Brendan Leonard and I talk with Peter Bromka, a runner that grew up in Portland, ran at Tufts University in Boston, started trail running around San Francisco, and now, is back in Portland where he runs for the Bowerman Track Club Elite Program. But in addition to training hard and running fast, Peter is focused on writing about running itself. And in this conversation, you’ll hear more about how he is currently pursuing both.
- Confession of being an OTC impostor (4:26)
- How Brendan and Peter met (10:05)
- Running / Not Running / Running (13:32)
- Falling short (25:35)
- Peter’s “The Bubble of a Dream” (32:34)
- Getting better at running without getting faster? (38:45)
- Thoughts on the book, Win At All Costs (42:31)
- Compensation & professional running (49:18)
- Going forward: writing & running (55:24)
- See Peter’s work: peterbromka.com (1:00:30)