A bike without pedals? Dog mushing? Surfing mountains? Today’s episode is a mindbender, and the backstory here all starts with episode #22 of Bikes & Big Ideas, so you should listen to it if you haven’t already.
We’re talking today with Jordi Ponti from Barcelona-based Gravity Scooters, and we discuss how the idea of a gravity scooter came to be; the advantages of ditching your pedals — and seat posts; designing a DH scooter; dog mushing; and more.
- Origins of Gravity Scooters (3:13)
- Coming up with the downhill scooter (5:48)
- Advantages of ditching the pedals (8:48)
- Designing a DH oriented scooter (11:59)
- Where are people riding these? (15:52)
- Mushing (17:17)
- Most common questions & reactions (21:04)
- Brakes & wheel size (27:04)
- Price (29:04)
- Where can people demo a scooter (31:37)
- Find Gravity Scooters on the web (32:57)
I am the person on that scooter and no one told me!
For those who are interested:
– the Bike Park is located in Cervinia, IT – great spot! Trail is 1A
– the scooter is an Iron Cols Gravity model 2019 with some enhancements, namely Magura MT7