Blister Podcast Network

Blister Cinematic

We discuss & debate iconic outdoor films and new releases with your favorite athletes & media personalities.


This is where we geek out hard & go deep into the details about the most important outdoor gear. 


CRAFTED explores how things get made, and does so with the people who insist on making things well.

Bikes & Big Ideas

Conversations with the pro riders, product designers, & others who are shaping the sport and bike culture.

Off The Couch

Off The Couch takes a closer look at the wide, weird, & wonderful world of running.

Blister Podcast

The original Blister Podcast covers all things mountain culture & outdoor industry news.

Recent Podcasts

Jonathan Ellsworth talks to DPS Skis founder, Stephan Drake, about DPS's Dreamtime sale, their new touring ski construction, foam cores, DPS ski boots, and more on Blister's GEAR:30 Podcast

19/20 DPS Skis Lineup with Stephan Drake (Ep.56)

We talk to DPS Skis founder, Stephan Drake, about the new DPS 19/20 product lineup, and two new skis — that incorporate a brand-new DPS construction — they’re introducing for their “Dreamtime” event. Stephan also breaks news about their “Koala” skis, gives an update on the DPS ski boot they’re working on, and shares some new developments with DPS Phantom.

Clare Gallagher talks with Jonathan Ellsworth about winning the Western States 100 Endurance Race and more on Blister's Off The Couch Podcast.

Western States 100 Champion, Clare Gallagher (Ep.93)

Clare Gallagher just won the Western States 100, and she did so in spectacular fashion. But there is a whole lot more to this story. So we talk to Clare about the details of her epic win, why on earth she agreed to go on an expedition to Alaska with Tommy Caldwell right before her biggest race of the year, and more.

Jonathan Ellsworth talks to Taiga Motors CEO & co-founder, Sam Bruneau, about the world's first electric snowmobile on the Blister Podcast.

Making the 1st Electric Snowmobile: Taiga Motors (Ep.92)

While more and more electric cars are hitting the streets, Taiga Motors is about to bring the world’s first commercial electric snowmobiles to the backcountry and ski areas. So we talked with Taiga Motors CEO & co-founder, Sam Bruneau, about taking the electric snowmobile from a college project to an actual business; and we get into the specifics of charging a Taiga, and how these electric sleds measure up against gas-powered ones in terms of power, torque, weight, range, and performance in harsh temperatures.

Atomic's global product manager for ski boots, Matthew Manser, discusses ski boot flex ratings and more on Blister's GEAR:30 podcast.

A Very Deep Dive on Ski Boots, Part 2: Flex Patterns (Ep.55)

We’re talking again with Atomic Ski Boots product manager, Matt Manser, about the messy world of ski boot flex ratings; the actual differences between some brands’ 120 and 130 rated boot; how Atomic arrives at their own flex ratings; the next areas of innovation that Atomic is focused on, and more.

Guerrilla Gravity co-founders Matt Giaraffa and Will Montague and their director of composites engineering, Ben Bosworth, talk about the brand's origins and how they're making affordable carbon mountain bikes in the USA on Blister's Bikes & Big Ideas podcast

Guerrilla Gravity’s New Bikes & Big Ideas (Ep.3)

When a small indie bike company with a heavy-metal vibe makes extremely big claims about the cutting-edge materials they are using to manufacture bikes right here in the USA, and doing all of this at a pretty modest price point … are they full of crap, or are they truly onto something here? And if so, how big of a deal is this? Jonathan Ellsworth headed to Guerrilla Gravity HQ in Denver to sit down with their co-founders and their director of composites to find out.

Jennifer Pharr Davis talks about the differences between hiking and trail running, lessons from her book, "Pursuit of Endurance," and more on Blister's Off The Couch podcast

Jennifer Pharr Davis on ‘Hiking’ vs ‘Trail Running’ Culture (Ep.7)

Scott Jurek called his attempt to break Jennifer Pharr Davis’ FKT record for hiking the Appalachian Trail the hardest thing he’d ever done. And yet, hiking and thru-hiking often isn’t given proper credit either as a monumental test of endurance, or as a more accessible / less intimidating activity to get more people outdoors. So we talk to Jennifer about the divides between hiking culture & trail running culture; lessons from her book, The Pursuit of Endurance, and more.

Atomic's global product manager for ski boots, Matt Manser, discusses how ski boots and different ski-boot plastics differ on Blister's GEAR:30 podcast

A Very Deep Dive on Ski Boots — Part 1: Plastics (Ep.54)

Ski boots are made of plastic, and different plastics feel and perform very differently from one another. So we get deep into the details with Atomic Ski Boots product manager, Matt Manser, to help you figure out which plastics are used in your ski boots, and the pros & cons & general performance characteristics of different plastics — which will help you understand why you might like or dislike your current boots, and what you ought to be looking for in your next pair.

Maddie Hart and Gordon Gianniny talk to Jonathan Ellsworth about the future of trail running on Blister's Off The Couch podcast

Fresh Takes on Trail Running & its Future (Ep.6)

While participation in trail running and ultra trail races is increasing, it has tended to draw an older crowd. But younger runners are getting into the sport, and they aren’t following all the old conventions. So we discuss the current and future state of trail running and ultra running with two young and rising trail runners, Maddie Hart and Gordon Gianniny.

Noah Bodman and Jonathan Ellsworth discuss Guerrilla Gravity's unique single-frame concept; Mullet bikes; Downcountry Bikes; and more on Blister's Bikes & Big Ideas podcast

New Products, New Trends, & Old Marketing Tactics (Ep.2)

We talk with BLISTER senior bike editor, Noah Bodman, about Guerrilla Gravity’s modular designs; the emerging category of ‘Downcountry’ Bikes; whether ‘mullet bikes’ are just a fad; and whether the lingo used to market and sell bikes is in need of a refresh.

Brendan Leonard talks with Jonathan Ellsworth about completing the Bighorn Trail 100 Mile Run on Blister's Off The Couch podcast

Brendan Runs the Bighorn 100 (Ep.5)

This past weekend, our Off The Couch co-host, Brendan Leonard, ran the Bighorn Trail 100 Mile Endurance Run. So Jonathan Ellsworth talks with him about why he decided to run it; how he prepared; the highs and lows of the experience; his advice for anyone thinking of running a 100; and whether or not he plans on running another 100 miler.

Sam Shaheen, Kristin Sinnott, and Luke Koppa discuss White Claw, ON3P Woodsman 108, Salomon S/Max 120 W, Tecnica Plasma S Shoe, and much more on Blister's GEAR:30 Podcast

The Dumpster Fire Episode (Ep.52)

Things kind of go off the rails in our latest GEAR:30 episode, with topics ranging from the ON3P Woodsman 108, K2 Mindbender 99Ti, new ski boots, and heat-moldable hiking shoes, to very contentious debates about Hard Seltzer, energy bar flavors, and Smashburger.

Pro skier, Mark Abma, talks with Jonathan Ellsworth about Abma's career, lifestyle, inspirations, and more on the Blister Podcast

Mark Abma’s Regimen for Skiing Well & Living Well (Ep.91)

For a long time now, Mark Abma has stood right at the center of big-mountain skiing. So we talk to him about living with JP Auclair, Julien Regnier, and Anthony Boronowski; filming with Shane McConkey, Hugo Harrison, and Ingrid Backstrom; serving as a guide for a new generation of skiers; and the specific fitness, dietary, and health regimen that keeps Mark functioning at a high level on and off the mountain.