Blister Podcast

Today on our Blister Podcast, we are talking about weather forecasting — and finding your people in this dark, cold, and sometimes lonely universe — with two of the weather forecasters from OpenSnow, Bryan Allegretto and Evan Thayer. We discuss last season’s historic winter; how much stock you ought to put into the whole ‘El Nino or la Nina thing’; whether the stated snowfall amounts at various ski areas are fake news; all the ingredients that go into the creation of snowfall; and more.

Last Season’s Historic Snowfall, El Nino / La Nina Predictions, & More with OpenSnow’s Bryan Allegretto and Evan Thayer (Ep.288)

Today we are talking about weather forecasting — and finding your people in this dark, cold, and sometimes lonely universe — with two of the weather forecasters from OpenSnow, Bryan Allegretto and Evan Thayer. We discuss last season’s historic winter; how much stock you ought to put into the whole ‘El Nino or la Nina thing’; whether the stated snowfall amounts at various ski areas are fake news; all the ingredients that go into the creation of snowfall; and more.

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Trevor Kennison is one of the most remarkable athletes in the world, and like Travis Rice, Candide Thovex, Courtney Dauwalter, and Alex Honnold, he forces us to see things differently and rethink what’s possible. And on our latest Blister Podcast, we talk to Trevor and Josh Berman, director of Level 1 Productions, about their new film, Full Circle, that premieres this week in New York, and that documents Trevor’s incredible story and exploits, and the challenges — and opportunities — of life after spinal cord injury.

Trevor Kennison & Josh Berman on Full Circle (Ep.282)

Like Travis Rice, Candide Thovex, Courtney Dauwalter, and Alex Honnold, Trevor Kennison forces us to rethink what’s possible. Josh Berman has created a film, Full Circle, that documents Trevor’s incredible story and exploits, and the challenges — and opportunities — of life after spinal cord injury.

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Blister Podcast

Blister Speaker Series: Mark Abma (Ep.281)

Last Thursday, Mark Abma came to Western Colorado University for our Blister Speaker Series. He broke down his segment from the MSP film, ALL IN; discussed his part in the new MSP film, Land of Giants; and talked about his preparation for ski season; confidence; staying calm; and more.

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What does the future of snowsports look like? At our last Blister Summit, we asked Nina Waters (Blizzard-Tecnica), Dr. Len Necefer (Natives Outdoors & Sonoran Avalanche Center), Dan Abrams (Flylow), & Hanna Whirty (Icelantic) to discuss some of the current realities, biggest challenges, and significant opportunities for the outdoor sports industry. You can check out the conversation on our YouTube Channel, or listen to it on our Blister Podcast.

The Future of Snowsports (Ep.279)

What does the future of snowsports look like? At our last Blister Summit, we asked Nina Waters, Dr. Len Necefer, Dan Abrams, & Hanna Whirty to discuss some of the current realities, biggest challenges, and significant opportunities for the outdoor sports industry.

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On our latest Blister Podcast, skier Zack Giffin (host of the TV series, Tiny House Nation & co-host of the podcast, Tiny House Tales) makes a compelling case for how smaller living spaces can be a significant part of the solution to affordable housing; homelessness; climate issues, energy consumption, and creating more socio-economically diverse communities — which is a fancy way of saying, real, actual communities. This conversation is another important addition to our conversations on mountain town economics & affordable housing solutions.

Zack Giffin on Skiing, Tiny Houses, & Big Solutions (Ep.275)

Skier Zack Giffin (host of the TV series, Tiny House Nation & co-host of the podcast, Tiny House Tales) makes a compelling case for how smaller living spaces can be a significant part of the solution to affordable housing; homelessness; climate issues, energy consumption, and creating more real, actual, healthy communities.

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Blister Podcast

Reviewing the News w/ Cody Townsend (July 2023) (Ep.271)

Cody and Jonathan discuss a potential pay cut for wildland firefighters; a robotic exoskeleton that provides “unprecedented experiences for everyone with an outdoor lifestyle”; a skier’s ‘embarrassing’ checklist of life goals; whether sex before skiing enhances or detracts from performance; and much more.

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On the latest edition of “Deep Dives with Angel” on our Blister Podcast, Angel Collinson talks about her recent reunion with Sage Cattabriga-Alosa & Ian McIntosh, then she and Jonathan dive deep into some crucial relationship dynamics that we all need to better understand; vampire erotica; your ‘Ask Angel’ questions; our Open Mic Series; & more.

