Cascade Components on Making Bikes Better (Ep.106)

Mountain bike suspension has improved immensely in recent years, but designing rear suspension kinematics is inherently a game of tradeoffs, with no ideal one-size-fits-all solution. Cascade Components founder and engineer Jimmy Davis saw an opportunity to make his personal Santa Cruz Nomad better for where and how he rides, and soon a new business was born, making aftermarket suspension links for an ever-growing range of bikes. And so we sat down with Jimmy to talk about suspension design and the inherent tradeoffs that come with each decision; what their links do and who they’re for; working with Neko Mulally on his Frameworks DH race bikes; brakes & chain guides; and a whole lot more.


  • Origins of Cascade Components (1:46)
  • First aftermarket link (6:42)
  • Suspension design philosophy (13:11)
  • Neko Mulally’s custom links (26:38)
  • North Fork Brakes (30:25)
  • Chain Guides (39:36)
  • Jimmy’s Big Idea (43:23)


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