Recent Podcasts

Pep Fujas: from the Farm to K2 to WNDR (Ep.100)
Pep Fujas has always been at the forefront of freeskiing, and he is now looking to move things forward once again. So we talk to Pep about growing up on his family farm in Oregon; his remarkable film career; his favorite Seth Morrison story; his long relationship with K2 and his favorite K2 skis; his decision to go back to school; and his even bigger decision to join the team at WNDR Alpine.

What You’re Wearing, Part 3: Down (Ep.64)
Misconceptions about down are everywhere — fill power, proper care, and animal welfare are all often wildly misunderstood. So today, we’re talking with Matthew Betcher from Allied Feather & Down to shed some light on this fascinating material.

Zach Bitter on His New 100-Mile World Record (Ep.15)
On Saturday, August 25th, Zach Bitter set an incredible world record for the fastest time in which a human being has run 100 miles: 11 hours, 19 minutes, 13 seconds. And for an encore, he kept running … and also set the 12-hour distance world record. So we talked to Zach after his big day about the logistics of the event; training for it; why he considers it his masterpiece; his perspective on this world record and others; and a whole lot more. Whether you are a runner or not, you should not miss this one.

Up & Coming: Slopestyle Mountain Biker, Ming Goetz (Ep.99)
Aside from her unassuming disposition, everything about Ming Goetz is extraordinary — her name; her background; her favorite discipline; her competing recently in the Crankworx Whip Off Challenge; her participation this season in the 1st ever Women’s Slopestyle Tour; her plans for the future (competing in Red Bull Rampage) and, of course … her abilities on a bike. So ladies & gentlemen, get ready to meet Ming.

WNDR Alpine’s New Skis (Ep.63)
We talk to WNDR Alpine’s founder, Matt Sterbenz, and brand manager, Xan Marshland, about the creation of and the future plans for WNDR Alpine; its relation to the biotech company, Checkerspot; and we dive deep into the details of their new ski, the Intention 110.

David Roche on the Philosophy Behind His Coaching (Ep.14)
David Roche is one of the most successful running coaches out there, but he is definitely not the most conventional running coach out there. So we explore with David the philosophy and principles that undergird his coaching; how he went from being a 200 lb. football & baseball player to two-time national champion in the 10k; what new training ideas seem most promising to him; and more.

Biotech hits the Backcountry: Checkerspot & WNDR Alpine (Ep.98)
What does biotech have to do with backcountry skiing? And what does microalgae have to do with skis? And why did the founder of 4FRNT Skis, Matt Sterbenz, agree to get involved with a new startup ski brand, WNDR Alpine? We sat down in Blister HQ with Checkerspot co-founder and CEO, Charlie Dimmler, and WNDR Alpine founder, Matt Sterbenz, to talk about the creation of WNDR Alpine; its relation to and the mission of Checkerspot; and more.

What You’re Wearing Part 2: Wool (Ep.62)
Why are more and more companies making products out of wool? What makes it unique from other fibers? And how is merino wool different from regular wool? We talk to Icebreaker’s Josh Vaughan about these questions; wool’s environmental impact; the variety of wool types and how they differ; and he provides some amazingly in-depth insight about wool’s unique properties.

Runner, Cat Herder, Garbage Man, & Mad Moose Events Director, Justin Ricks (Ep.13)
We talk to Mad Moose race director, Justin Ricks, about walking away from running; returning to running — and leaving a secure corporate job and moving his family into a camper to do so; putting on 20+ race events a year with his family; scoring impressive results when he himself decides to race; and how running is very much a whole family affair for the Ricks’.

How to Change the World with Bikes: World Bicycle Relief (Ep.97)
For many of us, bikes are primarily fun. But for many others, bikes are major drivers of economic development, educational opportunity, health care, and equality. World Bicycle Relief was started by the founder of SRAM to provide bikes to developing countries, and we talk with WBR’s CEO, Dave Neiswander, about the origins of World Bicycle Relief; its trajectory and challenges; all the product design that goes into their bikes; and what each of us can do to support the WBR mission.

World Bicycle Relief: Making a Better World with Bikes (Ep.7)
For many of us, bikes are primarily fun. But for many others, bikes are major drivers of economic development, educational opportunity, health care, and equality. World Bicycle Relief was started by the founder of SRAM to provide bikes to developing countries, and we talk with WBR’s CEO, Dave Neiswander, about the origins of World Bicycle Relief; its trajectory and challenges; all the product design that goes into their bikes; and what each of us can do to support the WBR mission.

Ian Sharman on Keeping Running Fun, Racing Fair, & Keys to Consistency (Ep.12)
We talk to Ian Sharman about becoming the Fastest Elvis and setting Guinness World Records for racing in costumes; completing over 200 ultras and marathons; the most common mistakes people make in training and in racing; his strategy for keeping doping out of ultrarunning; and more.