life (38:13)
- The connection between writing and endurance (43:25)
- Reading Dostoevsky (44:51)
- Jennifer’s next project & where to find her book (47:55)