Deep Dives w/ Angel, July 2023 (Ep.269)

Angel Collinson is back to talk about her recent reunion with Sage Cattabriga-Alosa & Ian McIntosh, then she & Jonathan dive deep into some crucial relationship dynamics; vampire erotica; your ‘Ask Angel’ questions; our Open Mic Series; & more.

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Ep.269 OpenSnow’s Joel Gratz on Smoke Forecasting, Wildfire Tracking, Common Mistakes, & Best Practices for Adventuring Outdoors

OpenSnow’s Joel Gratz on Smoke Forecasting, Wildfire Tracking, Common Mistakes, & Best Practices for Adventuring Outdoors (Ep.268)

Before you head out to bike, hike, run, camp, or climb, wildfire, lightning, and smoke exposure are factors that need to be well understood. OpenSnow founder and meteorologist, Joel Gratz explains the science of smoke forecasting and wildfire tracking, and shares some of the most common mistakes and best practices for adventuring outdoors.

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On our latest Blister Podcast, we ask the question: Why do we need centers of art in mountain towns and places of great natural beauty? It’s a question that any of us who live in or visit mountain towns ought to consider — and perhaps especially if you are someone who hasn’t typically sought out the art programming and events in the mountain towns you frequent. Last week, Jonathan was in Sun Valley, Idaho, to discuss this topic with Courtney Gilbert, the curator of the Sun Valley Museum of Art. They also discuss the history of the arts in Sun Valley; the current work of the SV Museum of Art; and the Sun Valley Wine Auction, which is a remarkable event put on by the Sun Valley Museum of Art to raise scholarship funds and to support a very broad range of arts in and around Sun Valley — and beyond.

Art & the Outdoors (Ep.267)

Why do we need centers of art in mountain towns and places of great natural beauty? It’s a question that any of us who live in or visit mountain towns ought to consider, and Jonathan discusses it with Courtney Gilbert, the curator of the Sun Valley Museum of Art.

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On our latest “Deep Dives with Angel” conversation on the Blister Podcast, Angel Collinson has some big news to share: she’s back on land, and she’s considering a return to skiing. Then Angel and Jonathan dive deep into the topic of forgiveness; reflect on Mary McIntyre’s excellent Open Mic piece; and also discuss hot sauce, twerking, and John Collinson’s important question for his sister.

Deep Dives w/ Angel (Hot Mess Edition), June 2023 (Ep.265)

Angel Collinson has some big news to share: she’s back on land, and she’s considering a return to skiing. Then Angel and Jonathan dive deep into the topic of forgiveness; reflect on Mary McIntyre’s excellent Open Mic piece; and also discuss hot sauce, twerking, and John Collinson’s important question for his sister.

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Ever dreamed of starting your own business in the outdoor industry? We discuss the state of startups in the outdoor industry with Moosejaw CEO, Eoin Comerford. And as the CEO of an outdoor retail company — as well as his work with the Moosejaw Outdoor Accelerator, where Eoin works closely with new companies and founders — Eoin is extremely well positioned to talk about the startup landscape today, and he provides numerous thoughts, tips, and bits of advice about funding, what success looks like; and more.

The State of Startups in the Outdoor Industry (Ep.264)

Ever dreamed of starting your own business in the outdoor industry? We discuss the state of startups in the outdoor industry with Moosejaw CEO, Eoin Comerford. And as the CEO of an outdoor retail company — as well as his work with the Moosejaw Outdoor Accelerator, where Eoin works closely with new companies and founders — Eoin is extremely well positioned to talk about the startup landscape today, and he provides numerous thoughts, tips, and bits of advice about funding, what success looks like; and more.

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Angel Collinson just experienced “the best two weeks of my life,” so we discuss that; the process of self discovery; Sam Elias’ & Hillary Allen’s recent Open Mic pieces, and why writing is often wrestling; and then in our ‘Ask Angel’ segment, we go over a number of the questions that you had for Angel.

Deep Dives with Angel (May 2023) (Ep.260)

Angel Collinson just experienced “the best two weeks of my life,” so we discuss that; the process of self discovery; our series and why writing is often wrestling; and then Angel answers a number of questions that you had for her.

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