About Us

Say what you have to say, not what you ought.
— Henry David Thoreau

BLISTER was born from a passion for playing in the mountains, and a frustration with the

2010-2011 ON3P Caylor, 191cm, Blister Gear Review

2010-2011 ON3P Caylor, 191cm

For years, Andrew Gregovich has been searching for the ideal powder tool for his style of skiing. He finally found it.
2011-2012 Rossignol Super 7, 188cm, Blister Gear Review

2011-2012 Rossignol Super 7, 188cm

If you're going to write a review that questions one of the highest profile skis in the industry, that review better be smart. And LONG. Ours is. Ladies and gentlemen, BLISTER's review of the Rossignol Super 7.